Does Satan know God? | Church 2/16/25

Evil comes through the mother. Can’t do drugs to see God. Don’t hide from fear. You’ve been taught wrong. Satan does not know God! 

Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, February 16, 2025 

ANNOUNCEMENT: Women’s Forum third Thurs, Feb 20, 2025, 7pm at BOND, L.A. 

||  See clips, links, and notes below. 


  • (0:00:00) Health, Welcome, Valentine’s
  • (0:02:29) Diddy, the mother’s nature 
  • (0:04:49) Armenian woman, husband 
  • (0:13:30) Jewish man, wife, daughter 
  • (0:29:36) Take drugs to see God? 
  • (0:38:25) …”windowpane”; Dark ego, feelings 
  • (0:47:27) All have anger: stupid. 
  • (0:54:54) Fear, hiding. Forget about being r—d! On-stage 
  • (1:09:08) Joel news: Married! 
  • (1:12:22) Never let fear stop you… on-stage gals 
  • (1:33:11) BQ: Does Satan know God? 
  • (1:36:31) Health issue: Take no thought about your body. 
  • (1:41:30) Homeowner smoked pot, got lonely … 
  • (1:57:51) Shouldn’t the perp be held accountable? 
  • (2:02:02) Taught wrong… Don’t live up to anything! 
  • (2:07:19) JLP on BQ… New BQ… Closing 


You’ve been told wrong (8-min) YouTube | Rumble

See Recent and Archive clips on BOND YouTube, BitChute, Rumble, Odysee — BOND: Rebuilding the Man 



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Church Notes 

Biblical Question: Does Satan know God? 

New Biblical Question: How do you trust God? 

NOTE: Tomorrow is Presidents’ Day (Washington’s Birthday, observed). We’ll be live on the radio show as-normal — and I believe the office will be open! 

ANNOUNCEMENT: Women’s Forum third Thurs, Feb 20, 2025, 7pm at BOND, L.A. 

0 Health and Valentine’s Day 

(0:00:00) Small talk, health, diabetes… 

(0:01:33) Welcome… (0:02:19) Happy Valentine’s to all (incl the trans) 

1 ‘Free Diddy’? Mothers’ nature 

(0:02:29) Q’s? Diddy basically his mom. (0:03:28) JLP: the Hell comes thru the mothers. … We’re all evil until we work on ourselves. That spirit comes thru the mother. 

1B Armenian woman agrees; WHM; obeys husband? 

(0:04:49) First-timer gal: She discovered it does come through the mother. … I was a daddy’s girl. She forgave her mother in Armenian… 

(0:06:11) She discovered Jesse during white history month! 

(0:06:51) Since July she listened every day. She has a Q: Disagrees that we’re praying to the Devil. But it did click when Jesse said stop worshiping the Devil in your imagination. She came from Oxnard to thank Jesse. 

(0:08:42) Stay with it. Married? Obey? (Husband here with us as well.) 

(0:09:45) Husband: Does she obey? Nicely, yes. Is it ‘cuz you don’t give any instructions? (laughter) He sees a change in her. Did you forgive your mother? Idk… She was great. 

2 Jewish man also doesn’t understand forgiveness

(0:13:30) A Jewish man says the idea of Hell and Satan is foreign to him… 

(0:14:00) Jesse loves the Jews, they have wine at dinner. 

(0:17:02) …JLP on separation from the father, separation from God. 

(0:18:08) Everything his first half of his life was his father’s fault. But now he realizes it’s both of them. JLP: Forgive your parents now, and walk out a free man. You were wrong for hating him. Powerful, very powerful. Makes sense. 

2B Not comfortable with the word ‘Obey’? 

(0:19:11) Do you realize you married your mother? She won’t obey you! Not comfortable with the word “Obey.” JLP: You obey her more than she you. How does it feel to be a beta? 

