Have you ever seen God? | Church 7/28/24

Marriage, relationships, and “giving” are done out of ego, not love! Let the light destroy the ego. Have you ever seen God? It’s spiritual, not physical. 

Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, July 28, 2024 

||  See clips, links, and notes below. 

Life doesn’t work your way: Marriage out-of-order, living near mama, wife working, not raising children. 

Women “help” and “give” and get hurt: for ego or love? 

All human beings are selfish. In relationships, it was never love, but covering up emptiness. Let the ego die: The light destroys the darkness. 

Biblical Question: Have you ever seen God? Christians say they have, but… 

New Biblical Question: Do you love the emptiness of not knowing who you are? 


  • (0:00:00) Pre-service small talk
  • (0:03:26) Life won’t work but its way: Marriage away from mama. 
  • (0:11:20) Men whose wives wouldn’t stay home. Trying to make it work. 
  • (0:17:38) Grandmothers messing up children
  • (0:20:06) Man and girlfriend of 10 years
  • (0:33:44) She gets hurt giving, and being used. All women like this! 
  • (0:42:55) “Generous” man: It’s all about me! Like your mama! Woman’s spirit! 
  • (0:54:27) Man gave out of ego. Can it be both ego and love? 
  • (1:07:27) JLP: It’s all about self. Die from the ego, emotions. 
  • (1:20:35) Feedback: That’s kooky! 
  • (1:23:13) What is worship? Worshiping the Devil, or the woman. Joel’s soup. 
  • (1:30:10) Relationships: You never loved them, nor they you. Covered up emptiness 
  • (1:35:10) When’s the ego dead? Welcome the light, don’t fight. 
  • (1:40:23) BQ: Have you ever seen God? 
  • (1:54:16) Die to self. Be perfect. New BQ. Closing


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Church Notes 

Life doesn’t work your way: Marriage out-of-order, living near mama, wife working, not raising children. 

Women “help” and “give” and get hurt: for ego or love? 

All human beings are selfish. In relationships, it was never love, but covering up emptiness. Let the ego die: The light destroys the darkness. 

Biblical Question: Have you ever seen God? 

New Biblical Question: Do you love the emptiness of not knowing who you are? 


(0:00:00) Small talk… (0:02:42) Welcome to Church… 

Life won’t work but its way: Marriage 

(0:03:19) I know y’all didn’t bring anything. (0:03:38) Life will not work except the way it’s supposed to. 

(0:04:55) Example: (0:05:56) Matthew 19: 4-6 — Joel reads KJV and NIV … 

(0:06:55) JLP doesn’t know anyone who’s done that. When men marry, they stay with the mother or move close to the parents. Every 

(0:07:50) Every man who stays near the mother, the marriage never works. The mother and wife try to take control of the husband. Misery. 

(0:09:22) You’ll never have a successful marriage staying around mama. She doesn’t have good advice. (0:10:20) Why you move down the block from mama? Childcare is no excuse! (0:11:03) For the sex, that’s the drug. Why marry a woman who won’t take care of the kids? 

Men who agree, wives not staying home to be mothers 

(0:11:21) Man couldn’t agree more, but it’s too late. Almost to the point I feel you’re just talking to / about me. … 

(0:13:40) Another man … left her. (0:15:00) The moment you lay down with an evil woman, you lost your kids. Tried to make it work after having a child out-of-wedlock. (0:16:01) One of the dumbest things men do! (0:17:00) Today’s women are real cuckoo. 

Grandmothers screwing up children; Wives working 

(0:17:31) Another lie: The kids need to see Grandmama! Suck the life and destroy them the same as she did you! 100%, the first man says. 

Man likes a wife working: Easier! Longtime girlfriend 

(0:20:00) Why marry a woman intent on working? A first timer likes it. You’d put your ego before your children? Let your children suffer? What’s the purpose of marrying? A better standard and quality of living, he says. 

(0:23:20) Doesn’t want to have children or marry. With his girlfriend of 10 years. 

