All Weeping is Complaining; All Complaining, Accusing | 9/22/24

Judging Diddy? All weeping is complaining; all complaining, accusing. You judge according to the flesh. Are you one with yourself? 

Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, September 22, 2024 

  • Did you judge Diddy? You’d do the same. 
  • Does God judge you? Is there anything good about you? 
  • Have you noticed all weeping is complaining, and all complaining is accusing?
  • Jesus said in John 8: 15-16 — 15 You judge according to the flesh; I judge no one… 16 Yet even if I do judge, my judgment is true, for it is not I alone who judge, but I and the Father who sent me. 
  • Biblical Question: Are you one with yourself? 

||  See clips, links, and notes below.


  • (0:00:00) Pre-service small talk
  • (0:04:03) Sad life… 
  • (0:06:38) Diddy: Would you do the same? Did you judge him? 
  • (0:21:47) JLP: Every human being is Diddy. 
  • (0:27:04) Disagree? Do you judge? Does God judge you? 
  • (0:37:25) Anything good about you? 
  • (0:43:03) All weeping is complaining, and all complaining, accusing. 
  • (0:44:12) Feel for brother, others suffering. Making them worse! 
  • (0:51:34) JLP: Leave people alone! 
  • (0:56:11) JLP: Judging the drag queens. Get understanding. 
  • (1:01:35) Weeping, complaining, accusing 
  • (1:06:13) Crying or laughing at funerals? 
  • (1:08:43) Believe God or Jesus judges? 
  • (1:14:38) JLP: You judge according to the flesh. John 8: 15-16 
  • (1:18:54) JLP: Diddy thought he had a reputation too. No fear 
  • (1:23:22) JLP: Your chance is now. Repent now. Thoughts in captivity 
  • (1:26:00) JLP story: Alone in a room. Stop believing thoughts. Sins forgiven. Diddy. 
  • (1:32:58) No reason to weep. Judger is worse! 
  • (1:37:04) JLP: Let people live their lives! Stop asking, What’s wrong? “Nothing…” 
  • (1:43:45) Judgment vs discernment? Draw no line. The light will guide you. 
  • (1:47:38) Weeping vs complaining? 
  • (1:53:41) What did you get from the meeting? Judging drag queens 
  • (2:02:24) JLP on BQ: Are you one with yourself? Closing…


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Church Notes 

Did you judge Diddy? You’d do the same. 

Does God judge you? Is there anything good about you? 

Have you noticed all weeping is complaining, and all complaining is accusing?

Jesus said in John 8: 15-1615 You judge according to the flesh; I judge no one. 16 Yet even if I do judge, my judgment is true, for it is not I alone who judge, but I and the Father who sent me. 

Biblical Question: Are you one with yourself? 



(0:00:00) Start (0:01:22) Welcome to Church 

(0:02:11) First-timer: Mother (0:03:51) Younger couple’s second time 

1 Living a sad life, attached to a false self 

(0:04:03) Most living a sad life… (0:06:06) You get opportunities all the time to overcome the false self, but most hold onto it instead… 

2 Thoughts on Diddy story? 

(0:06:38) Diddy… thoughts? First guy says they’ve been saying it about him, so it’s probably true. (0:08:31) A man Colin calls it a public lynching. Parties, orgies, flying in prostitutes, according to the indictment. Calling it sex trafficking despite willing participants, and calling it racketeering under the RICO act. 

(0:09:49) A third man: I hate him, that makes me a good person. Look outward, never inward. (0:10:36) Ladies? The first-timer mother: Billionaire… (0:12:10) Rochelle (0:12:41) Donyale: Skeptical of anything in the media. 

(0:13:08) Evidence on a lot of people, just like Epstein. 

Would you ever do what Diddy’s been accused of doing? 

(0:13:43) Would you ever do what Diddy’s been accused of doing? A few guys answer… (0:14:58) Man realizes he resists judging… (0:16:07) Were you at Epstein’s party or Diddy’s party? 

Did you judge Diddy? 

(0:16:36) Did you judge Diddy? Do you know if any of it is true or not? Would you judge him? 

(0:17:46) Raymond, let’s say you were at the party… 

Women can be crazy… Judgment 

(0:18:32) Women can be crazy: You mess around with them, they can pull something on you? 

(0:20:36) Hake judging the crowd… 

JLP: You would do it. Every human being is Diddy. 

