Midterms! Afraid not to trust thoughts? | Church 9/15/24

Do you tip? Midterms! Who are you? Why are you afraid not to trust your thoughts? “Am I shutting myself off from love?” 

Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, September 15, 2024 

||  See clips, links, and notes below. 

  • Tipping culture, bad service, and customer attitude 
  • Midterms! Who are you? Do thoughts ever go away? 
  • Biblical Question: Why are you afraid not to trust your thoughts? 
  • Is God in control of the affairs of your life? 
  • Assignment: Distrust the thought. Let it overwhelm you. Feel the pain. 
  • New Biblical Question idea: Are you one with yourself? 

ANNOUNCEMENT: Women’s Forum third Thursday, Sept 19, 2024, 7 PM at BOND https://rebuildingtheman.com/events/ 


  • (0:00:00) Welcome. Trend: Women not shaving
  • (0:07:10) Profiling, service industry, black people tipping 
  • (0:19:11) Midterm test: Who are you? 
  • (0:23:36) Do thoughts ever go away? Who are you? 
  • (0:29:50) BQ: Why afraid not to trust thoughts? 
  • (0:36:49) BQ: More answers … “F” grade 
  • (0:47:26) BQ… Is seeing thoughts the same as feeling thoughts? 
  • (0:52:45) BQ… “I am that I am.” Lose control? 14yo: good guy? 
  • (1:01:30) Fathers, teens… Is God in control of the affairs of your life? 
  • (1:10:02) BQ… Do you want to be different? Forgave fathers? Teens: No. 
  • (1:19:16) If you believe in Jesus, why are you so miserable? 
  • (1:22:14) Afraid not to be anything. Overcome the world, emotions 
  • (1:27:56) Shutting myself off from love? I’m colder… Sacrifice? Faith? 
  • (1:46:24) JLP: A bunch of thoughts! Let them go! Father, mother, emotions 
  • (1:50:54) Don’t know who I am. Distrust thoughts: There’s no you to protect! 
  • (1:55:31) Every angry person is wicked. Devil in your head every morning! 
  • (1:59:31) Devil makes you think you can save someone! You’re your problem! 
  • (2:01:40) Being angry won’t help. No future? 
  • (2:03:18) Assignment? Young lady… 
  • (2:05:40) Satan LOVES past/future. Listening to thoughts! Not a sinner. 
  • (2:10:42) New BQ: Are you one with yourself?


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Church Notes 

Tipping culture, bad service, and customer attitude 

Midterms! Who are you? Do thoughts ever go away? 

Biblical Question: Why are you afraid not to trust your thoughts? 

Is God in control of the affairs of your life? 

Assignment: Distrust the thought. Let it overwhelm you. Feel the pain. 

New Biblical Question idea: Are you one with yourself? 

ANNOUNCEMENT: Women’s Forum third Thursday, Sept 19, 2024, 7 PM at BOND https://rebuildingtheman.com/events 

1 Welcome. Women not shaving. Midterm test? Profiling

(0:00:00) Start (0:02:00) Intro (0:02:36) Welcome 

(0:03:12) Women not shaving their armpits: Online trend 

(0:05:51) Midterm test! No A or B… (0:06:22) The only “A” I ever made… multiple choice. 

2 Profiling customers: Black people tipping? Attitude? 

(0:06:54) Racial profiling: Football player pulled over in Florida. Do I do racial profiling? “They should name you Hitler!” Waiter profiling. African Americans tip 8-10%, and always complain. Latinos, we don’t like serving them either. Always tip 10%, never complain. 

(0:09:22) JLP: Black people don’t tip well. (0:09:41) Do you tip? I don’t complain much. Only if it’s warranted. (0:10:19) Donyale, are you a good tipper? 

I am not a good tipper

(0:10:36) JLP: I am not a good tipper. I get mad at the suggested tip. (0:11:16) Donyale: They don’t get paid high hourly? My employees. (0:12:32) They work hard. 

(0:12:45) In Miami, everything mandatory tip: 18% on everything. 

(0:14:15) Are you a good tipper? $0.50? I double the tax. Who taught you? 

(0:14:57) Joel: Not a rule: I go based off the service. 

(0:16:03) That’s why the service is going down. Trump: No tax on tips! 

Black people’s bad reputation for attitude

(0:16:46) Donyale, is it known black people don’t tip well and they’ll have attitude? That’s a given. 