The woman with him raised her son on her own 

(0:24:24) Sai (sp), with the man. She got pregnant, doing it herself — he had autism disability — without a man. (0:26:36) It was for ego? … He was not successful enough. 

**Do you obey him? Is she ever satisfied? 

(0:28:22) Do you obey your boyfriend? I respect him. I think I do. He respects her and tries to please her. Is she ever satisfied? You’ll never please her. (0:29:46) JLP: One, women don’t know what they want, and two, men should never ever try to please her. Stop pleasing her, and see what happens! 

(0:32:18) Do you want freedom? She cuts in — he has freedom to do what he wants! (0:33:08) Do you try to please him? She fits him into her schedule. 

*Why does it hurt when they use you? All women like this

(0:34:22) How do you feel when they aren’t like you and don’t reciprocate. I keep giving. Why does it hurt when they use you? 

(0:36:15) Why are women like that? (0:37:25) Another gal, to have their way? (0:37:35) Bigg Bump: They’re fake, they’re a mess, the ego. (0:37:54) Frederick doesn’t think they’re all like that. 

(0:38:31) Not all women are givers who get hurt. Some are takers, says the man. (0:40:20) The girlfriend talks about the selfish friend since 10 years-old. (0:41:27) If you love her, you’d let her go. 

(0:42:04) Why are all women like this? 

**Generous man: It’s all about me! All women like this 

(0:42:40) I’m very generous, and I realize it’s all about me. You’re just like your mama! 

(0:44:30) **JLP: A man helps, but in a way that helps. A woman does it in a way that destroys! 

(0:45:09) Alexis: Want… A man can give what a woman needs: Guidance, direction. 

(0:47:01) **JLP: Men are like this too. They have the nature of the woman. They want “S” from the woman! 

(0:47:59) Women’s existence is driven by ego and imagination. Why men give them what they want. 

(0:48:49) **JLP: Men don’t care about you! 

(0:49:38) Joel thinks it is love, getting her Starbucks… 

(0:51:40) A young lady (the Swedish or something gal) 

(0:53:41) Doug thinks the helpful people are supremacists, in a way. 

What did it feel like? (Man cusses) Love or ego? 

(0:54:16) JLP: What did it feel like to bring her coffee? I’ve never had a deeper love than for her, he says. … I’m very selfish… Found JLP on TikTok and YouTube. 

(0:57:24) Joel still thinks it can be love. You can give generously, and it not be from ego. 

(0:58:08) Young lady cuts in: Why can’t it be both? Her parents weren’t that giving, but she was taken care of. She’s the other way with her son. She says she does things because of love, ego, being well-balanced, and because she wants to. She’ll give to the homeless people. (1:00:19) This black guy at the Post Office has a beautiful truck! 

(1:01:47) Frederick… (1:03:44) Man says it’s plain old-fashioned thoughtfulness. Biden wouldn’t do that. 

(1:04:27) Man says it’s giving with wanting something in return. Christianity 101, don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. 

(1:05:31) The woman reiterates: It’s a balance of everything. 

(1:05:58) JLP: We’re not yelling at you. 

It’s all about self. Homeless! Emotions. Ego die 

(1:07:18) I finally understand that human beings are evil to the core. Everything that we do is about self. (1:08:27) The homeless know how to play you, and get an ego thrill. Most don’t deserve it! 

(1:09:45) God is a dispassionate God. Emotions are not necessary. Die from the ego. Everything you do is for you. 

(1:11:05) Couples, thrills. The thrill goes away, and you start to have thoughts of how it was. 

(1:13:46) JLP: You gotta let yourself feel the void, stay in fear, loneliness, emptiness, doubt. Only way to die from the ego is: Live in it. Don’t let anyone or anything fulfill it! Then you can treat each other in a perfect way. 

(1:14:48) JLP: A person of pure love has no needs. … Every human being intertwined because of emptiness. 