(0:21:47) JLP: Look what you’ve done already with the money you do have! Every human being is Diddy. You’re just like him, and you’re quick to judge. Guys in the gym…. (0:22:47) They’re talking about women in the gym, then turn around and judge. 

(0:23:16) No one’s standing up for Diddy. (0:24:21) Nobody loves in the world. Joel had the key to Ar-kansas… This is the way of the world. 

(0:24:57) When I got my apartment, I’d have friends over, and my girlfriend’s girlfriends at the parties. 

(0:25:53) It’s the same spirit. You don’t see it, because you don’t see what’s happening with you. (0:26:28) Don’t believe the media about this! Every human being has already done it! So quick to judge. 

3 Disagree? Do you judge? Does God judge you? 

(0:27:04) Disagree? Young lady, Michael Jackson… (0:28:31) Do you judge? Does God ever judge you? 

One thing God’s judged you about? Divorce? 

(0:30:51) Can you name one thing God judged you for? Divorced… (0:33:12) What God brings together works. No man can separate. No marriage works together because they’re not from God. 

Anything good about you? 

(0:33:54) Anything good about you? … (0:34:40) Are you honest that you’re no good? (0:35:22) Noticed everything is about you, for a thrill? Having fun right now? A little stressful. Why? (0:36:21) Name one good thing you’ve done for someone else, and it wasn’t for you — you got no thrill from it. Umm… 

4 Another gal: Anything good about you? 

(0:37:25) The first-timer mother… Grace of God… None are good. The capacity to forgive. (0:38:31) If your son left: I’d be crushed. If you had a good heart, why would it crush you? I have feelings. A good heart is completed. Why would it feel loss? 

(0:40:22) Jesus the Way… Why would you pray for someone to be free if they don’t want it? They will be judged by Jesus… (0:41:33) You believe Jesus judges…? 

5 All weeping is complaining, and all complaining, accusing. 

(0:42:31) Have you noticed that all weeping is complaining, and all complaining is accusing? Alex… Nothing to complain about! A miracle! 

I weep over my wayward brother

(0:44:12) What’s my producer’s name? Derrick… seeing a brother go down the wrong path. Why does it matter to you? Attached to him. Does God cry? Why should you? 

(0:47:26) Why do you want him to do right, when you don’t know what’s right? (0:47:55) Going to the gym is not right! … Ego… 

Do you feel for others who suffer? You make them worse

(0:49:10) Do you weep for other people who suffer? I think I love them. I play God, try to be in control. And it makes it worse! 

(0:50:23) Omeed, do you feel bad for others who suffer? **Have you noticed you make the situation worse? 

JLP: Leave people alone! 

(0:51:34) **JLP: Mothers DESTROYING their kids, making them worse! (0:52:15) **JLP: Leave people alone! Get out of the way of others living their own lives! Your life ain’t no good! … God doesn’t get involved at all! (0:53:15) He and Jesus drink their coffee and eat their sweet potato pie. They let you smoke pot until they’re in the ground! 

(0:53:54) Omeed continues… JLP: It’s not real love, it’s selfish. You want something back. What a mess! Leave people alone. Your children. You’re in the way, and stop them from finding their way. You don’t love them. You hate them. 

(0:55:17) **JLP: If my own son was out on the street, and all his kids… You don’t have a right to interfere with someone else’s life, or judge them as right or wrong, or even have an opinion about it. 

Judging the drag queens, not seeing yourself 

(0:56:11) If a bunch of men in dresses and makeup… I’d have no opinion, because I have understanding. But you’d judge right away. 

(0:56:40) I would judge them, it seems so unnatural. But the children can be near you who would spoil them. 

(0:57:30) Mateuse (sp) Broken people teaching broken people how to be broken. Everything I’ve learned has been a lie. Go help somebody. (0:58:19) JLP: Accept Jesus, then walk out the door and judge one another, try to get love from one another. 

(0:59:04) **JLP: How you gonna help the drag queens? They’re lost. God’s not judging them. 

(0:59:29) Joel: Satan judges us, disguised as God. … JLP: Get an understanding. (1:00:57) People don’t see the way out. … You can’t sit quietly in a room by yourself! 

5-cont Weeping, complaining, accusing: 

(1:01:35) Joel: Not all weeping… Jesus? Not that kind of weeping! (1:02:24) He black! Weeping could be grateful, Joel says. 

