Do you want to be different? | Church 9/1/24

Do you see how evil you are? Never argue. Do you want to be different? God is not in control of your daily life. Evil is. 

Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, September 1, 2024 

||  See clips, links, and notes below. 

Last week’s Assignment: For one week, the only evil I want you to think about is your own. 

Last week’s Biblical Question: Do you want to be different? 

New Assignment: Completely surrender to thoughts. Feel it. Take the pain. 

New Biblical Question: Do you know the truth? What is it? 


  • (0:00:00) Small talk, Welcome 
  • (0:02:12) Alex on a bike! 
  • (0:06:35) Assignment: Donyale’s dog car, She’s wicked inside … 
  • (0:15:06) Colin: God doesn’t hear those prayers. Why so deeply into hell? 
  • (0:23:26) A free man never thinks. Different situation, same problem/solution 
  • (0:29:11) How do you lay weapons down? Man’s mother-in-law problems 
  • (0:33:48) Assignment: Call no one. Evil at breakfast. Don’t toy with evil. … 
  • (0:39:18) Don’t toy with evil 
  • (0:44:18) Assignment: Texas gal, beta Muslim, irritated at the baby … 
  • (0:50:44) Raymond, it’s not true what you’re saying about yourself 
  • (0:54:18) Helping an elderly hoarder: Ego trip! Devil gives excuses! Evil 
  • (1:02:19) Thrills: Make things complicated. Never argue 
  • (1:09:10) JLP story: Jewish cleaners. Mexican lady. Your world, their world 
  • (1:11:09) Assignment: Littering, Dahmer, Salvadorian … 
  • (1:19:41) Biblical Q: Do you want to be different? 
  • (1:23:58) BQ… Do you obey your husband? Nick, Franky, Doug… Hake 
  • (1:30:35) Panic attack: Into thoughts… Aware of it. 
  • (1:38:40) God is not in control of your daily life. 
  • (1:40:50) JLP: God not in control of you: Human nature is evil. 
  • (1:46:17) JLP: Controlled by a smile. Time alone. It’s in the thoughts, feelings are fake 
  • (1:51:55) Assignment: Completely surrender to thoughts. Take the pain. 
  • (1:57:29) Perfect peace? Go into thoughts… 
  • (2:01:59) Seeing evil in others? … 
  • (2:05:12) … New BQ: Do you know the truth? What is it?


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Church Notes 

Last week’s Assignment: For one week, the only evil I want you to think about is your own. 

For one week, don’t argue with anyone: Assignment for Southern gal 

Biblical Question: Do you want to be different? 

New Assignment: Completely surrender to thoughts. Feel it. Take the pain. 

New Biblical Question: Do you know the truth? What is it? 


(0:00:00) Small talk with Jews in Church! (0:01:22) Intro / Welcome! Happy Socialism Day (Labor Day). (0:01:56) Any questions? 

Saw Alex on a bike! 

(0:02:12) JLP recounts Alex’s plight — he saw him on a bike! (0:04:11) Alex: You didn’t say hello! … (0:04:11) GoFundMe… (0:05:51) Off the victimhood thing! Tired of being beta. 

Assignment: Donyale’s car, evil inside, face demons 

(0:06:24) Donyale: Assignment was very sobering. Last week’s Assignment: For one week, the only evil I want you to think about is your own. See the deep-seated evil within. Her car was totaled after church the other week a few doors down outside a shop. 

(0:09:30) An extra car for the dog!?! (0:10:22) Black people don’t like you! Sellout! She’s so pleased to be driving a regular car. She realized she doesn’t have time to judge anyone, or look at what anyone is doing — abortion, mutilation of children, etc. 

(0:11:44) **JLP: If you stay with it… you haven’t seen anything yet. You are so wicked… All human beings are wicked to the core… Stay with it: It will shock you. 

(0:12:37) I was canceled. Presentations. Car thing. More she prays, stronger the attacks… If I’m in my head, I feel maybe frightened, don’t take glee; I understand why people turn away. Stay with it. 

(0:13:40) **JLP: Deal with the little demons. Prepares for big demons. Every human being has big demons in them. You don’t want to face the demons in you. But you won’t be free until you face them. Have to go deeply into hell to overcome hell. Christ went deeply into hell

Assignment: God doesn’t hear those ‘prayers’ 

(0:14:50) Colin watched himself, saw some evil… noticed judgment was anger, was actually hatred. 

(0:17:19) **JLP: Have you noticed God won’t take things away from you? So painful! Help me Lord! God won’t take your loneliness or anything! (0:18:00) … He does not hear those prayers. You’re praying to the Devil! 

Why do we have to go so deep into Hell? 

(0:18:46) Colin asks: Why do we have to go so deep into hell? How many Christians? Franky: We have to take all things to the Cross. (0:19:52) Nick: Because you’re stubborn. 

JLP: Because of your old nature. (0:20:09) **JLP: If you could recognize you’re not your thoughts… 

(0:20:45) Colin: Do you want to be different? (The BQ) (0:21:18) Colin’s a sophisticated white boy, Florida, knows how to put a party together… (0:22:18) **JLP: These meetings have helped me. Keeps me on me. They’re amazing. A good fellowship is a good reminder. 

