Silent Prayer

God said to be still and know Him

We don’t know what to pray for, but the Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf.

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SILENT PRAYER: Jesse offers simple instructions on quiet prayer. God said to “be still and know” that he is God. We don’t know what to pray for, but the Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf. God’s will, not ours be done. “Take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.” Jesus said to pray in secret; he prayed early in the morning. Pray and watch. Pray without ceasing. Read more about the Silent Prayer –

Silent Prayer (Transcript) 

Clip transcript from Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, April 11, 2021: Jesse leads the congregation in the Silent Prayer. 

Let’s do the Silent Prayer 

What I want to do first, because I’ve been getting so many requests to do it, and I think it’s kind of nice… You know how I ask you guys to make sure you do the Silent Prayer? So before we get — as a part of getting rolling — we’re going to do the silent prayer for a minute. Do you mind? And let the Lord have His way. 

Let go, be aware 

So what we’re going to do is totally relax; let go, all right? And just let all thoughts go. Whatever happened this morning is over. Uh… Tomorrow it doesn’t exist. Lunch time doesn’t exist yet. And so just let go. 

And I want you to be aware of the noise around you. And, uh, in the Silent Prayer, you should not be distracted by noise, because it’s happening in the present. All right? 

Pray without ceasing 

So you can put your palms up on your lap or something. And the reason palms up because God is in us and He is above. all right? and so you can put your palms up and just sit back and relax in your chair, totally relax, and close your eyes. And when you close your eyes just let them relax in the sockets. Let go and let God. 

And the most powerful thing you can do for yourself is pray without ceasing, and prayer without ceasing meaning: Be aware. Not in your head thinking about tomorrow or yesterday, because it doesn’t exist. So you want to practice being in the presence of God. God said come into My presence. 

Grace (photograph by Eric Enstrom, 1918)

And so just totally relax and we from the top of your head, just relax and become aware of the top of your head, become aware of your eyeballs relaxing in the sockets, and when i say relax in the socket, just means relax — as though you’re about to go to bed at night and take a good sleep. Just relax.

And traveling down the body, let your tongue relax in the mouth, just let it relax. Totally relax. Travel all the way down the shoulders. All the way down your arms, to the tip of your fingers. 

Some… you may feel a little warmth, you might feel nothing, you might see total darkness, you might see the light; but whatever happens, you are the observer. You are becoming the observer. Let yourself breathe; you don’t have to force yourself to breathe and let yourself breathe; you breathe naturally. 

Totally relax and let yourself just melt in the chair, and, traveling all the way down your legs, your upper legs, just being aware. It’s like energy traveling all the way down your body, and that’s the energy of God. This love traveling all the way down your legs, just being aware of it, all the way down to the tip of your toes. 

Don’t hold onto anything. Watch thoughts. 

Totally let go. Don’t hold on to anything. There’s nothing, no one, or anything, that’s that important that you need to hold on to it. You always want your glass to be empty. Always. So with your eyes closed, you’re relaxing, I want you just to become aware of the center of your forehead. 

Just stand back and be aware of those thoughts, and see whatever the first thought that comes. It’s like you’re standing on the sidewalk, looking toward your home, and someone is breaking into your home, but they don’t see you observing them. That’s how you want to observe the thoughts, right above your eyebrows. Just relax and be aware of that. 

Look toward there, but don’t try to control any thoughts. Don’t, um, don’t concentrate on any. Don’t try to pick out the good ones and let the bad ones go. Don’t try to suppress them. You are not your thoughts. 

It’s just you escaped into your thoughts when you were traumatized, because at first, as a little kid, you operate and live by the wisdom of God. Then you were traumatized you escaped into your imagination. As an adult it’s time to repent, and come out, and come back to the wisdom, the light of the Father. 

So just whatever thought comes — and by you being aware of them, right now, looking for the first thought — you might not get any because you’re aware of them, but if you do, let it go. Don’t hold on to it. 

Like watching a movie. Even in talking with people. 

David in Prayer (Rembrandt, 1652)It’s like you literally sit back at home, watching a movie, a good movie. You’re sitting on the couch, watching it, different scenes are coming and going, and then they go to commercials, and they come back to the movie. All you’re doing is observing the movie. The movie’s happening on its own; likewise with the thoughts, you are not your thoughts; you have never been able to control them or anything. 

Now you just want to observe them, right above your eyebrows, just be aware that you’re standing back here and looking toward the center of your forehead, the real you, looking at the not-you, and this is all to it! It’s no more, or no less. 

And the more you do it, the easier it becomes. You learn to be still and observe. 

And then during the day, when you’re working or hanging out, or having breakfast or dinner or lunch, or whatever you do, or you’re talking to someone on the phone or in person — you want to be aware. Practice being aware. And so, if you go in your head while you’re talking, no, don’t make it a big deal. Just come back and be aware. 

How long should we pray? Let yourself grow to an hour 

I recommend when you first start out, 10 or 15 minutes. And as you grow in the Spirit, you’ll be able to sit at times for an hour. An hour is enough. If you want to sit longer, it’s up to you, but… 

Even in the scriptures, Christ said: You guys couldn’t even hang out for an hour! You went to sleep! Right? So just pray for an hour, but when you first start out: 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, and let yourself grow into it. You will. 

And… in the beginning, you do the prayer, and it’ll work out. But then you might get stressed out at work or somewhere. Just take a moment, go to the bathroom, sit and come back to reality. Come out of the darkness, into the light. 

Be quiet for a few minutes

So what I want to do is just be quiet for a few minutes, one or two minutes, and let you become aware of the sounds around you. Let yourself breathe, and totally relax. So we’ll be quiet for a couple minutes, let your hands relax on the lap. 


How God works through you… Presence.

An Elderly Man in Prayer (by a follower of Rembrandt, 1660s or later)

You really want to become the observer of life. You’re not the Creator. God doesn’t need your help. He makes all things happen through you. He just needs you to be available, instead of lost in your head. 

You were created so that He could create love through you. And love conquers all. 

Let the light shine. 

So this is all to the Prayer! You don’t need to add or take away from it. It will become easier and simpler. 

Oh, and I want to say that sometimes when you’re doing it, you know, if you throw up or start shaking, or whatever, just let it happen. Because the light is shining on the darkness, on the ego, and the ego doesn’t want to die. And so spirits have made a home in you. The light is causing it to leave. 

So whatever is happening, don’t freak out. Satan will tell you, “Ohh my God!” Whatever, right? Just relax. You’ll be fine. Unless you got some type of medical condition, then see your doctor. But just relax. 

Pray morning and night.

I highly, highly, highly recommend you do this every morning. When you first wake up, get up and wash your face if you want, and go sit and do it. AND every night before bed. And during the day, in the middle of the day, if you get caught up, take a moment to yourself. It doesn’t take about a second a minute. 

Light, Love, Life — from God

So this is all to it. And it will get easier and easier, because eventually you’re going to find yourself living in the light. And the light is the love of God, His energy, His Life. It’s everything. 

You’ll be surprised, what you remember, and everything. It’s gonna be amazing. 

Be still and know God

So I highly recommend you do it. It’s up to you. If you do the other “prayer,” shout, and hoop and holler, do that; and then be still and know God. Everything was created in stillness — not in overreaction. 

All right, so you can slowly come out of it. Open your eyes. If you want to stretch a little bit, you can stretch. But that’s all to it. 

If you want to hoop and holler, do your little hoop and holler! Let’s see how far that gets you! But if you really want to know God, be still and know. He doesn’t need you to control anything, all right? 

That’s amazing! Now I gotta wake up! 


Be Still and Know