(1:16:02) In order to have life, you must die. Most won’t live with pure emptiness. Emptiness is a hard thing to deal with! Light… Let go of people, places, and things. You’ll grow to it as the Light is taking over to destroy human nature. Human nature is evil because it’s of the Devil. Women are evil. Being used. Nobody loves anybody! Every human being is about self! Endure the emptiness! 

(1:18:14) **JLP: Rejected. Men stand at the wall, afraid of being rejected! Everything you do is ego. … It’s either right or wrong. God is a dispassionate God. You can’t be of fake love and help one another. 

(1:19:35) Coffee example. 

That’s kooky 

(1:20:29) A little of today is kooky. (1:22:23) JLP: Don’t believe me. Let it be kooky. 

What is worship? Joel’s soup

(1:23:06) What is worship? The African young lady asks. Such as when you say: You’re worshiping the Devil! Worship is whenever you put anyone or anything before what’s right. (1:24:12) Joel made soup. Worship. Delicious. It beat out the strawberry pop. 

**You’ve never loved a woman, nor she you. 

(1:29:58) **JLP: You have never loved a woman, and she has never loved you. The emptiness was just covered up. I thought I was in love, but I was in memories. She’d covered up the pain with false love. 

(1:33:00) It felt good, but feeling good ain’t good! Still in hell. Every human being, same thing. Every breakup is about that. Die from the ego, you’ll have real love. You have to die. We’re using one another and don’t even know it. I’m a good person, I’m a bad person, because I do this or that. 

(1:34:20) We’re putting titles on demons. 

When’s the ego dead? 

(1:34:57) Man asks: Will you ever know when the ego’s dead? Don’t think about it. 

(1:37:31) Welcome the light… Lay your weapons down. Stop fighting with the spirit, with evil, with everybody. Don’t fight it inside you, nor others. 

**Biblical Question: Have you ever seen God? 

(1:40:12) Biblical Question: Have you ever seen God? Frederick: My experience with God… (1:42:38) Rochelle… (1:45:22) Lijie thinks she felt the presence. 

(1:45:44) **Asked whether he’s seen God, Jesse says he’s never seen Him, but he’s done me some favors. “Miracle”? Favor. 

(1:46:24) **What did Jesus mean whoever’s seen the son has seen the Father? The peace from God, I know it’s from Him. I never assume I know, or that i’m right or wrong. Get rid of all assumptions. 

(1:47:56) Favors? I was a kid. … (1:49:25) I feel like we’ve seen glimpses of God, a man says. (1:50:44) **When you see human beings you see evil! God created man in His image — not physically, but spiritually. 

(1:52:14) Man thinks a Billboard message is from God. (funny) 

(1:53:20) **You’re noticing more that you’re not present. And you’re becoming more present. 

Die to self. Be perfect. New BQ

(1:54:06) JLP: You’re not your body, vices, emotions, thoughts. Realizing it is all you gotta do. The light will destroy the darkness. Don’t try to do anything about it. 

(1:55:36) You ain’t never been in love, nor anybody loved you. When you stop looking for love, you’ll find it. 

New BQ: Do you love the emptiness of not knowing who you are? 

(1:58:20) Closing… If you don’t see it for yourself, you’re just intellectually repeating it. The intellect is your enemy. You have a Teacher within. 


  • 2024 theme: Want for nothing. 
  • 2024 assignment: This year, don’t let the thoughts bully you. 
  • Late 2023 assignment: Notice the mind repeats itself, and that it’s all about self. 
  • Late 2023 assignment: Sit four minutes in your room in silence. 
  • March 10-17, 2024 assignment: Get rid of your heroes. Trust no one. 
  • May 19-26, 2024 assignment: If you feel anything, remember: It’s just a thought! No meaning. 
  • Jun 2-9, 2024 assignment/discussion: Watch the different demons inside you. 
  • Assignment from JLP show (Thu 6/20/24) Practice staying present. 
  • We’re not messing around this year. 

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