Are you an idol worshiper? | Church 8/4/24

Stop being a victim! Are you an idol worshiper? Believing thoughts is worshiping the Devil! Why haven’t you forgiven? 

Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, August 4, 2024

||  See clips, links, and notes below. 

  • Alex: Ungrateful victim loves his misery! 
  • Man “houses” his girlfriend! 
  • Are you an idol worshiper? Sit in loneliness. 
  • Ever believe thoughts? Worshiping the Devil! 
  • Why haven’t you forgiven your mother? 
  • Not specifically discussed: Biblical Question: Do you love the emptiness of not knowing who you are? 


  • (0:00:00) Pre-service small talk… Welcome 
  • (0:02:24) How’s Alex? Not happy he’s limping, here with his bro 
  • (0:08:42) Is it hard to be around him? Stop being a victim 
  • (0:18:57) Don’t have much in life? Loving misery, son hates him 
  • (0:26:25) Victim mentality, Homeless, All is well 
  • (0:35:24) No money for you! People chose misery over life. 
  • (0:38:47) Men spending money on women: Man “houses” his girlfriend 
  • (0:44:12) Are you an idol worshiper? 
  • (0:47:23) Idols: wife/mother sitting in loneliness 
  • (0:56:31) Idol worshiper? Everyone about self. 
  • (1:07:23) Not an idol worshiper? Ever believe thoughts? 
  • (1:10:19) JLP: Present your bodies a living sacrifice… 
  • (1:19:19) JLP: Stop worshiping thoughts. Wisdom. Stop acting! 
  • (1:27:28) Why haven’t you forgiven? Worshiping the Devil, take it to the light 
  • (1:40:39) Mama spirit brothers have not forgiven 
  • (1:45:05) We’re in prison. See you’re in there. 
  • (1:47:03) Worshiping thoughts is believing thoughts. Know. 
  • (1:50:53) Questions: Anger, Forgiveness, return to Father through Christ? 
  • (1:55:24) Idea: You want a family? Want for nothing. Empty person. 
  • (1:57:46) What if mama calls? 
  • (1:59:24) Closing with Alex 
  • (2:00:56) Closing: Go and forgive … Punchie TV


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Church Notes 

Alex: Ungrateful victim loves his misery! 

Man “houses” his girlfriend! 

Are you an idol worshiper? Sit in loneliness. 

Ever believe thoughts? Worshiping the Devil! 

Why haven’t you forgiven your mother? 

Not specifically discussed: Biblical Question: Do you love the emptiness of not knowing who you are? 

Welcome, unhappy Alex and his brother! 

(0:00:00) Small talk with Alex… (0:01:33) Welcome…  

(0:02:07) How’s Alex? JLP retells the story… (0:02:58) Laughter… (0:04:20) Alex is not happy he’s limping, waddling like a duck… 

(0:05:29) Alex brother says he can’t appreciate what he has… (0:07:40) He survived an abusive childhood… 

Is it hard to be around him? Stop being a victim! 

(0:08:30) Is it hard to be around him? Yes. I’m the fixer, I solve problems. (0:09:23) Why don’t you stop and let go. Maybe he won’t switch because he knows you’ll help him. 

(0:09:45) You won’t let go of your victimhood because they help you. (0:10:50) A bad habit is strawberry pop with peanuts. (0:11:21) “Sorry, I’m sighing.” You should be ashamed of yourself walking into this room, and [complaining]. “…annoyed…” You weren’t happy then! 

(0:12:19) Why not drop it! You love it when I say you’re a beta male. (0:13:35) What tools do I have? Same thing as everyone. Stop being a victim. (0:14:30) Which is easier to cry victimhood, or to thank God? (0:15:09) You love your misery. You love your hell. 

(0:15:34) To the brother, JLP suggests he let him go if he wants, but do what he wants. Alex protests and talks about his bro saying he never … (0:17:15) He divorced and blamed me. “He had two wives!” And the wife was jealous … 

(0:18:08) You’ve come a long way since Cedars Sinai. How do you know sometimes you don’t believe in God? 

Bad situation, don’t have much in life 

(0:18:53) Bad situation. I’m worried about my job. You’re always worried about your job. And yet you’re fat. You ain’t hungry! 

(0:19:54) Life is simple. You make it complicated, you’re worshiping the Devil. I don’t have much in life. Nobody has much. You don’t need much. Don’t compare …. 

(0:20:58) If I were your son I’d never talk to you. Hunter’s cut him off… 

(0:22:29) His brother thinks Jesse’s bang-on. It’s falling on deaf ears, though. 

(0:24:25) He’s getting better, but doesn’t recognize his victories. Apartment was so bad Satan was afraid to go in. I’m a hoarder. Like a woman! (0:25:19) Men are not hoarders. … Stop being a female! Stop being a mama to your son, be a father. You’re not encouraging. 

