Do you suffer the consequences of your actions? | Church 8/11/24

All families are messed up! Forgive, don’t judge. You can’t save the world. Stop trying. There is no you to suffer consequences!

Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, August 11, 2024 

||  See clips, links, and notes below. 

  • Dealing with a complaining, cheating sister 
  • Can you save or help the world? 
  • Biblical Question: Do you suffer the consequences of your actions? 
  • New Biblical Question: Why do you think of other people? 


  • (0:00:00) Welcome! Small talk about blacks in the UK. 
  • (0:06:47) Sister left husband and children for a woman 
  • (0:13:16) Sister: Don’t be angry. Wait and see. She hates weak men. 
  • (0:24:01) Sister: Leave them in hell. Christ went around everyone. 
  • (0:27:32) Woman: Can you save or help the world? Yourself? Russian psychologist 
  • (0:34:48) Woman: How to overcome anger. Forgive your mother. 
  • (0:45:28) Woman: You have not forgiven. Mama controlling! 
  • (0:57:14) Where do you get your advice? Angry 13yo, bro, mother 
  • (1:05:32) You can’t save the world. Stop trying. They’ll destroy you. 
  • (1:09:50) BQ: Do you suffer the consequences of your actions? 
  • (1:19:28) BQ: Still hate dad? Suffer consequences? Controlling mother 
  • (1:30:47) JLP on BQ: There is no you. No such thing as you suffering. 
  • (1:35:28) Feedback: Practical consequences when you act out toward others? 
  • (1:44:41) Why does God let the innocent suffer? 
  • (1:51:22) Forgive your father. He spoiled you! 
  • (1:56:22) Why can’t she be spoiled? Best way to choose a man? 
  • (2:01:08) New BQ: Why do you think of other people? Closing…


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Church Notes 

  • “Problem” sister acting out in the family. 
  • Do you think you can save or help the world? 
  • Biblical Question: Do you suffer the consequences of your actions? 
  • New Biblical Question: Why do you think of other people? 


(0:00:00) Small talk about blacks in the UK. (0:01:54) After intro, Jesse’s still talking with the boy. (0:02:09) Welcome! 

(0:03:03) Welcome, first-timers, two boys, mother, from San Diego area, and another gal brought by Colin. 

(0:05:14) Young man brought his father again. You think it’s great he resents you? 

**1 Problem sister 

(0:06:35) Send the kids away! (0:07:36) Young wife and mother speaks on having a life. (0:08:27) Her sister left her husband, now with another man. (0:09:32) How do I deal with her? (0:10:27) She went with a woman. Her husband’s being a complete beta. Talking with her husband Anthony. 

(0:12:02) Lost in how to deal with it. (0:12:17) Another woman says how she’d deal with it if it were her sister. 

Sister: Don’t agree, but don’t be angry. She hates weak men. 

(0:13:02) JLP: Don’t be angry. It exposed the family, fake, judgmental. Kids are 11, 8, and 5. (0:14:40) Have a wait and see. Never have a thought about the future. Don’t assume you’ll know. Don’t prepare. 

(0:18:00) She’s trying not to judge, to watch how she is. Two whoops and a holler from becoming Jeffrey Dahmer. (0:18:22) She loves the thrill of talking about it and not talking about it. 

(0:19:22) She went to women because she hates the weak men. Don’t gossip with the family about it. (0:21:14) It drove her nuts how much she complained. A complaining person is an evil person. 

(0:22:18) “Me and Anthony—” Anthony and I. (0:22:53) trying to help the husband. 

Sister: Leave them in their hell; Christ around anyone. 

(0:23:49) Leave them in their hell until they’re ready to wake up. Every family is messed up. Christ understood them, and was able to be around anyone. 

(0:26:47) Again don’t 

**2 Woman: Believe you can save/help the world? Yourself? 

(0:27:12) Anybody believe you can save the world? Help the world? (0:27:42) Young lady’s a psychologist. (0:28:53) Have you ever helped anyone? Yes, 13 people. How did you help them? One lady was suicidal with a 2yo daughter. (0:30:04) She was going to kill her daughter and herself. 