(1:03:21) Doug… (1:04:15) All complaining is accusing? Joel: Yes. Franky… (1:04:41) Donyale: Pitiful state. (1:05:18) Even if you weep at a funeral, why are you weeping? … I thought there was a time for everything… 

*Cry or laugh at funerals? 

(1:06:13) JLP: You’re better off laughing at the funeral. (1:06:57) You laugh because that’s another evil that’s out of your life. It’s in the Bible! Cry when they’re born, and laugh when they die. 

(1:07:42) Doug: Great grandma 

6 Do you believe God or Jesus judges? or does not judge? 

(1:08:43) Believe God or Jesus judges? (1:10:02) Believe he does not judge? Another… He knows it’s not you. (1:10:25) Young lady (the Nigerian, I believe…) John 3: 17, not to judge the world, but save the world through him. 

(1:11:27) I think I saw you at one of those parties, Jesse jokes. Another man: You will be judged. The Bible says it… Jesus will say: I never knew you. 

(1:13:04) All your sins have been forgiven. How can he judge you? 

(1:13:46) Joel’s take… (1:14:12) Another man: God lets us judge ourselves, but it’s not God judging us. 

6-cont JLP: You judge according to the flesh. Something else driving you. 

(1:14:38) John 8: 15-1615 You judge according to the flesh; I judge no one. 16 Yet even if I do judge, my judgment is true, for it is not I alone who judge, but I and the Father who sent me. 

(1:15:09) JLP: You judge according to the flesh. It was never you, but something else driving you. I don’t care if it was T. Diddy, or Jeffrey Dahmery, or mothers keeping their adult sons home after adulthood… God knows it’s not you. Something else is driving you. 

… (1:18:03) You take it personally, as though it’s happening to you. Someone leaving you: They’re not leaving you! 

Diddy thought he had a reputation too

(1:18:54) JLP: You hear one rumor about you, you get scared, worried what someone else thinks. … Christ is not judging you! Salvation of the heart: You must forgive. Your heart is wicked, nature is of the Devil, unforgiveness. The ego nature starts to disappear, but some hold onto it for dear life. (1:19:44) When opportunity comes to let it go, you defend it! **JLP: You think you have a reputation? Diddy did too! 

Ego: self. No reason to have fear. 

(1:20:55) Ego people are about self. If you identify with the ego, your husband cussing you out, you think is happening to you! Your thoughts are lying to you! 

**JLP: There’s no reason to be shy, zero reason to have fear. **You wake up in the morning scared! Notice that? You’re not paying attention! 

(1:22:39) Homework from a recent week: Stay with your fears, stay in your doubts. You’ll see it’s not you. But you don’t take the pain, thinking it’s you. God did not give you a spirit of fear; Satan did. It’s his nature. You need a brand new nature. 

Your chance is now. Repent now. Thoughts in captivity. 

(1:23:22) … Your chance is now. Repent now. Come out of here (the head). It’s just thoughts! I wouldn’t be able to help anyone in counseling. The answer’s the same. The cause is the same. You don’t need to be shy: It’s a lie. You don’t need to be afraid. It’s a lie — it’s just a thought. Bring every thought into captivity: You have nothing to protect. 

(1:24:58) The thoughts make you compare yourself to other people. Lie to yourself: I have the best kids! Can’t stand them. (1:25:39) Why aren’t you satisfied with the little you have? THoughts about tomorrow. It’s not real. 

JLP story: In a room by myself. Stop believing thoughts. Sins forgiven

(1:26:00) JLP story: … Isolation in room: Horrible. Voices. Felt the pain. Realizing it wasn’t me, that alone helped me. Something else was feeling it, and trying to make me feel it. You’re wanting things for no reason: The wrong reason. 

Stop believing the thoughts. Sins are forgiven. (1:27:54) The world tells you the vices are your sins. You’re into your vices trying to find peace. The drugs can’t save you. You’re doing the drugs because you’re lost, with anger in your heart, living in your head. God always said it’s of the heart. But the Christians in the church say your actions are the sin. 

“I’ll be a sinner the rest of my life.” Why bother with Jesus then? You don’t have to be lost. 

(1:29:29) When someone disagrees, or attacks, don’t listen to the Devil telling you they’re attacking you! 

(1:31:24) Fear God: Appreciate him. Everything you’ve been taught has been wrong. 