Victim mentality, homeless, all is well, love misery 

(0:26:10) Man asks: Does having a victim mentality attract situations like this? Satan wants him speaking death into his life. (0:27:13) … Some people love their misery. 

(0:28:49) **JLP: I saw a fat ol’ black woman on the street. You don’t look hungry! Another homeless with two cars! They love it, they’re using you. 

(0:29:51) To Alex: All is well. (0:30:54) Stop being retarded. Why not speak life into your life rather than death? Suicidal. Nobody gonna miss you, except your complaining. You’re a mess, in the mind. (0:32:55) Next time someone sees you walking, say yeah, thank God! 

(0:33:27) Hake remembers Alex all worried before he was injured. And he was gossiping at work and got laid off… 

**No money for you! People love their misery! 

(0:35:08) Alexis: Lay their and die rather than take charge. They love their misery. Stay there in hell, fine with me! 

(0:35:57) **JLP: I don’t give adult kids money, and don’t put money on your books in jail. (0:37:04) People absolutely love their misery. 

**Men spending money on women 

(0:38:37) **JLP: Men, stop giving money to a woman who’s not your wife! 

(0:39:21) A couple talks — (0:40:44) I house her. She lives with me. Is she an animal? I pay the mortgage. (0:41:40) Vetting is a lifetime thing. You’ll never know her until you marry her. (0:42:21) I never heard, “I house her.” 

(0:43:04) Housed gal, Katie. My mother’s name was Katie. Justin’s first time as well… (0:43:48) Sounds like the mayor of Los Angeles! 

Are you an idol worshiper? 

(0:43:57) How many of you are idol worshipers? …. (0:45:51) My stomach’s going down! Raymond… 

**Idols, wife/mother sitting in loneliness

(0:47:10) Young wife talks: Last week’s church I watched 3-4x, it really hit me. (0:48:09) My mom left my house. My sisters won’t talk to me. I’m feeling the loneliness. Nice! I’m pregnant. I have two kids. They say you need a village. (0:48:52) It’s good to be alone. Loneliness is not real. She pondered texting It’s good to sit in that loneliness… 

(0:52:28) JLP says that’s why relationships don’t work, because they’re using each other to cover up that loneliness. …. 

(0:54:52) You break up with someone, and remember stuff, thinking it was love, but all you have are memories, and it was never real, never love. It was just a thought. You were never real to them, nor were they to you. Thinking about it is not it. The emptiness is still under there. 

Idol worshiper? 

(0:56:14) A man who was not at the men’s forum: Are you an idol worshiper? Not anymore. I used to be. (0:57:13) Know thyself. 

(0:57:36) Man says he was about himself. (0:58:07) Every human being is about self. 

(0:59:14) The African young woman. (0:59:34) Watermelon juice … 

(1:00:50) Alex’s brother answers: Are you an idol worshiper? 

(1:01:27) Man says he wants to say no, but that wouldn’t be honest. 

(1:01:58) A man Justin says no. (1:03:12) He used to be a competitive natural bodybuilder. He won’t let go of it to this day, even though that was 12-13 years ago… 

(1:04:23) A woman Katie says no. 

(1:05:04) Joel relates to the thing about the mechanics. Being healthy helped. 

(1:06:11) Hassan says yes, he’s an idol worshiper. I idolize myself. 

Not an idol worshiper? Do you ever believe thoughts? 

(1:07:25) JLP asked the non-idol worshipers if they ever believe their thoughts. 

(1:08:10) Do you ever believe thoughts? The young lady Katie says no, and her boyfriend scoffs, and everyone laughs. It’s never hormone-fueled. 

Raymond doesn’t believe anything else but thoughts. (1:09:37) Asking more people: Do you ever believe your thoughts. 

**Why don’t you drop it? How? Present your bodies a living sacrifice 

(1:10:02) Why don’t you drop your anger? How do you drop your fear, anger, thoughts? 

(1:11:26) JLP: God said to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing unto Him. God is trying to save you from your misery, your hell. Only He can do it. (1:12:11) All human beings worship thoughts. The feeling of loneliness is an empty thought. (1:12:59) You won’t drop anger because you identified with it; it’s a thought. You blame another person, believing the thought that the other person made you angry. 

(1:13:45) You’re not your body, thoughts, emotions…. I ask people, who are you? (1:14:58) I’m a nice person. I give. You’re not happy. You feed everybody. Then you’re mad they don’t appreciate it. It was ego, it wasn’t real. 

God said give it to me. (1:15:45) The light wants to save you from it. You have all kinds of names for yourself: Sinner, saint… 

(1:16:54) You could have perfect peace… 

(1:17:22) You must let go of all your ideas about Jesus. You don’t worship God in belief, but in spirit. Belief is just an idea in your mind. Let go of your plans. (1:18:18) You don’t know God! Ideas about God are not God. 