Assignment… Thinking. Same problem, same solution. 

(0:23:13) Assignment? Tovar (sp) speaks… (0:25:02) **JLP: Anytime you think it’s gone, it means it’s still there. A free man never thinks. Only a man or woman enslaved thinks. 

(0:25:36) **JLP: No matter what, Allahu Akbar, Jew, Gentile, Jehovah Witness, it’s the same problem. Different situation. Same problem. Same solution! You must die in order to live. 

Working on yourself? Silent Prayer

(0:27:04) To the Muslim man: Did you work on yourself? … (0:28:13) Not doing Silent Prayer. Lazy most of the time. No way around it! 

How to lay weapons down? 

(0:29:01) How do you as a father lay your weapons down? Against the world, spiritually protecting them, when they have issues… (0:30:14) They look for me for answers… Hake: Don’t worry about looking weak to them. 

(0:31:05) [Can we shoot the baby? Jesse jokes…] JLP: You need a weapon to give solutions? Mother-in-law problems… bring your own problems in! With a weapon, you’ll fight her and not get it right. 

Assignment… Call no one. Evil at breakfast! 

(0:33:36) Assignment: Cheyenne (sp) the young man. … He used to call his dad. (0:36:38) **JLP: Don’t reach outside or call anyone for help. (0:37:53) Did you know you were evil? 

(0:38:24) **JLP: With evil, you think child molester or rapist, but evil is the woman in the kitchen making breakfast, and the man at the table eating breakfast! It will be enjoyable working on yourself. 

Don’t toy with evil 

(0:39:06) Colin … likes playing with fire [metaphorically speaking] … You don’t want to fight with it, let it in… 

(0:40:55) Darren, it’s simple. (0:41:51) Why don’t you drop it? (0:43:50) It’s better for society that I’m not evil, you want me at Church. My evil’s tremendous. 

Assignment… She forgave mother… irritated at the baby … 

(0:44:09) Young lady’s here from Texas… (0:44:42) Forgiving mother… missed flight… [move baby out!] (0:45:34) FaceTimed her mother. (0:46:54) Are you doing the Silent Prayer? [Jesse looks at the Muslim to shame him! Funny…] (0:47:32) So how does it feel to be a beta male? The Muslim guy didn’t see anything so he stopped. Don’t expect to see anything. 

Continuing with the gal — (0:48:11) Do you see how evil you are? Irritated at the children! Yea I wanted

(0:49:09) Another man… Thank you! 

Raymond, Assignment… 

(0:50:35) Raymond walking in a mall… Assignment … It’s not true what you say about yourself. (0:53:40) Don’t say it anymore… 

*Helping an elderly hoarder: ego trip! Assignment… 

(0:54:14) Gal, weird situation with elderly neighbor walking her dog, agreeing to help her. She was a hoarder! Trash! You can’t help anyone in their mess! She helped for like 40 minutes… Can I call you for this week..? 

(0:57:09) Why didn’t you go away once you saw the mess, and saw it was your ego trip that put you there? Listened to the Devil and stayed and helped! 

(0:59:51) Do you see how evil you are? … (1:01:06) Christian Bible thumper gal 

*Thrills: I make things complicated; Never argue 

(1:02:08) Southern gal, the Alabama gal: I love my thrills, to infinity. I make things so unnecessarily complicated for myself. … (1:04:27) Stopped yelling at boyfriend? “Well…” Laying down weapon, love the thrill of justice, me doing it: Everyday people 

(1:05:18) JLP: She looks so tiny and innocent, you think she’ll make for a good wife and mother. Gal’s story: I wanted to go across the table and choke that lady, being nice-nasty: “That position’s already been filled.” But I didn’t need that job. I was making things harder than what it had to be. Stay with it. 

(1:07:09) **JLP: now that you see you love those thrills, it’ll go away. What would happen if you never argued again about anything? “Is that rhetorical?” Who? 

**JLP: Mexican lady at the Jewish cleaner. Your world, their world 

(1:09:01) JLP story: Jewish cleaners. Mexican lady who seemed to have a nasty attitude. The Devil’s talking to Jesse. A Jew came up, and she was all nice. … Don’t let them into your world: Don’t overreact. Christ came that we might have everlasting peace right now. But o

Assignment: Litter, Dahmer, Salvadorian

(1:11:13) Assignment, anyone? Man cussed in the car with his kids when he saw someone littering. (1:13:07) If you think it’s over it’s not! 

(1:13:30) Rochelle b-day, assignment: Watching the thoughts. Did you know you were so evil? (1:16:03) Do you know you’re two hoops and a holler from becoming Jeffrey Dahmer RIGHT NOW? Want me to test it? 

(1:16:43) A young Hispanic man: everybody assumes you’re Mexican. I’m El Salvadorian. 

(1:18:11) Man’s second time here… (1:19:18) Who is God? 

Biblical Q: Do you want to be different? 

(1:19:29) Biblical QUestion: Do you want to be different? Joshua (sp) … His car got hit in the same incident as Donyale’s. 

(1:22:12) Omeed does want to be different, but feels like the right answer is no. 

