27 Mar Jesse on Fox News @ Night w/ Trace Gallagher (Wed 3/27/24)
Jesse Lee Peterson appears on Fox News @ Night with Trace Gallagher, 8pm PT (11pm ET), Wednesday, March 27, 2024: Youth crime on the rise.
Video clip on Fox News: “New York City is lacking in law and order… ‘Fox News @ Night’ panelists Nicole Parker and Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson discuss the raids on rapper Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs’ homes and random assaults in New York.”
Regarding Sean Combs, of course he is innocent until proven guilty. But Jesse urges parents to teach their kids not to put entertainers on a pedestal. You should not want anything from anyone to the point you’re willing to do anything to get it.
Regarding city crime — for decades now, young people have been told white people are “racist” and “privileged.” This makes whites a target for violent crime, from rape, robbery, murder, and the Knockout Game, to random assaults we see today. It will only get worse until white people stand up and say “no” to the false guilt and fear of being called “racist.”
Trace Gallagher hosts Fox News @ Night weekdays at 11 PM ET (10CT / 8 PT), according to FoxNews.com
NOTE: Jesse recently previously appeared on the program with Trace for a brief segment on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, discussing the plight of black Americans, the economy and immigration (written about in Fox News and NY Post).
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