(1:32:14) … Won’t judge Diddy… Diddy didn’t make you get high… 

7 Feedback: No reason to weep. Leave people alone!

(1:32:58) Feedback: *I’ve wept by myself, such a good weep, then felt amazing. You love pain. 

(1:36:01) Coldburger: weeping is judgment. (1:36:43) *JLP: Jesus didn’t cry and carry on. He saw you couldn’t see. 

Let people live their lives! 

(1:37:04) **JLP: From this point forward, leave people’s lives alone! 

(1:38:29) Nick: Even without words, people wear their weeping. **JLP: What’s wrong? Then they’ll say: “Nothin’!” Then they love the fact you’re begging them to tell you what’s wrong! It’s a thrill! (1:39:37) Now you think you care. It’s a thrill on both parts! 

(1:40:37) Joel… Mama! … Judging. 

(1:42:13) Franky: Murmuring people. (1:42:53) **JLP: Worry is an imposter, pretends to be the light. You didn’t call mama! 

8 Judgment vs discernment? Draw no line. The light will guide you

(1:43:45) Donyale… Judgment … Discernment to say to myself I’ll stay away? That’s judgment. (1:45:23) Draw a line by never drawing a line. The light will do it for you. (1:47:09) A preconceived notion is evil. Knowledge vs understanding. 

Feedback: Weeping vs complaining

(1:47:38) The Nigerian lady: Weeping is complaining, complaining is accusing. … Weeping over a deep point? (1:50:39) **JLP: I bet you do that serious African weeping. 

(1:52:13) Matteus (sp) asking someone what’s wrong, then regretting it. 

(1:52:52) Weeping when something’s revealed… Judging yourself. 

9 What did you get from the meeting? 

(1:53:41) What did you get from the meeting today so far? Weeping, complaining, accusing… 

(1:54:33) **The first-timer mother didn’t realize how much she judges… Drag queens! Mind is blown right now! 

Anything good about you? 

(1:56:22) The other young lady: I create a story about a person, in my imagination… 

(1:59:33) Silent Prayer. (2:01:29) Positive about you? Mind makes choices, or God makes choices. We’re not in control. 

10 BQ: Not one person listening to thoughts is one with himself. (Closing) 

(2:02:24) Donyale, then JLP on BQ: Are you one with yourself? 

(2:03:34) Closing: Let people attack you. Don’t protect yourself. You’re protecting evil. It’s not happening to you. And: Leave people alone! 

(2:05:20) Pay attention to thoughts, 24 hours a day… OMG, amazin’ women’s forum… 


  • 2024 theme: Want for nothing. 
  • 2024 assignment: This year, don’t let the thoughts bully you. 
  • 8/25/24 Assignment: For one week, let the only evil you think of be your own. 
  • 8/25/24 try this: Never argue — with anyone. 
  • 9/1/24 Assignment: Completely surrender to thoughts. Feel it. Take the pain. 
  • 9-8-24 and 9-15-24 assignment: Don’t trust the thought. 
  • Late 2023 assignment: Notice the mind repeats itself, and that it’s all about self. 
  • Late 2023 assignment: Sit four minutes in your room in silence. 
  • March 10-17, 2024 assignment: Get rid of your heroes. Trust no one. 
  • May 19-26, 2024 assignment: If you feel anything, remember: It’s just a thought! No meaning. 
  • Jun 2-9, 2024 assignment/discussion: Watch the different demons inside you. 
  • Assignment from JLP show (Thu 6/20/24) Practice staying present. 
  • We’re not messing around this year. 

Church 9-8-24 (5) Assignment: Distrust the thought, let it overwhelm you 

Church 9-8-24 (1:48:25) Your assignment… You are afraid not to trust thoughts. Distrust the thought, for one week. Let the fear, loneliness, etc., overwhelm you. Feel it. You’ve got to not trust it. It feels like you’re losing something: You’re losing your false, insane self. You’re losing yourself — which is not you at all. They make you trust them, because if you don’t, they have to leave. 

Church 9-8-24 (1:51:21) Feel the pain… holding your hand in church and make you feel better…. God wants to save you from it — but you won’t let him save you! 

Church 9-8-24 (1:52:25) JLP to Donyale: Let the anger overwhelm you, feel it, relax in it 

Church 9-8-24 (1:53:51) Why afraid? He’ll reveal it to you if you want to be free. Don’t trust your thoughts this week. 

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