Rebuilding The Man
Jesse’s back! No one can make Roseanne ponder life as deeply and laugh quite as hard. The beloved conservative talk show host and pastor stops by for some pie and deep conversation with Roseanne. As always, Jesse Lee Peterson will blow your mind wi...
December 23, 2024
ARCHIVE 2006: Jesse Lee Peterson discusses the Jesse Jackson lawsuit outcome, as well as Islam, blacks, Christians, anger, and fear. ...
November 14, 2024
Jesse Lee Peterson (JLP) talked with David Harris Jr. on The Pulse on Newsmax2 — 5pm PT, Tuesday, April 9, 2024....
April 10, 2024
Jesse Lee Peterson appears on Fox News @ Night with Trace Gallagher, 8pm PT (11pm ET), Wednesday, March 27, 2024: Youth crime on the rise....
March 27, 2024
Jesse Lee Peterson appeared on The Pulse w/ David Harris Jr. at 5pm PDT Wednesday March 27, 2024, on Newsmax2...
March 27, 2024
"Evil come through the woman" — Jesse Lee Peterson appeared on Roseanne Barr podcast Ep. 38, published March 7, 2024...
March 13, 2024
"Be still, and know that I am God." Christ rose early to pray alone. Jesus said: Watch and pray, so that you do not fall into temptation. ...
January 1, 2023
Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson appeared in Dallas, Texas, August 26, 2022, for the World Premier of Uncle Tom II. Watch this amazing film!...
September 19, 2022
December 2002 (Archive) Jesse Lee Peterson appears on Light of the South West on God's Learning Channel for an extended interview....
May 27, 2021
Jesse Lee Peterson offers condolences to Rush Limbaugh's family after the talk radio legend passed away on February 17, 2021...
February 19, 2021
On Saturday, August 29th Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson was a speaker and event Grand Marshal for the Second Annual Straight Pride Parade / Event in Modesto, California.
September 5, 2020
Selah Louise Marley is looking for her father's love so that she can return to God. She's not trying to be a "strong black woman."...
August 16, 2020
Thank you for the AMAZING support! We raised over $350,000 toward the new Building Fund for BOND. Jesse Lee Peterson and the team appreciate it!...
February 11, 2020
For Men's History Month, on August 8, 2019, BOND hosted a Free Speech Forum allowing millennial men and others to get it off their chest. ...
July 31, 2019
BOND held our 10th annual Men's Conference Saturday, June 15, 2019. Amazing speakers, panelists, and talent — and a great turnout. Thank you!...
June 21, 2019
BOND held a couples seminar led by Jesse Lee Peterson dealing with relationships and marriage in April 2019. It was amazing! ...
April 26, 2019
Men's Forum is first Thursday each month, 7pm at BOND in Los Angeles, for men only. We discussed dating, marriage, family, and forgiving parents....
March 12, 2019
BOND held a couples seminar led by Jesse Lee Peterson dealing with relationships and marriage in April 2019. It was amazing! ...
March 8, 2019
At BOND, Jesse Lee Peterson led a monthly Women's Forum in February 2019. Long after the body heals, the pain stays in the heart because of unforgiveness. ...
February 25, 2019
BOND founder Jesse Lee Peterson hosts a daily radio show to help spread the message of forgiveness. Listen to the compilation of callers expressing their gratitude. ...
February 21, 2019
Listen to this amazing interview with Marquis who came to BOND years ago. He forgave his divorced parents, married and started a family, and now he's a man....
February 21, 2019
Christian, a listener to The Jesse Lee Peterson Show, was inspired by Jesse to start his own auto-detailing business. Several months later it is thriving! ...
February 21, 2019
On a scale of 1-10 for me, 2018 was a 10. I started my own business and learned that your business is a reflection of you. I also learned what faith means. ...
February 21, 2019
Derrick, the father of Zara, says about BOND and Jesse Lee Peterson, “Once I heard the message about how children yearn for their father it all made sense”...
February 20, 2019
New husband and wife Noel and Daniela say, "God placed Jesse and BOND on our path, to reinforce and help clarify the truth." ...
February 19, 2019
I'm James Hake, host of The Hake Report, producer for The Jesse Lee Peterson Show and Church, and member of BOND Entrepreneur Academy. ...
