If a Man Cheats, Should He Tell His Wife? (Church, Nov 12, 2017)

(Watch 7 1/2 -minute excerpt: Never Cheat. But If You Cheat, Don’t Tell It)

Jesse mentions The Hake Report with Joel and Esteban (a live show on video via YouTube every Sunday 9am PT). Joel talked about returning to his father and no longer judging him which previously prevented him seeing him as he really is.

Most people resent their mothers. The sin is the anger, the judgment. You should not hate. But if you must hate one person, Jesse says that it’s best to hate your mother, as opposed to your father. You must love your father in order to return to God, and then you can love all people. You should love and honor both parents.

Until God causes you to forgive, you cannot see.

Another important point: Jesse asked, do you prefer profit or wages? One man whom Jesse saw in a video online said that your life will not change until you change it. The government will not change your life.

Jesse urges one man to forgive his mother so that he can be a man of strength and character as his girlfriend (or wife) would need him to be.

Jesse also urges married men and women to move away from mothers and mothers-in-law, because they interfere with the marriage. (One Armenian man said he allowed his mother-in-law to live with them, because he thought it was the right thing to do; he says that the Bible says the man should leave, but not necessarily the wife. But he resented the situation, even though she didn’t fight with him.)

You should never cheat. If you feel like you have to cheat, you should end the relationship, to show you respect the woman, and it makes her trust men. But if you do cheat, you should not tell the woman. She will never forgive or trust you again. Many people disagree, and we discuss it.

Make sure that you pray. We have silent prayer instructions recorded on audio via SoundCloud, which you can always find on our main Church page.

We have our monthly Women’s Forum on the third Thursday of the month.

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