What’s going on on Earth? | Church 8/25/24

Preacher’s daughter, “heroin addict.” Does your future look bright? BQ: What’s going on on Earth? Feel hopelessness, helplessness. 

Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, August 25, 2024 

||  See clips, links, and notes below.

ASSIGNMENT: The only evil you think about: Your own. For one week! 

New Biblical Question: Do you want to be different? 


  • (0:00:00) Start… 
  • (0:03:06) Will she obey? Welcome, first-timers 
  • (0:07:13) Preacher’s daughter: Do you believe you’re good? 
  • (0:11:19) Her car was hit 
  • (0:14:56) Does your future look bright? Allahu Akbar person… 
  • (0:17:54) ‘I was a heroin addict.’ Did you let go of the anger? 
  • (0:27:48) ‘Heroin addict’: Forgive parents. It was never you. 
  • (0:36:50) Biblical Question: What’s going on on Earth? 
  • (0:43:02) BQ… Listening to the Devil … Divine order? … 
  • (0:54:52) BQ… Mimi’s moving! 
  • (1:00:44) Is it OK to cry? 
  • (1:06:11) Why Jesus wept; Most cry for the thrill… 
  • (1:08:27) BQ… Are you getting better? … 
  • (1:14:24) JLP on BQ: Catch the Devil controlling you 
  • (1:28:46) JLP: Setup: putting women over men; die from religion 
  • (1:33:13) Thinking vs knowing. Citizen wife. Joel. Hassan. 
  • (1:41:01) Only true power, God: Overcoming the world 
  • (1:44:49) JLP: Become helpless, hopeless: A perfect feeling, reach for nothing. 
  • (1:49:47) Felt that hopelessness? Allahu Akbar man, others 
  • (1:57:17) JLP: Stop arguing. Lay your weapons down. … 
  • (2:01:15) Assignment: Only think about your evil… People don’t listen! 
  • (2:06:13) New Biblical Question: Do you want to be different? Closing…


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Church Notes 

Biblical Question: What is going on on Earth? 

Assignment: For one week, let the only evil you think about be the evil in you. 

New Biblical Question: Do you want to be different? 

After Church stream: Happy B-day to Joel Friday, Bill, Omeed, and the rest! … 

1 Welcome: Will she obey? 

(0:00:00) Start… (0:01:25) Intro (0:02:20) Any first timers? 

(0:02:59) **Will she obey? (0:04:04) Pearl, the possible fiancée? (0:04:35) JLP: Last Sunday, a woman said it was the hardest decision in her life to obey her husband! 

(0:05:46) Another first-timer, Devon (sp). (0:06:07) Brenda 

(0:06:24) Yonathan (sp) watching 4-years. (0:06:40) Another man 

2 Do you believe you’re good? Preacher’s daughter… 

(0:06:59) Jamie, I’m good. No woman is good. Do you believe you’re good? Deep question. A good person, yes. What’s good about you? She’s a preacher’s daughter. Very compassionate: Most of the time, I want people to be happy. Why? See people succeed. 

(0:09:40) What’s it like growing up as a preacher’s daughter? Hard? Yes. Saw him be very human. The kid tried to be good, but couldn’t. I was pretty rebellious. I can tell you were a mess! 

3 Her car was hit… 

(0:11:04) Any questions? Donyale’s car was hit and demolished while parked. She told herself aloud, “Stay present.” She went step-by-step, and it wasn’t a big deal. Stay with it. 

4 Allahu Akbar person: Does your future look bright? … 

(0:14:41) How you doing? Learned anything? No. About you? 

(0:15:21) **JLP: You’re an Allahu Akbar person, right? Hold your neck! 

(0:16:03) Does your future look bright? // (0:17:16) Another man on his future… 

5 ‘I was a heroin addict.’ Did you let go of the anger? 

(0:17:40) The preacher’s daughter: I have no idea! (0:18:31) I had a rough life: I was a heroin addict, in recovery. (0:19:00) Why were you that? I turned my back on God. (0:19:54) What was it like? Evil, dark… (0:20:16) Why do you think it’s possible to turn away from God, if you knew him? 

(0:20:46) Are you over the anger? With God, it had nothing to do with God? I’m working on it. No. Why not? To protect myself. From what? From getting hurt again. It’s not protecting you. You can drop it and pick it up? Deep questions, sir. 

(0:22:44) An example of triggered? If someone does something that reminds me of what happened before? Where does God go when you’re serving anger? He’s still there. Where? 

(0:23:50) Are you afraid of becoming an addict again? If you were at a heroin party… I wouldn’t go. What kind of power does it have over you? Idk, I haven’t gone to a heroin party? (0:25:30) Is there a possibility you’d do it? You’re not really over it, then…? I go to a program that says I’ll never be over it. 