(0:18:05) JLP: I have an issue with tip. A dollar or two. 

3 Midterm Test: Who are you? 

(0:18:53) Test! First-timer… Sophia (sp) … Who are you? Idk. (0:20:09) Francisco. (0:20:46) Aquarius. Demons. … impractical thoughts, girlfriend. (0:22:38) Doug. I thought I was a decent person. 

Do thoughts ever go away? Who are you? 

(0:23:24) Colin: Do thoughts ever go away? (0:24:17) When you die…? 

(0:25:04) Who are you? A sinner saved by grace. (0:26:33) Does God say you can be saved now? (0:26:55) Are you your body? Yes. Are you your sin? No. (0:27:22) First-timer Tony. 

(0:27:36) Thought I was an amazing wife, mom, everything. Randy’s wife. Idk, not sure I want to know. Gave up on son? No, I love him! 

(0:28:40) Donyale, do thoughts go away? Possible. Mine haven’t. 

4 BQ: Why afraid not to trust thoughts? 

(0:29:36) Why are you afraid not to trust your thoughts? Donyale: I’m not! I’m afraid to trust my thoughts! Never, ever, ever trust thoughts at all? I question every thought…. Do you ever, ever, ever trust thoughts? (0:32:05) It’s so quiet in here, I could hear a pin drop. 

(0:32:30) I don’t want to come across as thought I’ve arrived. (0:33:40) Isn’t it a thought? This is complicated. I need to pay more attention. (0:36:10) I have to pass the mic on now… 

BQ: I’d be scared of failing

(0:36:28) The Muslim guy: I’d be scared of failing. (0:37:35) Is God in control of your life affairs? I hope he is, but most of the time we try to play God. I do. 

(0:38:22) Young lady: I’m afraid to trust them. I act on thoughts, and realize I shouldn’t have. I trust practical thoughts. How about non-practical thoughts? 

(0:42:24) Man: Learning not to react to them… (0:43:24) Sorry you’re failing this test in front of your daughter. You know old people are not smart, right? … (0:45:37) Lemme check off “F” for him. You embarrassed for your father. 16yo afraid not to trust thoughts. 

BQ continued… Is seeing thoughts the same as feeling thoughts? 

(0:47:11) Donyale: Is seeing thoughts the same as feeling thoughts? (0:48:16) Colin: Are you guys having fun? … 

(0:48:45) Another man on BQ … (0:49:54) When we’re in the flesh, thoughts will always come, he says. 

(0:50:15) Omeed on BQ: I don’t trust myself to act without the thoughts. (0:51:14) Since you don’t do right trusting thoughts, what would happen if you didn’t trust them? (0:52:12) My PR guy, tomorrow it’ll be a tipping job. 

5? Who are you? “I am that I am.” I will lose control of my life. Good guy? 

(0:52:26) Man: Who are you? I am that I am. Aware I am where I am. I’m here, present. Who said that in the Bible? … Man on BQ… 

(0:55:29) Lady: I will lost control, of my work, life, what I’ll do next. Do you have control of your life? (0:56:23) Since you don’t have control, what would happen if you didn’t trust them? (0:57:35) 2-3 days ago, I stopped trusting them. 

(0:58:30) Stepson, 14, on BQ … Good guy? (1:00:31) What’s good about you? Idk! Anger? 

6 Is God in control of the affairs of your life? Fathers, teen children 

(1:01:13) Is God in control of the affairs of your life? Randy: Idk… Weird phase… (1:03:40) My son a teen. Not sure how to react. (1:04:45) Son 14, don’t know what to do. Do nothing. Hard to do nothing? Makes it worse! … I get impatient, want to see a change; I put stuff out toward others, but should be applying to myself! Every time I’m annoyed, I’m at fault!

16yo daughter, her father 

(1:06:18) 16yo girl: Have a boyfriend? I have a crush. We’re not together. He likes me back. My parents are not afraid, they just don’t want me to do wrong. Do they trust you with your boyfriend? Yeah. Nervous? Yeah…. 

(1:07:49) Her father: Women… born with value. Lose that value once, it’s never coming back. (1:08:52) Wait till marriage before she starts tripping. 

JLP advice to first father 

(1:09:23) JLP suggestion to Randy: Do nothing. Relax. 