January 19, 2019
We held our first monthly Men's Forum of the new year, first Thursday of the month. They've grown the past couple years. We touched on changed lives, MGTOW, and InCels. ...
January 5, 2019
At the Men's Forum, young men talked about their mothers, and how women control them. Guys faced their parents and forgave them. Want for nothing. Seek God....
October 5, 2018
Jesse Lee Peterson answered his Biblical Question of the Week: Do you believe God loves you as you are? He loves you, but not "as you are." You must repent....
September 28, 2018
Women's Forum report... third Thursday of the month, 7pm at BOND in Los Angeles. (There are a lot of evil, nasty women, whom we've reported on this week. But there are some good ones as well!) ...
September 21, 2018
Media Matters for America, a left-wing, anti-American, anti-God organization funded by George Soros and others, has done another hit piece on me. This time they’re calling me a “racist” and “white supremacist.” No, IR...
September 21, 2018
BOND Men's Forums are always excellent. This meeting we talked about why guys join us. We also discussed hypocrisy, sin and judgment, and overcoming challenges in life. People are waking up!...
September 15, 2018
At Church we talked about the BOND Entrepreneur Academy, with Joel who started his own business, a dance academy. Take things step by step, and don't plan too far ahead. ...
July 20, 2018
BOND's 9th annual Men's Conference, Father's Day weekend in June 2018, featured Michael Knowles, Mike Cernovich, Jesse Lee Peterson, and more!...
June 30, 2018
Jesse’s Biblical Question of the Week: Do you gossip? (Watch video here or above) Proverbs 11:13 A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret. Jesse asked his question, “Do you gossip?” on his show’s ...
May 12, 2018
At Church, Jesse asked his Biblical Question of the Week: Is your house divided? A newcomer asked about the Silent Prayer, and a man asked about anger. ...
April 29, 2018
What did Jesus mean when he said, "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak"? (Matthew 26:41) This was Jesse's Biblical Question of the Week, April 23-27. ...
April 27, 2018
Woman with an abusive mother is set free after a lifetime of fear and anger. She calls in to The Jesse Lee Peterson Show to share her story....
April 25, 2018
In John 8:34, Jesus said that "everyone who sins is a slave to sin." Jesse's Biblical Question of the Week: Are you a slave to sin?...
April 19, 2018
Immigration Town Hall discussion/debate on Border Wall, Sanctuary Cities & DACA Thur, April 12, 2018, at BOND in Los Angeles, CA, with Jesse Lee Peterson...
April 7, 2018
Jesse shared his Biblical Question of the Week: Were you born a sinner? We discussed this at Church as well as on Jesse’s daily show. You were not born a sinner. Christians say that human beings are born in sin, but what does that mean?......
March 9, 2018
Listen to this excellent testimonial in the video. Jesse Lee Peterson's producer James takes a call from Ignacio, a 27-year-old man from Mexico...
March 6, 2018
Biblical Question of the Week: Do you believe in Jesus? Many people think they do, but do you really? So often people don’t live it, but they make excuses for sin, judgment, and anger in their lives. Some people listen to the pastor instead of....
March 2, 2018
Jesse Lee Peterson's Biblical Question of the Week: Is the Bible the inspired Word of God, or were the men who wrote the Bible inspired? Jesse answers here....
February 3, 2018
BOND held our first Women’s Forum of the year the third Thursday of January. The ladies were very honest, and spoke without fear of judgment from one another. Jesse Lee Peterson asked them what is in them that causes most mothers to hold onto t...
January 19, 2018
Biblical Question: (Matthew 17:20) Jesus said that if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will be able to move mountains. What is faith?...
January 16, 2018
At BOND monthly Men's Forum, we talked about relationships and why men are not getting married, or even dating — and the importance of loving your father....
December 18, 2017
On his morning radio show, Jesse reports on BOND’s monthly Women’s Forum in October (third Thursday of the month, 7pm). Jesse urges that all men and women get to know themselves. “Know thyself.” In order to be free, you must f...
October 25, 2017
Biblical Question: Did you change when you accepted Christ? Jesse recounts yesterday's Men's Forum. No man or woman can teach you how to be a man or woman....