(0:21:31) Forgive, pray, doubt every thought … 

(0:22:23) JLP: Do your lil Jewish prayer, Hail Mary or whatever… Came from Oregon 

2C His wife speaks up 

(0:22:44) Kris (sp) the wife: Sometimes but not always obeying… She puts her will into the mix. Why don’t you stop? Forgave. Prays. She’s Irish-Italian and married a Jew. So what do you make for dinner? 

They found Jesse from Uncle Tom (I and II — II is really good) 

2D Daughter says father had “mama” energy 

(0:24:55) The daughter speaks: Going better now that she found him. Trying to forgive them. She hasn’t forgiven him yet, but did her mother. 

(0:26:42) He used to yell a lot. You gotta forgive him. You gotta forgive him. Don’t keep putting it off. 

(0:27:52) Silent Prayer, not staying with it. Just go back to it. Devils fighting over you. Letting go and letting God take over. 

3 Getting high and knowing God? 

(0:29:36) 35 years. Guy said he knows God but doesn’t have perfect peace. He has a “master.” Anybody have a master? Joking about his boss, one man does. 

(0:30:56) Shaman, getting to know God while you’re high. (0:31:30) Getting high off Sherman (shaman?) And when you come down. 

(0:31:44) Vanessa took mushrooms. … Talks about hippies… Pink Floyd, going into your shell like Supertramp (sp) from 60s-70s… (0:33:52) “I wanted to be a shaman.” (0:34:30) Hake, are you hearing this? No wonder they call you the crazy lady! You seem so humble and nice now. 

(0:35:56) Rene: It was an invitation to know God. A path to know something beyond the physical. Drugs? “It’s a medicine.” 

(0:36:38) Man did ayahuasca on an Indian reservation in Texas. 6-hour thing. Separated me from the ego. At the beginning, the ride is not good. But as you get into the “high” you see it. The shaman guided me vocally. I felt a presence way bigger than I was. Dunno if that was God or not. 

(0:38:15) He just got high for the fun of it. 

3B Thoughts? Jesse’s windowpane experience; Ego darkness 

(0:38:25) Thoughts? To me, says one man: New Age is a form of deception from the Devil. Substances leave you in a vulnerable state. JLP: Jesus said (0:39:11) have no teacher. I will send a teacher. 

(0:39:29) JLP: Windowpane? (sp) LSD, the Jewish guy, a recovered drug addict. (0:40:05) Thin piece of paper, acid. It felt too good to be real. 

(0:41:52) JLP: The ego is a dark spirit. It’s a false nature you’ve identified with … It’s darkness. ONly the light of God can take away the darkness. 

(0:43:34) Call no man master… We hunger and thirst after feelings. (0:44:15) The worst thing happened to you is feelings. You fight your husband or wife for feelings. Live your life with no feelings, you can. 

(0:44:50) JLP: Man getting into drug counseling said women are getting into these psychology fields and pushing emotions. Overcome emotions — you can, if you want to. (0:46:02) Human beings LOVE anger! Lying on Jesus: “Jesus was angry. Hold onto your anger. That’s your defense.” No. Your defense is when you stop arguing. You can be free. (0:47:02) All your problems are inside you. All those feelings are in you. 

4 All have anger, stupid. Are you stupid? 

(0:47:27) JLP: I want a disagreement: ALL (doesn’t matter if your Japanese, oh!) — ALL human beings have anger. And as a result, they’re stupid! I’m looking at a bunch of stupid people (laughter). 

(0:48:32) Agree? Lady agrees. Why? 

(0:49:21) Man agrees… speaks. 

4B Lady doesn’t like being stupid 

(0:50:43) Lady: Do you feel stupid when you’re angry? Always knew OTHER people were stupid! What’s it feel like knowing you’re stupid? (0:51:23) Feel bad knowing you’re stupid? Why? 

(0:52:03) JLP: I see people get on their cellphones in this meeting. Stupid. … Did you forgive your parents? Mom, yes. Dad… Prayer? (0:54:25) Suffer and die! That’s stupid. Fight for your life. You can be free. Cut it out. 