(0:31:11) Are you able to help yourself? She mentions a Russian word for foundation. (0:32:21) She’s from Russia. How’s Putin? Tell Putin I said hello. She lives in NY. 

(0:32:44) Do you have anger? Used to have anger issues. Do get angry. Why don’t you let anger go? Perfect peace? (0:33:51) Anger is evil, and anyone who has anger is evil. 

Woman: How to overcome anger. You don’t have love. 

(0:34:35) Colin, tell her how to overcome anger. Watch it. Know it’s not you. 

(0:35:29) JLP: You have to forgive your mother. (0:38:14) You become like her… 

(0:38:54) Why do you resent your father? (0:40:10) He did something worse after, that I don’t want to share. I’m struggling to forgive him for it. He used up all my forgiveness. (0:40:53) You ran out of forgiveness! For him. Does God run out of forgiveness for you? Why don’t you great your father the way God treats you? You don’t have love, you only have hate. 

(0:42:15) Anger is hate. He took us to court to try to get half of the house I bought. (0:43:46) That’s not a reason to be angry. (0:44:08) You don’t have to talk, but don’t be angry. If you didn’t have the anger, you wouldn’t have sadness and disappointment. You’d understand. 

Woman: You have not forgiven. Mama controlling 

(0:45:17) You have not forgiven — you ran out of forgiveness. You won’t be able to help your patients who are angry too, unless you can see for yourself. (0:46:35) The relationship your suicidal patient is in is not going to last. She has anger. JLP: Anyone with anger is lonely, weak, doubtful, looking for love… It’s a spiritual issue. Anger is an emotion. See it, admit you have it. 

(0:48:53) Now will you tell Putin I said hello? Any disagreement? (0:49:55) Told mother you’re sorry for resenting her? (0:50:51) Kick your mother out of the house! No. It’s her house, I bought it for her. 

(0:52:23) Love them all the same. I see her 5x a year. Why so much? Bring her here! (0:53:43) Mother is a different person, not controlling, but loving and understanding. Test that. No more mama till next summer. (0:55:09) God is listening!  No more Mama until July. No more calling her until once a month. So you can grow up and not need her. So mama can stop controlling you. 

(0:55:56) She’s imposing herself. 

**3 ‘Where do you get all your advice?’ Angry 13yo, thief bro, mother 

(0:56:51) Young man asks: “Where do you get all your advice from?” Does it make sense? Same God is showing you the truth. Do you get angry? When my brother steals my stuff. I try to control my temper, age 13. 

(0:59:58) Make sure you never get angry. You don’t want to be a girl right? Forgive your mother. Any girl you get with will be just like your mama. 

(1:01:45) His little brother: When you get mad, let it pass. (1:02:33) You take your brother’s stuff? Sometimes. Nice. 

(1:02:51) Mother speaks: Send him to his father. (1:04:10) Are you over your anger? No. Not doing Silent Prayer. Do it. 

**4 JLP: You can’t save the world. Stop trying. 

(1:05:16) You cannot save the world. JLP counseled with a couple. Mother will destroy you. 

(1:07:23) Husbands and wives do not love each other. That’s why they fight. They’re cruel. 

(1:07:53) Where’s Mimi? She’s moving to Atlanta. (1:09:24) You can’t save the country. 

BQ: Do you suffer the consequences of your actions? 

(1:09:35) Biblical Question: Donyale. I thought of you, how spoiled you are. (1:10:24) Do you suffer the consequences of your actions? 

(1:11:44) Donyale: I know the feeling is not me. I struggle or ponder: How could someone do “wrong” and not suffer? (1:13:26) Vacations example: caught off-guard, got angry, but didn’t express it. Feeling the heat rising up. 

(1:16:04) Does that make sense? She reacts when Jesse doesn’t react. 

(1:16:16) Rochelle: No. The Devil warned me of consequences one time. 

(1:17:59) Colin: I don’t. I watch the one who’s suffering. 

(1:18:41) 13yo boy: I do. “…My parents always find out. No dessert. That sucks.” 

Not angry at dad anymore? Suffer consequences? Continued… 

(1:19:12) Are you over being angry at your father? Second DNA test came in. 