(1:23:09) Andrew: I am what I am. No. (1:23:33) Another man: Yes. 

Do you obey your husband? Nick, Franky, Doug… Hake 

(1:23:46) **Lady: Ofc. Do you obey your husband? No. Beta! Why don’t you? Idk! Married 45 years — 46. He remembers the pain! (1:25:16) I stand in front of a mirror and I pretend… 

(1:25:44) Anchor Baby, Franky, Doug… 

(1:27:20) Another man: We all want to be different. (1:27:56) Hake… 

Panic Attack

(1:30:24) Young lady had an anxiety attack just now sitting over there… by Derrick?! She felt like everyone was around her… 

(1:33:07) Come here and have a panic attack … You were into thoughts 

(1:35:17) She comes forward (not on-stage). This is super uncomfortable, thank you. She moves to the middle. 

(1:36:57) JLP: It cannot do anything to you if you’re aware of it. I wanna run away from it. Staying in it, I think it’s gonna get worse. 

God not in control of your life

(1:38:28) Have you noticed that God is not in control of your daily life? First-timer… (1:39:41) **Definition of evil? Every human being. Human nature is evil. 

JLP on BQ: God’s not in control of you: Human nature is evil 

(1:40:37) **JLP: You’ll see God is not in control of your daily affairs at all. Evil is. It can cause a war, for you to turn on one another, have a panic attack… 

(1:43:34) Pay attention. The Devil will make you think you know what you don’t. All thoughts, all lies… Don’t need love, friendship, family. (1:44:24) **JLP: Think of the people who married because they were miserable. You screw ‘em up! Consulting with the Devil! Family is not the answer! 

(1:45:04) Psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors: You’re depressed. Bucket-load of pills. $1K. 

(1:46:14) **JLP: This world is controlled by Satan. People smile, and you vote for them, as long as they make you feel good. When men want to get with women, they make them smile. 

(1:47:10) Try this: Spend time alone. No phone, no TV, no nothing. 1-2 hours …. (1:48:25) Satan… Drop the anger, drop the fear. Possessed in the mind, in the thoughts. It’s not even real! 

(1:50:18) Lay your weapons down. Never fight again. You don’t have a reputation anyway! Nobody cares about the reputations of Trump or Joe Biden! (1:51:31) It’s in the thoughts! Imagine if you don’t think about it! Let it pass. It’s not even your thought! If you were in control

When God’s in control. Praying to the intellect. Assignment

(1:52:00) Donyale/JLP: The only time God’s in control: When we’re in the present! Christians, your prayers are to the intellect! Not to God! Assignment: Completely surrender to thoughts. Feel it. Lady who ran from the panic attack. Quietly take all the pain you can possibly take. Do as much brief as you can. Girlfriend leaves? Take the pain! Home by yourself? Take the pain. Be glad for it. 

First-timer stopped praying 

(1:54:57) Man will try it… (1:55:25) First-timer: When you’re free, do you have thoughts? No, except for practical thoughts. You live by observation, by knowing. You don’t have to think about it. (1:56:12) Stopped praying, fell out of the habit. **But if I were giving free pot, you’d come every day! Back when he was smoking pot. 

Perfect peace? Go into the thoughts 

(1:57:18) Colin: Perfect peace, cleaners situation: Thoughts still come. … (1:59:18) Try it… live with the pain. Take the pain! Don’t let the doctor call it PTSD, that’s covering up evil. Let it travel. Don’t resist the thoughts, go into the thoughts, into the pain, not away from the pain. 

Seeing evil in others? 

(2:01:52) What do you do when you see the evil in others? If you see it, call it out, but don’t judge them. Don’t try to make them see it. Don’t try to teach them. First-timer Jay (sp) … Sometimes it’s good to call it out, but don’t judge. 

(2:03:58) Why you so quiet today? You got rid of your black hair! White girl with black hair! Rachel. 

New BQ: Do you know the truth? What is it? 

(2:05:06) God is really not in control of the world’s affairs — evil is. New BQ: Do you know the truth? What is it? 

(2:08:03) Derrick, my black producer… Joshua: honesty … 

(2:08:52) Donyale… Settle into the pain of the thought… Feeling pain… What do you do when you get thoughts about you. (2:12:20) JLP: When you’re alone, you feel those thoughts, stay with the pain of those thoughts… 


  • 2024 theme: Want for nothing. 
  • 2024 assignment: This year, don’t let the thoughts bully you. 
  • 8/25/24 Assignment: For one week, let the only evil you think of be your own. 
  • 8/25/24 try this: Never argue — with anyone. 
  • Late 2023 assignment: Notice the mind repeats itself, and that it’s all about self. 
  • Late 2023 assignment: Sit four minutes in your room in silence. 
  • March 10-17, 2024 assignment: Get rid of your heroes. Trust no one. 
  • May 19-26, 2024 assignment: If you feel anything, remember: It’s just a thought! No meaning. 
  • Jun 2-9, 2024 assignment/discussion: Watch the different demons inside you. 
  • Assignment from JLP show (Thu 6/20/24) Practice staying present. 
  • We’re not messing around this year. 

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