5 Fear: Hiding. Was r—d at 4 or 5. On-stage 

(0:54:54) Another lady: Forgave mother. “She couldn’t understand.” She says: Don’t come to me about my dad. (0:56:45) She breaks down… Forgave father, asked why didn’t he protect her from her mom. He shrugged. After that, she saw the spirit controlling him. 

Still have fear? (0:57:34) Hiding. JLP: All human beings… When 4 or 5, she was raped and molested, she says. So fear’s wanted her to hide. … (0:59:10) I’d rather hide from a woman than a man. Why? She drank a lot. (0:59:54) She thought she was hiding from her kids, but realized she can’t stand herself. 

(1:00:09) When she heard Jesse say: Women have no love… She was like, “Finally, somebody says what I saw years ago.” Breaking down more… Treating son better now. (1:01:09) She was judging her husband and herself. (1:01:25) JLP: We’re all possessed with evil. Have to be born again 

5B Was r—d at 5… fear. Come on-stage … (Joel) 

(1:01:45) Raped at 5, what good has it done you to hold onto that? She made a promise never to tell anyone. Dealt with it 20 years. Forgave? Same spirit you’re dealing with. (1:02:19) Wanna get over that fear? Would love to. Come up here. (1:03:10) She’s on-stage … Why you shaking? …. JLP gives some great input… 

(1:07:24) So forget about being r—d! 

(1:09:08) Did Joel news shock you? Lady: It knocked me into Monday! 

5C Don’t let fear stop you. See the thoughts. 

(1:12:22) Back to gal: Never let fear stop you. You can’t hide from it — Don’t hide from it. (1:13:38) Anger: It’s not you. Look around at everyone, in the eyes. Thoughts telling you…? (1:15:15) JLP: What do you think knowing they’re judging you right now? No business thinking about that. (1:16:02) Emotion’s coming from the thoughts, it’s not real. Do you feel silly crying? You look pretty silly crying… 

(1:17:42) You gotta stay present so you can see. Went unconscious… almost entered into the shell… Stay with it. (1:18:39) You’re free. You just don’t know it. Even the rape thing that happened to you as a kid. That didn’t happen to you. It happened to your body. The body healed, but because of the anger, the spirit don’t heal. So forget about the lil rape thing. They hold onto it like a badge of honor. Forgive the rapist… they couldn’t halp it. We can’t hate anyone. 

(1:19:53) Who are you? … (1:21:33) God has put his angels in charge over us. 

5D Feedback from other ladies 

(1:22:10) Young lady Lily (sp): Learned anything from what she said? I had a strong opinion about who I am. But now I don’t know. The Devil tells you real fast who you are. I felt bad for her. 

(1:23:36) JLP: We have no problems. All problems are an illusion. 

(1:23:53) Another gal’s feedback: Felt for her. Nervous. The Devil. 

(1:25:18) Yet another gal’s feedback: Ohh, they’re gonna put a face to the story… You look like you’re bothered by what’s going on inside. 

(1:26:33) JLP: When I saw her in pain, I saw: The Devil got her. People are about themselves. Ego. Don’t see. 

(1:27:06) Do you obey your husband? All that hell, you don’t! 

(1:27:28) Joe: Does she obey? She does. More on her growth, seeking God. 

Another gal on-stage 

(1:29:10) Another gal comes on-stage: You shoulda never told me you were scared! 

(1:30:35) How do you see yourself? “Haven’t thought about it.” Who are you? … Were you helped in any way? (1:32:11) (Another gal’s phone goes off: Drug dealer?) 

Biblical Question 

(1:33:11) Biblical Question: Does the Devil know God? … (1:33:56) Rachel: No, he mimics God to keep you distracted. … 

(1:35:58) Man believes he does, based on the Bible. Off-topic thing 

6 No thought for your body 

(1:36:31) Health issue: Feels it’s spiritual in origin. JLP: Take no thought about your body at all. (1:39:13) Don’t tell anyone for sympathy… It’s just your space suit, your body. It’s not you. 