(0:26:42) Why would you attend a program that says you can’t be over it? It saved my life. 

Drop your anger … 

(0:27:38) We’re having a major heroin party at 7 o’clock … Want never to think about it? Drop your anger. I think I forgave my father. Did you tell him? No… (0:29:39) They have not admitted anything. They don’t have to. 

(0:30:19) I noticed you’re just like your mother. Surprised you became like her? I never blamed her, as she was my father’s wife. (0:31:14) How will you enter the Kingdom of Heaven if you don’t forgive? You won’t, until you forgive. Spirit of evil, cannot enter… Sin is of the heart — not your vices. 

You were never a heroin addict. 

(0:32:23) Mother’s not real vocal: Worst kind! Played victim, drove your father crazy. 

You have never been a heroin addict at all — it was never you. … “Word.” 

… Unforgiving person. Face parents so you can go free. Don’t expect anything from them. She did her best to destroy you. 

(0:35:09) **JLP: Mothers hate children. Sorry, kids. And they screw up children. Forgive, and then you’ll know God. Knowing about God is not knowing God. Any Q/disagreements? 

Stop calling yourself a heroin addict. You’re not that. Those are evil spirits. You’re worshiping the Devil. Don’t ever call yourself that again. 

Biblical Question: What’s going on on Earth? 

(0:36:33) Who knows what the BQ is? Donyale can’t remember! (0:37:17) The human show. … 

(0:38:23) Humanity is in the process of waking up. Why? … (0:40:07) Donyale: Spiritual warfare… wrong being called right, and right wrong. 

(0:42:49) Is there any good on Earth? … 

6-7 BQ… Listening to the Devil! Divine order? 

** “I don’t want to be a Jesse puppet… say what you say… look at her trying to be an A+ student.” (0:43:50) Why are you listening to the Devil? Did Jesus sound like God? 

… (0:46:14) I was hit by a car while walking… Everything was supposed to happen. 

** “Everything is in divine order.” What’s that mean? “That’s all I can say!” What’s divine mean? “Just order.” So the body parts… The human side says that’s wrong. But there’s things you can’t know… 

(0:49:57) **Do you think God would keep secrets from you? 

Anthony: A physical manifestation of what’s inside me. 

(0:51:51) Raymond: Mankind is on the road to oblivion. 

(0:52:23) Man with the baby… Have people always cut off body parts? Yes… in Africa! 

(0:53:58) Young lady, his wife, I believe. They come twice a year. Do you obey your husband, since last year? 

BQ: Mimi … 

(0:54:44) Mimi’s back! (Mae Mae) Smash and grab? (0:55:47) Going to Georgia! Came to BOND… You called me a thrill-seeker… Constant looking at myself… Women’s Forum 

(0:58:28) Did you think about it? Now you know. (0:59:37) Donyale… Glad you see … Pursuit of truth. 

Is it OK to cry? BQ continued… 

(1:00:29) Man: Is it okay to cry a little? Jesus wept in the Bible, because he was sad and emotional, he says. He hasn’t cried in 20 years. 

… (1:04:11) Lady on mother: I lost someone important to me. Lady on boyfriend… (1:05:15) Why weren’t you glad to see him go? They always wanna come back! Do you let him? No. 

(1:05:55) JLP: When Jesus cried, it’s because the people were blind and couldn’t see. Had they been able to, they could’ve healed the man themselves. It wasn’t emotional tears. … (1:07:03) **JLP: Only reason people cry is for the thrill… 

Are you getting better? BQ… 

(1:08:59) Man on BQ… Rome cut people too. (1:09:21) Are you getting better? Man’s rental car got towed! 

(1:10:32) JLP: There is no “BOND answer,” there’s the truth or not. 

(1:10:49) Nick: Satan in our minds. (1:11:59) Anthony’s daughter… (1:13:00) All the hell you’re going to avoid… (1:13:26) Colin 

JLP on BQ: Catch the Devil controlling you 

(1:14:10) JLP on BQ: It’s going to get worse. Evil is working. The two conventions: All emotions, no answers to problems. They push emotions because emotions are of the Devil. There are zero reasons for emotions. God is a dispassionate God. Satan is of emotions. If he can make you feel something, he has you. 

(1:15:51) He has to get a reaction, such as to get a relationship to work. (1:16:36) Satan hates you. War, thrown out of heaven. No connection to God: No love, no insight. You can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. You don’t know the depths of how evil you are yet. Pay close attention to what’s happening in you. You’re not catching the Devil working in you. God has given you a little light. It’ll get brighter and brighter. 