7 Back to BQ… Do you want to be different? Teens forgave father? No. 

(1:09:43) Why afraid not to trust thoughts? Scandinavian (or something) young lady: Thoughts feel like me. (1:12:22) Do you want to be different? 

**(1:13:08) Teenage young man: I don’t like conformity / conforming. Forgive father? I don’t know. No. I’m stubborn. If you don’t forgive, how will you ever be different? Idk. What would happen? All my worries would go away. Be miserable. Happy being miserable. Let the anger go, Forgive your father. It’s hard. Idk why. Something inside wants to go against everything, my father. Know it’s evil. Yeah. Why worshiping evil? (1:15:09) **JLP: That boy was on that roof because he had anger… 

(1:15:23) Another teen, the 14yo: No. What are you angry. 

(1:17:57) Back to 16yo: Forgive. Why would I want to be free: Of misery, of being like other people. Forgive, so God can forgive you. Who is God? You’ll find out once you forgive. Know what I mean? Want your friend to go with you? I don’t feel the need to. 

8? If you believe in Jesus, why are you so miserable?

(1:18:58) Believe in Jesus? Who so miserable? (1:19:51) “I keep waiting…” I have two adopted daughters, one biological. 

(1:21:09) JLP: Things are already worked out. Why not drop the thoughts and stop waiting? Forgave mother? Yes. Long time ago. 

9 Afraid not to be anything. Committed: Let go of everything

(1:21:52) Randy: Similar circumstance. We resent our parents, realize we’re just like them. Then we can forgive them. 

(1:23:33) **JLP: Go through seeing how evil you are. Every human being wicked to the core. You literally got to die. Dying from evil. Most love their evil, they think it’s them. (1:25:29) Most won’t make it. Satan will talk: Where’s God? I’ve been searching 80 years. 

(1:26:06) … Feeding the homeless, getting married not gonna do it… — Oh, that’s the Assignment! 


(1:26:25) Why afraid not to trust thoughts? Habit, says man. 

10 Shutting yourself off from love?

(1:27:41) Colin: Seeing the lack of love in me, and in other people… Am I rejecting love? Is there no love in the world? I’m being more callous with family members, cutting them off… I’m afraid it’ll condemn me to Hell… (1:29:47) Shutting yourself off from God’s love? … God’s love comes through people, right? Loving gestures…? 

(1:32:12) I’ve received love… No, you haven’t! You wouldn’t be afraid of shutting yourself down from that. 

(1:32:40) Another guy… Good people doing selfless things that are needed. 

Sacrifice? Mostly ego. Faith?

(1:34:28) Trump’s sacrifice: Good example. He wants nothing back from it. … (1:35:39) I’m a father… my kids’ mother getting paid, sponsored to make it difficult. What are you sacrificing? I thought it was my happiness, miserable to deal with her. 

(1:37:22) Back to Colin: Man running into a hail of bullets. A thrill, feels like a patriot. How was this country built, if not with love? With the help of God. God gives a talent, and you could build a country, but still have hatred in your heart. Reject what you think love is. (1:39:25) You don’t know what love is. 

(1:39:42) Back to man: **JLP: To let God control, completely let go. Faith? Let go of your idea of faith. (1:41:40) My father said to know Me. Let go of stuff in your head! 

I’m getting colder… 

(1:42:00) Colin: If you let go of all your ideas about love, you’ll have it. I’m being colder. If you’re being colder, then you’re not letting go. There’s no coldness in the light. You’re just playing another game. 

(1:43:04) I don’t wanna help my sister and father. Sister’s playing mama? Are you mad when she asks you? Yeah. You’re still getting into thoughts. You’re not operating from love. 

11? JLP: It’s all just a bunch of thoughts! Father, mother, emotions

(1:46:06) The reason for the test: A thought! You responded from thoughts! And you didn’t see that! (1:46:46) All your thoughts about life, marriages, etc. … just a bunch of thoughts! And you didn’t see you were having the thoughts! Watch the thoughts! 

(1:47:19) Feeling the thought is watching the thoughts. The light has no effort! God doesn’t need your help with anything. He needs you to let go. Totally submit to him in thoughts and imagination. Pay attention to how often the thoughts are coming, and you’re not catching them! 

Your son… (1:48:44) Wife tells you about it with emotions. That’s your child. You take care of him! 

