04/25/21 Why Is Suffering Sad? (Church)

TODAY’S SERVICE: YouTube | Facebook | Periscope/Twitter | Audio podcast at links below

Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, April 25, 2021: We have to bring Christianity back. We have to bring back men. Do you have fear? Overcome anger, love confrontation, and start speaking up. Do not worry. Let nothing be more important than what is right. Do you have a free will? Biblical Question: Why is suffering sad? (A spoiled young lady speaks.) It’s not! New Biblical Question: Why should a man ever try to make up to a woman? 

Men’s Conference is mid-August this year, Men’s History Month!


  • 0:00 Getting ready
  • 0:57 Welcome to Church
  • 4:20 Waiting for marriage
  • 6:43 Universe is God?
  • 13:29 Twins on pot
  • 23:45 Women over men
  • 28:58 How many afraid?
  • 43:45 Love confrontation
  • 50:45 Nothing be too important
  • 52:53 Go and speak up
  • 1:00:20 Free will?
  • 1:15:06 Biblical Question
  • 1:20:33 ‘Spoiled’ gal
  • 1:27:36 More answers to BQ
  • 1:30:55 Jesse’s answer
  • 1:32:58 Follow no man
  • 1:39:06 New Biblical Q
  • 1:45:47 Get in the spiritual battle
  • 1:48:57 Announcements, ending

Church Notes

(We start streaming a couple of minutes after 11:00 AM US PDT.) 

Good job to Nick who filled-in for Jesse on Thursday and Friday. 

We have to bring Christianity back. It’s an honor to be a Christian. 

Jesse welcomes the first-time visitors. 

A young lady says she’s waiting until marriage, and asks if she should tell the guy on the first date, or wait until he falls in love with her. Jesse tells her you don’t have to tell him at all, but just say no if he tries to have sex with you. 

A man says he is spiritual and not Christian. He is more Buddhist, but he was raised atheist. He believes the universe is God. After he says he believes in evolution, he answers Jesse’s questions. Jesse asks him if he has a soul, and if Bruce Jenner is a woman (“He evolved!”). Asked about forgiving his parents, he sees the merits of it, but has not done it. 

Jesse then welcomes more first-time visitors. One man says he hopes his parents forgive him, reasoning that if he harbors resentment, there’s a good chance they do toward him, too. Jesse explains that you don’t have to “work on it,” forgiving them. Realize you’re wrong; you don’t have to wait for them to do anything. He started smoking pot at 11 years-old with other kids, and has done it off and on since then. But he says he’d rather quit smoking cigarettes than quit pot. 

The man’s twin brother also joins him. 

Gabriella, Cesar’s wife, joins us for the first time! (Jesse married them some time back.) She loves being married. Cesar says they’re moving next Saturday. 

Bring back men

11:26 Jesse recounts interviewing a preacher lady — she got up and stormed out after Jesse questioned her being a woman preacher. Her husband said she’d be his preacher. Jesse asked if she obeys her husband. A woman is not supposed to be over a man. Just read Genesis. But preachers have changed the wording of the Bible in order to suit the woman’s ideas. The order of God is God over Christ, Christ over man, man over woman, and women over children. But she said it doesn’t mean that. She called Jesse “antagonistic.” 

Bruce Jenner is running for governor of California — he is a man who feels like he’s a woman (and goes by “Caitlyn”). What has happened to America? 

Churches are now recommending people with PhDs and degrees for secular counseling. 

Do you have fear?

11:31 Jesse asks: How many have fear? One man is afraid of global fascism. He talks about being easily discredited, given his past, and feels he needs a crowd to join him. Another man does not know how to take action against the madness. One of the young women too is afraid of dealing with evil. She owns a business in a liberal profession; and she fears the lynching of her image. 

Another man said he’s not afraid, but is not sure how to debate “dumb” (Jesse’s word) knowledgeable Bible thumpers. He brings up another preacher “Paul Washer” who urges you to be in the word as a man more than your wife. 

11:43 Jesse asks a young woman how she sees guys who say they’re afraid. 

11:44 Jesse also asks her: When a woman says, “You don’t love me as much as I love you” — what does that mean? She says it’s just gibberish. That’s true. 

Justin says people just don’t like confrontation. 

Overcome anger, love confrontation

11:47 Jesse says he loves confrontation. Even as a kid he was a little scared but would speak up anyway. Since starting BOND, he has participated in rallies, and got confrontational and bold with evil people. Some nice Christians at protests would be wiped out by people in charge. Don’t go out and be crazy, but don’t have fear. If you care more about money or reputation, then you won’t be effective. God is looking for one. If one person stands up, you have a whole army with God. Overcome anger so you can deal with others. 

One young lady reads from 1 John 2, about loving God, and not the world. Jesse continues that God will take care of you. Seek Him. Stay with the Silent Prayer. (Last week we talked about the greatest evil: Forgetfulness.) 

Let nothing be too important

11:54 A young woman talks about trouble with doing the prayer, as she feels distracted and nervous about an upcoming job. It means the job is more important to you than what is right. Relax and let yourself go through what you have to go through. Don’t let anything or anyone be that important. 

Do not worry. Start speaking up. 

Getting back to the first man who said he fears the evil world. He’s distraught at seeing others get shut down who speak out. But don’t look at that. You don’t know why they were shut down really — they may be doing it for ego reasons. 