(1:20:07) There’s nothing nice about anybody in this room. Sorry. You’re being nice because you want something. … You’re not paying attention. You’ve agreed with the Devil. The Devil’s miserable, and stays that way making you miserable. 

Selfish nature

You’ll lie! (1:22:43) I’m mad because I lost the deal! You’re worshiping the Devil! … He’s controlling you with thoughts and emotions! **My husband won’t bring me flowers! He doesn’t care about you! 

(1:24:24) You’re evil. Have to die from it. Never a time to be angry at anyone. (1:25:18) You’d lay your weapons down, and never argue with another person. Two Devils trying to win. Love power. You’re evil. Sorry. Our govt: “Disease.” Fear: Controlled. Of the Devil. (1:27:04) Anger opens you to be knocked down: Doesn’t protect you. Stop trying to win. Live life. Wife plotting, husband/misery leaving, feeling better/bad. What reputation? 

Setup: Putting women in charge of men; Re-learn everything 

(1:28:33) Setup: Put women in charge of men 

(1:30:02) Talking with Omeed, PR guy: Have to re-teach himself 

(1:31:00) Never work at a relationship. Face it. (1:31:48) What do you mean face it? Tell you in a minute. You can’t save yourself. 

Feedback: Thinking vs knowing. Citizen wife. Joel. Hassan. 

(1:33:04) Anthony’s wife: A lot of people ain’t gonna make it. I didn’t realize how hard it was going to be. It’s not enough to think about this… (1:34:03) Let thinking about it go. Know it. Joel Friday thought it was Ar-Kansas, but it’s Arkansas. 

(1:35:45) Possible to have anger remain, even if I’ve forgiven? Know it’s not your anger. It’s not you, but another false identity — the spirit of evil. 

(1:36:40) INTERRUPTION: Joel brings up Crazy Eights or whichever Denzel Washington movie. 

(1:37:26) Thoughts… You’re not catching the thought. It falls into an emotion. Stay present. She became a citizen on Tuesday. Now you can get rid of your husband! 

(1:39:36) Hassan 

The only true power: To overcome the world 

(1:40:46) Mimi: Satan only can deceive … (1:41:32) The only true power is the power of God. The govt can threaten you, but if you don’t have fear you don’t feel it. Or if a husband/wife wants to leave, they can’t control you! Ok, bye! You’re not attached to the children, or getting any identity with anyone or anything. God will cause you to overcome the world. 

(1:44:42) **JLP: How to face it: You have to become helpless and hopeless, completely. It’s a perfect feeling. Reach out for nothing. The light will come in and save you. The ego will die. It’s the Devil’s nature: Evil. People fight not to feel hopeless. Keeping evil alive in you, fighting. Be by yourself. Don’t make a phone call… Take the pain instead of running from it. Let the light save you. Feel it. 

(1:48:14) All human beings are evil. (1:48:39) Hake 

Feedback: Felt that hopelessness? 

(1:49:40) Allahu Akbar man agrees. Felt the hopelessness multiple times 

(1:51:35) Another man. Do not plan to call out evil or not to call it out: God will lead you. (1:53:41) Husbands think they have it, and call their wives evil: That’s judgment. 

(1:54:31) What do you think? The potential fiancée. You want to feel hopeless, helpless. That’s your salvation. 

(1:56:19) Donyale always had a full social calendar, then in two years of little she wanted to go to heaven. 

Stop arguing. Lay your weapons down

(1:57:01) **JLP: Give it a try: Never argue with anyone again, about anything. That alone will make you free. Give it a good try. Lay your weapons down 

(1:58:29) Have you been saved? Don’t ask that question. Are the saved people no longer evil? There are people working on themselves. Once you are back with the Father, there will be no doubt. 

(2:00:00) Seek help from no one, Daniel. 

Assignment: Only your evil. People don’t listen! 

(2:01:00) Assignment: 1 week. Only evil I want you to think about is the evil in you. People don’t listen. 

God said: Stay present. How many listen? 



  • 2024 theme: Want for nothing. 
  • 2024 assignment: This year, don’t let the thoughts bully you. 
  • Late 2023 assignment: Notice the mind repeats itself, and that it’s all about self. 
  • Late 2023 assignment: Sit four minutes in your room in silence. 
  • March 10-17, 2024 assignment: Get rid of your heroes. Trust no one. 
  • May 19-26, 2024 assignment: If you feel anything, remember: It’s just a thought! No meaning. 
  • Jun 2-9, 2024 assignment/discussion: Watch the different demons inside you. 
  • Assignment from JLP show (Thu 6/20/24) Practice staying present. 
  • We’re not messing around this year. 

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