12? Don’t know who I am. Thoughts: There is no you to protect 

(1:50:35) Man: I don’t know who I am… JLP continues… (1:53:01) “What would happen if?” Worshiping the Devil! A thousand dollars… not enough? There is no you to protect. 

(1:54:40) Stop identifying with your body! Gonna disappear! God lives in you too. But you identify with everything but God! He’s with you. Living through you. Stop identifying with the false self. 

13? Every angry person is wicked

(1:55:12) Man… (1:56:15) Every angry person is a wicked person. It’s not even you judging, the Devil in you makes you think you’re judging. He wants more pain and misery in you to make you feel alive. He feels good when you feel bad. 

(1:56:57) **JLP: There’s never, ever, but never ever a reason to be angry. Evil. It’s not them, but the spirit that made a home in them. 

First thing the Devil reminds you of in the morning is the past or future. 

14 Devil makes you think you can save someone!

(1:59:13) **JLP: The Devil makes you think you can save someone! You keep helping them, and they keep doing the same thing! 

15 Being angry won’t help. Thinking about the future, not good? Why? 

(2:01:22) Young man: Getting angry over the problem won’t solve it, but will make it worse. Drummer I can’t make him change. Thinking about the future, not good? Why? It doesn’t exist? It’s going to exist. You don’t know that. Do your best right now, it’s all you have. And all is well. 

16 Assignment? 

(2:02:58) Helpful? Anyone do the assignment? Young lady talks about her big plans and judgment. 

Assignment again. Satan loves past/future. Not a sinner 

(2:05:25) JLP: We’ll have to do the assignment this week, too. I wish you could understand: It’s just thoughts. It’s not you. It’s not in you. It’s only in here (points at head). You’ll be surprised at the mess, stupid stuff, scary stuff, Satan puts in there. He loves, LOVES, telling you about the past or the future. 

Be perfect. Sins of the heart. (2:08:10) Christians tell you you’re born a sinner, gonna die a sinner! Not true. Forgive. It’s done. 

(2:08:40) The Christian man says: In God’s eyes, he doesn’t see you as a sinner. Why do you want to live like a sinner? You’re free. Neither sinner nor saint. It was not you, but a thing that made a home in you. The flesh? Pain in the flesh. The temptation in the mind. Y’all don’t know how many thoughts… 

17 New BQ: Are you one with yourself? Closing 

(2:10:27) New BQ: Are you one with yourself? Nick, Joel…. 

(2:12:20) Drop the anger! (2:13:20) **Don’t eat the duck! … Drop the anger 

(2:14:52) Rochelle. He doesn’t hold anything against you! 


  • 2024 theme: Want for nothing. 
  • 2024 assignment: This year, don’t let the thoughts bully you. 
  • 8/25/24 Assignment: For one week, let the only evil you think of be your own. 
  • 8/25/24 try this: Never argue — with anyone. 
  • 9/1/24 Assignment: Completely surrender to thoughts. Feel it. Take the pain. 
  • Late 2023 assignment: Notice the mind repeats itself, and that it’s all about self. 
  • Late 2023 assignment: Sit four minutes in your room in silence. 
  • March 10-17, 2024 assignment: Get rid of your heroes. Trust no one. 
  • May 19-26, 2024 assignment: If you feel anything, remember: It’s just a thought! No meaning. 
  • Jun 2-9, 2024 assignment/discussion: Watch the different demons inside you. 
  • Assignment from JLP show (Thu 6/20/24) Practice staying present. 
  • We’re not messing around this year. 

LAST WEEK 5 Assignment: Distrust the thought, let it overwhelm you 

Church 9-8-24 (1:48:25) Your assignment… You are afraid not to trust thoughts. Distrust the thought, for one week. Let the fear, loneliness, etc., overwhelm you. Feel it. You’ve got to not trust it. It feels like you’re losing something: You’re losing your false, insane self. You’re losing yourself — which is not you at all. They make you trust them, because if you don’t, they have to leave. 

Church 9-8-24 (1:51:21) Feel the pain… holding your hand in church and make you feel better…. God wants to save you from it — but you won’t let him save you! 

Church 9-8-24 (1:52:25) JLP to Donyale: Let the anger overwhelm you, feel it, relax in it 

Church 9-8-24 (1:53:51) Why afraid? He’ll reveal it to you if you want to be free. Don’t trust your thoughts this week. 

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