7 Pot-smoking lonely homeowner 

(1:41:30) Another man: Smoked pot, bad experience. He bought a house following Jesse’s advice. Now he feels alone. (1:44:53) Who’s telling you you feel alone? The pressure of having a house. Paying it. Living in it. (1:45:54) It gets difficult working for his father. I get angry when he doesn’t take my suggestion. In my thoughts. JLP: Let him die and then you take over his business! (1:47:03) You’re wrong being mad. Can’t control it. Feel like I’m controlled. It’s the spirit of evil at home in you. 

(1:47:56) You so silly. You rather be in an apartment and lonely, or a house and lonely? Who’s scared? Me. Who are you? Observer. So why you afraid? (1:49:08) Pot has never helped you. 

(1:50:57) Devil gives you thoughts … 

(1:51:49) I’m Armenian: Some weird coincidence happens: Ain’t nothing weird about that… (1:52:42) JLP: I have a friend, Oh look, 3 pennies. It always happennns! Don’t read anything to that! 

(1:53:54) He’s 28, got the house at 25. Be grateful. Stay out of your head. Bad experiences in his life: Don’t want it to happen to others. Mama? … Gotta finish. Take the mic 

Maestro/Teacher … Stupid? 

(1:55:02) Alex: Considering a man your master? Jesse: I’d get outta that race! What do you mean? Stupid? (1:56:48) JLP: Nothing anyone can do to you to make you angry. Angry people are separated from God, trying to be their own god. 

5E Shouldn’t the perp be punished? 

(1:57:51) Alex: Shouldn’t the perpetrator pay for what he did? JLP: They were already in hell, punished. Is it up to you? Repent of judging, playing God. God does not judge you for anything you’ve done. 

8 You’ve been told wrong. Stop trying to live up to anything. 

(2:02:02) JLP: You are stupid if you’re angry. You’ve been taught wrong how to live. Never gonna live up to it. Stop trying. Anger is evil, not good. We’ve been told what kind of career to get. They tell you what to do, and try to live up to that, and you’re unhappy. You fell for it. 

(2:03:42) JLP: Money gets serious, and you’re afraid when you don’t have it. Don’t have that fearful relationship with money — you don’t need a million to be happy at dinnertime. 

(2:03:57) JLP: Gotta get a home! Gotta get married! … Told about morality. (2:05:09) Nobody 

(2:05:28) You can never live up to those things. Stop trying to live up to anything. 

8B Satan does not know God 

(2:07:19) Satan has no contact with God at all. (2:08:22) New BQ: How do you trust God? 

(2:09:05) Prayer. Practice staying present. All thoughts, all lies, all the time! When the not-you disappears — and it will if you stay with it. The fake you will disappear, and you will appear again. 


  • 2025 theme/assignment: Practice being present. 
  • 2024 theme: Want for nothing. 
  • 2024 assignment: Don’t let the thoughts bully you. 
  • 10/13/24 Daily Assignment: 24hrs: Don’t judge with words, looks, emotions, or thoughts. 
  • 8/25/24 Assignment: For one week, let the only evil you think of be your own. 
  • 8/25/24 try this: Never argue — with anyone. 
  • 9/1/24 Assignment: Completely surrender to thoughts. Feel it. Take the pain. 
  • 9/1/24 Assignment for Southern gal: For one week, don’t argue with anyone. 
  • 9-8-24 and 9-15-24 assignment: Don’t trust the thought. Let it overwhelm you. 
  • March 10-17, 2024 assignment: Get rid of your heroes. Trust no one. 
  • May 19-26, 2024 assignment: If you feel anything, remember: It’s just a thought! No meaning. 
  • Jun 2-9, 2024 assignment/discussion: Watch the different demons inside you. 
  • Assignment from JLP show (Thu 6/20/24) Practice staying present. 
  • Late 2023 assignment: Notice the mind repeats itself, and that it’s all about self. 
  • Late 2023 assignment: Sit four minutes in your room in silence. 

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