(1:21:40) Another man says yes, sometimes. … Francisco… 

(1:23:32) “I know the BOND answer…” Young lady’s mother sat in pain of her mother trying to control her. She stood up for herself without being angry, but it was hard. 

(1:25:23) Man says yes, when you get angry, you don’t realize what you’re doing. 

(1:25:51) Darren: Both — I do suffer, but sometimes not. 

(1:27:29) Man says: Now that I let go of anger I don’t. Not anymore. 

(1:28:11) Hake. (1:28:54) Nick. 

(1:29:40) Donyale: You know there’s no you, but you’re not sure? 

**5 JLP on BQ: No such thing as suffering consequences for your actions 

(1:30:34) JLP says there is no such thing as suffering the consequences of your actions. There is cause and effect. But there is truly no you. If there is no you, you don’t suffer. 

(1:33:20) Some know it’s not you, but that’s belief, which comes and go. It’s just knowledge. Let the knowledge go, and live by the Spirit of the Light of God. You want to know God. There is no you to suffer consequences. Others will try to punish you. 

(1:34:27) In seeing, as in not seeing, all decisions are made for you. Just as with suicide. Something is telling you that. It’s not you, not your thoughts. 

**Feedback: Practical consequence is not suffering. Mistreating others? 

(1:35:14) Feedback: Young English wife/mother agrees, but wants to see it. Sometimes she sees the consequences and thinks she’s suffering them. JLP says a practical consequences is not suffering. (1:36:06) … She brings up an example of being mean to someone in her home. (1:39:04) It’s just a thought. (Bless you! I’m sending you back to Europe!) You only think it’s you because you think the thoughts and feelings are yours. 

(1:40:02) We have our own hell. … (1:41:22) Do you think God is ever moved when he sees r—, murders, etc.? 

(1:42:11) Evil has no power, authority. The light is not moved by the darkness. (1:43:44) You could be a working evil person. Keep our eyes on ourselves. When you say, We all… it makes it feel ok since everyone else is doing it. 

**6 Why does God let the innocent suffer? 

(1:44:27) Why does God let the innocent suffer? Why doesn’t God stop it? Where is heaven? They already have the wrong idea about God. Let them suffer and die. They’re blaming God for evil. They leave the body, but they don’t die anyway. Some kids love evil, too. It’s a dumb question, no answer. 

You’re being asked by devils about God and they don’t want to know the truth. Jesus didn’t answer Pilate’s question, “What is truth?” 

(1:50:39) **(5 end?) Nick on caring what happened between you and others. 

Forgive your father. He spoiled you! 

(1:51:19) Donyale: Father spoiled me and said that’s how a husband should treat me. He spoiled you! 

(1:54:36) Darren: God destroyed two cities. God is not moved by evil. Evil has been defeated. A new reality. We’re all free. He wasn’t moved in the way you think… 

**7 Why can’t she be spoiled? Best way to choose a husband? 

(1:56:10) Why can’t she be spoiled? Why can’t she have both love and material abundance and presents? The woman’s heart is evil. It should never appease her ego. 

(1:57:54) Q: Some marriages, 3x, 4x… I’m in my prime years at 25. (1:59:00) Picking the right man? Traits to look for? Let all that go. You’ve never made a decision. Good will make the decisions for you. 

New Biblical Question: Why do you think of other people? 

(2:00:54) New Biblical Question: Why do you think of other people? 

(2:02:31) Closing: Christ came that we might have abundant life and perfect peace. Your mother is evil…. 


  • 2024 theme: Want for nothing. 
  • 2024 assignment: This year, don’t let the thoughts bully you. 
  • Late 2023 assignment: Notice the mind repeats itself, and that it’s all about self. 
  • Late 2023 assignment: Sit four minutes in your room in silence. 
  • March 10-17, 2024 assignment: Get rid of your heroes. Trust no one. 
  • May 19-26, 2024 assignment: If you feel anything, remember: It’s just a thought! No meaning. 
  • Jun 2-9, 2024 assignment/discussion: Watch the different demons inside you. 
  • Assignment from JLP show (Thu 6/20/24) Practice staying present. 
  • We’re not messing around this year. 

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