16 Mar 06/13/10 Dealing with Destructive and Constructive Thoughts
Jesse Lee Peterson talks about dealing with thoughts versus observation in life. We read Hebrews 4:12-13, about the word of God....
Jesse Lee Peterson talks about dealing with thoughts versus observation in life. We read Hebrews 4:12-13, about the word of God....
Biblical Question: What is the purpose of fasting and praying? People don't know for themselves. Do you believe Jesus is with you now?...
Teachers have become enemies of truth. Jesse Lee Peterson discusses anger with people in the meeting. People with anger cannot be trusted. ...
Biblical Question: What is righteous anger? Is it in the Bible, or made up? Don't have a plan in life. The Kingdom of Heaven is within....
We talk about the "last days" mentioned in 1 Timothy 3: 1-17, dealing with anger, and how people make excuses for their wrongs. ...
Getting rid of advanced classes because of black inequality? Where did the idea come from that the preacher should teach from the Bible?...
BOND Sunday Service, February 19, 2012: Jesse Lee Peterson leads a church discussion on fear and the children of God....
We open up about unhealthy people, marriage, and anger. Biblical Question: How do we love God? In Luke, Jesus talks about love....
Over-involved mothers! Women are not equal to men! Biblical Question: How do we hold people responsible when there's no free will? ...
Most Christians and others who claim to know God do not. They have the knowledge of good and evil, but do not live it. ...