A collegiate athlete talks about dealing with mask mandates in competition. 

12:02 Jesse says: Get involved. Start right where you are. Start speaking up. 

Do you have a free will?

A couple of guys talk about choice and free will (two Mexican guys who joined us last week). They disagree between themselves whether they have a free will. 

12:09 The young man who believes in free will asks: How are we to avoid temptation? Jesse says: Resist the thoughts. Just know it’s Satan who’s tempting you. You’ll know they’re not your own. But you must be born again of God. You have to have perfect love to do that. 

You don’t have a free will. You’re controlled by good or evil. You must be born again. 

The man also talks about the Word of God versus the Bible. 

Biblical Question: Why is suffering sad?

12:17 Jesse asks his Biblical Question: Why is suffering sad? 

A young woman, 19, whose parents are moving out-of-state is not sad. Part of her is sad, but it’s a chance to grow. 

A man says that suffering is not sad; it’s our calling. We’re trying to kill the flesh, the desires of Satan. 

Another man says it’s sad in order to help you repent. Yet another sees two different types of suffering. 

‘Spoiled’ young lady talks

A young lady talks about growing up spoiled, and suffering in order to accomplish things. She talks about using escape mechanisms to get away from suffering. She has never had a boyfriend, because at 22 she has high standards. Jesse asks if she’ll be difficult because she’s spoiled. She recounts forgiving her parents; her mother showed her Jesse; her father got “triggered.” Speak up to him without the anger, with perfect love. 

More answers to the Biblical Question

Daniel and Ermias answer it. Ermias’s relative suffers physically, but being angry, the person brought it on themselves. Another couple of men answer the Biblical Question. One says for the person in a fallen state, suffering is sad. But with God there is no sadness, the man says. 

Jesse’s answer

12:33 Jesse noticed that in the world, they’re trying to make suffering a sad thing, to get you emotionally charged. Feel sorry for the homeless and mentally ill. They raise taxes, pass laws. Suffering is not sad. If you are going through something, as the Bible says, count it all joy. Don’t let the children of the lie draw you in. Stand, stand, stand. Be aware. Let God guide you. We’re losing, but I have hope that we’ll win, because people are waking up and overcoming emotional stuff. 

Jesse had a friend expire this week. One of their followers shut down their business for three days or a week. Don’t follow any man. Be of God. Even in a fallen state, Jesse was not a follower, never caught up with someone. (A wife is supposed to follow her husband, though.) 

12:38 Do the Silent Prayer. Go and forgive. Love your fathers, and forgive them for not protecting you. If you don’t love your fathers, you won’t love God. Stay out of your head. 

Even with Christ, Christ never meant for you to make him into a God. He said over and over, my Father sent me; my Father’s in me. People do that to human beings. 

Jesse doesn’t want to be your leader or guru. God is with you. The same God who wakes you up awakened Jesse. There’s only one God, and He’s with you. 

New Biblical Question

12:41 New Biblical Question: Why should a man ever try to make up to a woman? One of the twins says that you should make it up to any person you mess with. A young lady recounts wanting her husband to apologize, which he refused to do. She realized later he was right, and although she was suffering and sad, she was glad he stood his ground. 

A few others including Hake, as well as Cesar’s wife, also answer. 

Again, speak up

12:48 A liberal white man at the gym does not see the war on white people. They don’t love black people either — they’re just using them. They’re coming after you as Christians. It’s time out for being afraid. Get involved in this spiritual war. The children of the lie do not have power; they only have intimidation. If they can intimidate you, they can control you. Stay away from anger; fight evil with good, which is of God. Speak up, do the Silent Prayer, and doubt every thought. They want men out of the picture, because that’s where the strength is. 

Announcement: Men’s Conference

Our Men’s Conference is in Orlando, FL, in mid-August 2021 — Men’s History Month. (July is White History Month.) Normally, we’ve held these conferences on Father’s Day weekend, but now it’s in Men’s History Month. You can sponsor someone who wants to come but can’t afford it. 

Sign up for our mailing list; we send out newsletters. Thanks to Nick for standing in for Jesse this past week when Jesse was out. 

Support BOND. We wish Cesar well. Congrats to Omar and Brianna (sp) on getting married. Congrats also to Lock Your Door and his wife on their third child! 


Church with Jesse Lee Peterson is live every Sunday 11 AM U.S. Pacific Time at BOND in Los Angeles. Watch/listen online or join us in-person. Doors open at 10:30 AM. Church streams 11 AM through 12:30, Pacific Time. https://rebuildingtheman.com/church 

Throwback Sunday Services premiere on BOND YouTube channel Wednesdays at 4 PM US Pacific Time (7 PM ET). 

Contact BOND to schedule counseling, set up monthly donation, order books, or join our mailing list: Call 800-411-BOND (1-800-411-2663) or office 323-782-1980, hours Mon-Fri 9-4 PT (Los Angeles). https://rebuildingtheman.com/contact 


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VIDEO ARCHIVE: OLDER Services (2008-2010+) | RECENT Services (2016-present) 

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LISTEN LIVE on Jesse Lee Peterson’s radio player during Church on Sunday

SILENT PRAYER: SilentPrayer.video | Audio on SoundCloud 

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