*Stop worshiping thoughts

(1:19:04) In closing: Let go of all your ideas of who you are… Let go of all your ideas and stop worshiping thoughts. 

(1:20:00) Even the anger is not yours, it’s of the Devil, you’re worshiping the Devil… Everybody hates their mothers. And I dare you to love your daddy! (1:20:41) Major argument with a black woman. Life comes from God, ladies! It does not come from you. 

(1:21:34) I’ve counseled with men and women. The men complain about what she used to do for them. Shut up! That wasn’t love! Let go of thoughts, stop worshiping thoughts. Husband could be at work, and Satan’s working on your mind; you think he’s cheating on you! 

(1:23:35) Keep your eyes on you, on you… Human beings are nasty, evil, and cruel — especially angry human beings. There are no words to express how evil they are. Stop worshiping thoughts. Stop taking the blame. You’re not guilty. It’s a spirit that made a home in you. 

(1:25:49) Wisdom is amazing. … Stop acting … Be still and know God. Don’t fight with the Devil! 

**Why haven’t you forgiven your mother? Man and woman 

(1:27:10) Have you forgiven your mother, father, self? No. Toxic family situation. Why haven’t you? Worshiping the Devil… 

(1:29:33) How? Take it to the light. (1:30:04) You’re gonna wish you’d taken some steroids! Go and forgive. An angry nature is an evil nature! (1:30:45) I want to forgive. Why don’t you? I feel responsible. “I…” Who are you? 

(1:32:20) He told her, but she won’t. You love your hell? Yeah, I guess. (1:33:04) Snap… 

(1:33:38) He hasn’t forgiven his mother either! Satan trying to lead Satan! Why not? 

(1:34:50) JLP: You’re making excuses. She’s mama. You haven’t overcome her spirit. How will you be free if you won’t forgive your mother? 

(1:35:48) I want to make a family. Why? A man should protect and provide. It’s not working. My dad raised a successful child, me. (1:36:51) White people don’t commit crimes. You’re not a success, you’re a failure. 

(1:37:58) You’re successful when you forgive and return to the father. I see the wrongs my father made. But you haven’t forgiven him! 

(1:39:21) You won’t be a good husband and father … doing it intellectually… 

Did you forgive? Mama spirit brothers 

(1:40:23) Have you forgiven your mother? Man says yes. Alex’s brother. You’re not yourself. You were re-created in her image. 

(1:42:01) I like white people. I like black people. 

(1:42:09) I’ve never heard him say that. He’ll kill me if I say nasty stuff to my mother who’s going to die in three months. (1:44:39) Father died in 2005, he couldn’t help himself as you can’t yourself. 

We’re in prison 

(1:44:52) Anthony: We’re in a prison, and God and Jesus unlocked and opened the doors. But we can walk out. It is a prison — (1:46:30) We can’t get out… you need to see we’re in there. 

Worshiping thoughts, believing them, the Devil. Don’t believe: Know. 

(1:46:45) Believing thoughts is worshiping thoughts, which is worshiping the Devil. Little demons with different names: Loneliness, I need a family, “love,” nice names — deceivers, The Devil the accuser … (1:48:01) Worshiping is elevating anything above what’s true? When you believe someone or something, you’re worshiping it. You’re not supposed to believe, but to know. Worship in spirit, not in words. 

(1:49:53) What is knowing? When you stop believing, when you stop worshiping thoughts. 

(1:50:27) Nice closing statement on that point. 

More questions: Anger, forgiveness… 

(1:50:53) Omeed: Had very prevalent anger. 

(1:52:52) Man: I forgave because you told me… 

(1:53:18) No one gets to the Father but through me, said Christ. See the truth coming through him. 

Want a family? Want for nothing. 

(1:55:09) The idea you want a family? Want for nothing or no one. It’s a sign you’re still missing the love of the Father. 

What if mama calls? 

(1:57:30) Man asks about a mother calling… 

Closing with Alex 

(1:59:11) Alex… (2:00:17) 

Closing: Get wisdom

(2:00:51) Get on the straight and narrow. Welcome love. 


  • 2024 theme: Want for nothing. 
  • 2024 assignment: This year, don’t let the thoughts bully you. 
  • Late 2023 assignment: Notice the mind repeats itself, and that it’s all about self. 
  • Late 2023 assignment: Sit four minutes in your room in silence. 
  • March 10-17, 2024 assignment: Get rid of your heroes. Trust no one. 
  • May 19-26, 2024 assignment: If you feel anything, remember: It’s just a thought! No meaning. 
  • Jun 2-9, 2024 assignment/discussion: Watch the different demons inside you. 
  • Assignment from JLP show (Thu 6/20/24) Practice staying present. 
  • We’re not messing around this year. 

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