October 6, 2017
BOND Entrepreneurship Academy meetings are a highlight for the young men building their businesses, growing personally, and getting eye-opening input. ...
September 30, 2017
Dear Friend of BOND, Things are moving fast. From the bottom of my heart I so appreciate all of your prayers and support over the years. We could never have made it this far without you. You may or may not have received a letter......
September 14, 2017
8th Annual Men’s Conference panel discussion moderated by BOND founder and president Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson. Featuring CJ Johnson, CEO and Founder of Januel+Johnson—a Los Angeles based digital marketing agency; Robert Bakke, NASCAR driver, jet C...
September 11, 2017
Jesse Lee Peterson asked at the Men's Forum, "How do you see yourself?" Today it seems you only find weak men. This is due to the weakness of parents. ...
August 9, 2017
5 Reasons to Seek Relationship Counseling The world can be a complicated place. Between getting to work on time, strict deadlines, going to the gym, eating right, and paying bills—seeing life’s beauty and potential can be difficult. Most humans a...
July 31, 2017
BOND Founder and President, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, will be speaking on several panels at Politicon–The Unconventional Political Convention–Saturday, July 29th and Sunday, July 30th at the Pasadena Convention Center (Pasadena, California...
July 25, 2017
Jesse tells about testifying against a California bail reform bill SB10 that would let criminals out of jail without paying bail. Politicians don't care. ...
July 16, 2017
Jesse responds to feedback after saying, "Racism doesn't exist; it's never existed," on Tucker Carlson's show on Fox News....
July 9, 2017
BOND held its 8th Annual Conference for Fatherhood and Men in Los Angeles, June 2017: An evening of laughter as well as dealing with real issues....
June 26, 2017
BOND monthly Women’s Forum has returned! The third Thursday of the month, 7pm at BOND in Los Angeles, ladies come from all over.......
June 16, 2017
Below is a testimonial from a reader of BOND founder & president Jesse Lee Peterson’s book, The Antidote. Reading The Antidote: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame and Victimhood is like having a conversation with Jesse Peters...
May 11, 2017
Jesse tells an entrepreneurship success story of a longtime BOND member who grew up in the Jim Crow era. ...
April 27, 2017
Jesse interviews young entrepreneur Joel Dominick, founder of the entertainment and apparel brand Godly Gifted which is appearing at a spring festival put on April 29 by Calvary Chapel in Chino Valley. Joel recounts how his life has changed since co...
April 22, 2017
Jesse tells about the BOND Entrepreneurship Academy and The Seven Guaranteed Steps to Spiritual, Family and Financial Success. ...
April 19, 2017
We had another class for the BOND Entrepreneurship Academy. Jesse talked on-radio the next morning about how easy it is to start a business. Simply take one step at a time. Look around and start with what you know, what you have. Jesse tells his en...
April 15, 2017
If you’re an energetic, creative young person with an interest in public relations, marketing, and social media we have an intern position for you!...
April 13, 2017
Men’s Forum: Jesse talked on his radio show Friday morning about our monthly Men’s Forum the prior evening. Men from around Southern California meet the first Thursday of the month, 7pm at BOND in Los Angeles. We talk about things going on in...
April 8, 2017
We met for another meeting at the BOND Entrepreneurship Academy for Men and Boys on Tuesday, April 4th, with a successful businessman and lawyer who offered guidance on planning and working to the guys. Jesse spoke on his radio program about it, and ...
April 7, 2017
BOND founder and president, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, was interviewed on Sonlife Broadcasting Network on “Frances & Friends” with Frances Swaggart (wife of Jimmy Swaggart), and it was one of the most honest and straight up interviews h...
April 5, 2017
BOND (the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny), a Los Angeles based nonprofit founded by Jesse Lee Peterson, launched an Entrepreneurship Academy for Men & Boys (ages 15+) on March 28, 2017. Applicants for the program had to submit a one-pa...
April 1, 2017
Jesse talked on his radio show Friday about BOND monthly Men’s Forum, held the night before, Thursday, March 6th. We’ve had new guys each month, many of whom read Jesse’s articles or see him on YouTube. We talked about Jesse’s...
March 5, 2017
Jesse reported about it the next morning on his radio show...
February 22, 2017
This is a brief video we made in hopes of causing people to question things for themselves....
