18 Aug Why do you think about other people? | Church 8/18/24
Are you getting better? Why do you think about others? Do you ever worry? All are possessed by the Devil. Emotions are unnecessary. ...
Are you getting better? Why do you think about others? Do you ever worry? All are possessed by the Devil. Emotions are unnecessary. ...
A lady realized her opinions bring her pain. Have no mindset. Parents (and gov't) are overprotective! Renew your mind. Watch how you react. ...
All families are messed up! Forgive, don't judge. You can't save the world. Stop trying. There is no you to suffer consequences! ...
Eph 6: 10-17, Put on the full armor of God; it's a spiritual battle. Ladies discuss their conflicts with people at work. ...
Stop being a victim! Are you an idol worshiper? Believing thoughts is worshiping the Devil! Why haven't you forgiven? ...
Marriage, relationships, and "giving" are done out of ego, not love! Let the light destroy the ego. Have you ever seen God? ...
We read Ephesians 5: 21 - 6: 17, and discuss work, marriage, parents and children. JLP speaks on the spiritual battle and armor of God. ...
Do you have faith? Do you have hope? Why don't you let yourself die (spiritually)? Amnesia: You've forgotten the way back to the Father. ...
Trump assassination attempt. Angry people are desperate. You're dismayed because you believe and think about what others say. ...
If you didn't have your thoughts and experiences, who would you be? Biblical Question: Why do you attack back when someone attacks you? ...