Is Anger a Part of Intelligence or Stupidity? | Church 2/9/25
BOND 35 years. No plan, no thought. Judgment. The Prodigal Son. Anger is total stupidity. ...
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BOND, 6146 W Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90035 (just off La Cienega Blvd, across from the Post Office on Pico.)
Doors open 10:30 AM. Church starts 11:00. All are welcome. No childcare provided.
Contact BOND: (323) 782-1980 M-F 9-4 PT (or leave a message) We offer counseling by appointment (in-person, by phone, or Skype).
Check our Events page for Men’s Forum (first Thursday for men only) and Women’s Forum (third Thursday for ladies) — which we normally hold monthly, 7 PM at BOND in Los Angeles. (Church on Sunday is for everyone!)
BOND 35 years. No plan, no thought. Judgment. The Prodigal Son. Anger is total stupidity. ...
Practice being present. Nothing good about you. Are you a memory worshiper? You are not a sinner. Playing God... ...
Fathers and children. It's happening in you, not to you! Fear is not from God. Live a life of no thinking. ...
What wakes you up? Cart return. Would you drink clean or poison water? You reach for thoughts, drinking poison! Do we choose hell or heaven? ...
CA fires: Govt wants this. Are you living from your mind or from your spirit? Trying to avoid hell, but it's the only way to heaven! ...
Lady went to a psychic! The world says… but God says… Feel the hell inside. Stop taking on identities. Skip the party! Do you have character? ...
How do you know you're submitting? Dealing with a tormenting mother. Working on the body, neglecting the spirit: A couple loves their misery!...
Santa Claus! Theme: Want for nothing. Who are you? Don't judge. Stay present. "I and my Father are one." But you're one with the Devil. ...
Doug opening: Fear and preference; JLP: Post Office anger; Duke lacrosse case; Did you find God, or He you? Don't condemn the world. ...
Leave your family. Are you a spirit? What is a spirit? Biblical Question: Have you discovered the traitor in you? Judas inside: Thought....
Let go of your ideas about morals. Couples: Evil women, weak men. Forgive. Standing up for yourself? Christians are atheists. ...
NO AUDIO, 3-min. Live with no opinion. Do greater works than Christ? Drop your morals. No good in human beings. God's nature. ...
Why do you pay attention to yourself? What'd he say? Why do you let fear control your life? Weak people have morals. Human nature is evil. ...
Did you do the assignment? Shake in your boots. Pay attention: You're controlled by fear. (We'll deal with the Biblical Question tomorrow!) ...
What are you thankful for? Alive, but with no life? What do you think of the art or act of speaking up? Be led by the Spirit, not thoughts! ...
Gossiping, vengeful men with women's nature. Do you have full confidence? Why do you assume people are guilty, rather than presume innocence? ...
Reality: I am not God. Fear of speaking up. Judgment: Feeling like nothing. Following the world. "Big Mama" Oprah! Ice cream escape! ...
Most don't want a peaceful life. Fathers and mothers on loss. Why do you need others' approval? Do you return shopping carts?...
Jesse offers simple instructions on quiet prayer. God said to “be still and know” that he is God. We don’t know what to pray for, but the Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf. God’s will, not ours be done. “Take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.” Jesus said to pray in secret; he prayed early in the morning. Pray and watch. Pray without ceasing. – — Easy web address to remember… Share with friends and family!
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Donate via web form or PayPal, or call 1-800-411-BOND (2663)
Check/money order: BOND, PO Box 35090, Los Angeles, CA 90035
BOND is a nondenominational Christian church, and a nationally-recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (est. 1990). Donations are tax-deductible.
“Super Chat” (not tax-deductible) via BuyMeACoffee (JLPtalk).
BOND is dedicated to “Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man.” We show people how to overcome anger through forgiveness, starting with parents. God said He would turn the hearts of fathers to their children, and children to fathers. Christ made the way back to the Father. We urge people to examine themselves, commit to quiet prayer, and let the ego/sin nature die. God allows individuals to see and overcome evil with good. He renews their minds, so they live from His nature, bringing love into the world.