February 22, 2017
Jesse talked about the January Men's Forum after the first Thursday of the month (and year!)....
January 8, 2017
Bryan described being injured by IED's (roadside bombs). He talked about Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), coping strategies, his demons, his "good conscience"...
December 29, 2016
Thank you for a great year. It has been challenging—no doubt—but it has also been a very good and rewarding year....
December 24, 2016
Jesse Lee Peterson led BOND's final monthly Men's Forum for 2016 on Thursday, December 1. Guys showed up from as far as San Diego....
December 2, 2016
As Americans we have much to be thankful for and we are on the cusp of a great restoration. Thanksgiving is a great time to reflect and give thanks to God for all of our blessings....
November 24, 2016
On his radio show, Jesse interviewed NASCAR driver Robert Bakke, author of Prayer at Full Throttle: How Performance-Based Prayer Makes Miracles Happen. Robert is also an aerobatic flight instructor, private jet captain, black belt and founder of Robe...
November 8, 2016
On his radio show, Jesse interviewed Kevin Stuart, Ph.D., executive director of the Austin Institute for the Study of Family and Culture...
November 7, 2016
Jesse Lee Peterson led BOND’s monthly Men’s Forum on Thursday, October 6. Jesse’s mission is to rebuild men. A child feels lost and incomplete when he has a weak father and emotional mother. In many cases such a boy or girl may neve...
October 10, 2016
Jesse Lee Peterson talked about courage after he led the BOND Men’s Forum Thursday, September 1st (first Thursday of the month). Men’s Forum Report The guys talked honestly. One man realized he needed to take better care of his health —...
September 4, 2016
Sex is one of the last issues men must overcome. Here's why it's such a problem, and how to get past it:...
September 1, 2016
Young, black single mother Korryn Gaines, of Baltimore, died in a 7-hour armed standoff with police. She taught her son lies and set a bad example....
August 3, 2016
I recently talked to several audiences in northern California on my “Rebuilding the Man Tour.” God was with us. (Thank you to Madera County Supervisor Rick Farinelli and his staff for making the events possible.) At a juvenile detention center, I...
July 15, 2016
After the Dallas Police shooting that killed 5 and injured 7 others, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, Founder and President of BOND, appeared on “The Kelly File” on The Fox News Channel as part of a special on policing and race in America. During...
July 11, 2016
BOND, the Brotherhood Organization of A New Destiny, held its “Seventh Annual Conference on Fatherhood and Men,” Father's Day weekend in June 2016...
June 27, 2016
This week, Brian Head Welch, guitarist for Grammy award-winning band Korn, and New York Times best-selling author...
May 28, 2016
We are BOND, a nonprofit organization based in the Pico-Robertson area of Los Angeles. Our focus is rebuilding families by rebuilding men. This includes our private school, counseling, events for local families, and guidance for youn...
April 7, 2016
Jesse Lee Peterson did a book signing and spoke at Barnes and Noble at The Grove in Los Angeles, CA, in February 2016 for his book The Antidote....
March 2, 2016
Marquis still remembers the moment he met the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson....
October 26, 2015

There are several key issues facing men in today’s society
According to studies, 1 out of every 3 children in the U.S. live without their biological father; children who grow up without their father are more likely to suffer from emotional problems, abuse alcohol and drugs, quit school, and are likely to become poor.
The effects of anger on fatherless young men is devastating, often setting them up for a lifetime of failure.
Anger is an understandable response for young men with poor upbringing, but as an adult we are responsible for overcoming it. A blaming and victim mentality grows when we refuse to do so, and victimhood has become an epidemic in today’s America.
The victim mentality grows a sense that a debt is owed by society to the victim. Therefore he is justified in “taking back” in a misguided attempt to even the score. Crime, likewise, is raging out of control in our society.
With your support, we're helping
men find their way.

I’ve learned from BOND that being a good father to my children positively affects the world far beyond the walls of my home.

The meetings make me think and encourage me to be a better man.

BOND is a beacon of hope in a world full of strife and confusion.

BOND helped me to overcome my fears and pursue my dream of starting a business.
Dedicated volunteers like you help make it happen at BOND:
Join the conversations on our social media channels
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