For marriage to last until death do you part, husbands and wives must love one another. But most couples lack perfect love — knowing only love-hate relationships. Jesse Lee Peterson listens closely to both sides, offering unbiased clarity.
Family is the key institution for a stable society, a married father and mother raising their children. Jesse Lee Peterson specializes in counseling on a range of issues — getting people on the same page, re-uniting families on what’s right.
Anger is out of control. It breaks up marriages, destroys families, and traumatizes children with lasting emotional scars. It ruins your health and relationships. Anger cannot be managed. We show how to overcome this destructive spirit.
Many suffer from anxiety, depression, emotional trauma, PTSD, suicidal thoughts, addiction. Jesse Lee Peterson says this psycho-spiritual illness need not remain a lifelong struggle. We can show you how to be free from the ups and downs.
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