When Men Fail, Women & Children Lose - Rebuilding the Man
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When Men Fail, Women & Children Lose

(Watch 10-minute excerpt) People expressed what they felt about what’s going on in the country, with the inauguration of President Trump, and the Women’s March protests around the country, which included the so-called Mothers of the Movement. The people protesting showed an example of good versus evil, because everything they stood for was evil.

We talked about our theme this year, “Do not let the right hand know what the right is doing.” Some were doing it, and some did not understand it. It means, Do not hold onto anything. Self-knowledge is a state of nonjudgmental attention. A couple of guys joined us for the first time, having seen Jesse’s debate with Black Lives Matter on his TV talk show The Fallen State. The principles of our theme were fairly new to them, but they enjoyed the meeting.

A woman brought up how last week Jesse said that the sins of the fathers are passed down to the children. She read in the Bible that a father dies for his own sins, and a son for his own. She asked if a family can be cursed, and if that’s different from sin. She said her mother beat her and her siblings, so when she became a mother, she made the choice never to beat her children, while her sister beat her son. Jesse explained that the anger at her mother was still controlling her, so she has her mother’s spirit whatever her behavior, until she forgives and becomes a child of God. We do not make choices: the choice is made for us by the spirit within, either our father the devil, or by God if he is our father.

A woman also asked how she should treat transgender people. Although a person who calls himself a “transgender woman” is really a man, and a woman who calls herself a “transgender man” is really a woman. We should not go along with calling people and things what they are not, calling evil good and good evil. We should be kind and decent to them, but not participate with them as though they are normal or right in what they’re doing.

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