Why are you afraid not to trust thoughts? | Church 9/8/24

Gov’t are people; people are evil! Don’t trust them! Why are you afraid not to trust thoughts? Do you know the truth? No one does!

Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, September 8, 2024 

||  See clips, links, and notes below. 


  • (0:00:00) Welcome… 
  • (0:02:06) Pay attention this election 
  • (0:03:59) Mass shooting: Should father be arrested? 
  • (0:29:14) Arrest father? Joel and staff… 
  • (0:37:29) JLP: Horrible mistake to trust the govt 
  • (0:47:04) JLP: Govt will take your house. Slave to thoughts, govt 
  • (0:55:24) JLP: Human nature, titles, govt power, lock up guns? 
  • (1:03:53) Feedback: Parents’ responsibility, kids, sugar cane, govt 
  • (1:14:54) Q: Why are you afraid not to trust thoughts? 16yo, couple… 
  • (1:28:26) Young lady with boyfriend 
  • (1:42:41) Back to Q: Notice you’re afraid not to trust the thoughts? 
  • (1:48:44) Assignment: Distrust the thought, feel the pain 
  • (1:55:36) BQ: Do you know the truth? What is it? Raymond Q 
  • (1:57:13) JLP on BQ: None of us know the truth. Closing 


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Church Notes 

Should the government charge the father for the son’s crimes? 

Biblical Question: Do you know the truth? What is it? 

Men’s Forum: Do you notice that you’re afraid not to believe thoughts? 

Assignment: Don’t trust the thought. Feel the pain! 

NOT MENTIONED: Biblical Question from the week before: Do you want to be different? 

NOT MENTIONED: Last week’s Assignment for Southern gal: For one week, don’t argue with anyone. 

NOT MENTIONED: Last week’s Assignment: Completely surrender to thoughts. Feel it. Take the pain. 

Welcome: Pay attention this election

(0:00:00) Start (0:01:28) Welcome

Pay attention this election, don’t go with feelings 

(0:01:50) Voting… (0:02:22) Funny: Age 16? Pretend you’re illegal! Just kidding. … Pay attention

Mass shooting: Should the father have been arrested? 

(0:03:45) Georgia school shooting: The father of the 14-year-old suspect has been charged. Agree? (0:05:28) **Funny, part 1: You look like the boy who did it! … **Respect, part 1: Another man: Respect the gun. … 

(0:10:42) Donyale: Now I see it as a more sinister plot. Overreach of the govt, frightening. Age of accountability? 

(0:14:50) Now the young man is neutral. (0:15:25) **Funny, part 2: Bullied at school? I was gonna follow you to school and stand up for you. 

(0:16:56) At what age is the mind fully developed? … 90? … 

(0:20:08) Rochelle doesn’t want to be held accountable as a mother! 

(0:22:03) Man: No, normally. But yes, since he’d allegedly threatened the school a year prior. 

Father responsible for what the son does? Adam and Eve? 

(0:22:57) Alex: Until the kid’s 18, you’re responsible for everything. Everything. Everything. (0:23:40) Raymond: His responsibility to keep the weapons out of his minor son’s hands. 

(0:24:35) The young man questions Alex’s statement. 

(0:25:51) Daniel cites Ezekiel 18, but why are we punished for what Adam and Eve did? 

(0:27:05) A woman says the father and the mother should be punished. 

(0:28:16) If the kid steals the keys to the car, does the father go to jail? 

Joel, Nick, Omeed, Franky, Doug, Derrick

(0:28:58) Joel: Lock them both up, but he was raised by the father. (0:30:23) JLP killed  a squirrel, brief story. Joel continues: Raised with anger! 

(0:30:52) Nick (0:31:50) Omeed (0:32:28) Franky (0:33:21) Doug — these are Jesse’s staff. (0:34:48) Derrick: Your job is secure! (0:35:54) Hake (0:36:58) Joel stands by it! 

JLP on Govt: You’re giving power to evil people! 

(0:37:13) **JLP: Horrible mistake to involve the govt at all! They are evil people! It’s We the People. Not We the Govt. 

(0:39:22) Think about what the govt on both sides is about! Abortion. Prayer out of schools. They say there’s a race problem between blacks and whites. Divorce court: taking children from fathers. Cut off children’s body parts without you knowing. 

(0:41:07) **JLP: All angry hearts want control. They’re not fighting over love, but control: Ego. Evil nature. 

(0:42:23) **JLP: Evil people telling you you should lock up your guns! 

(0:43:54) This is insane, what’s wrong with y’all?! I don’t mean to make a frown with it… The govt people are lost like you, doing weird things… desperate for power. 

(0:44:50) **JLP, Respect, Part 2: Train the kid so you can respect the gun? You can’t come back! Funny. You don’t even respect yourself! … 

You have a govt mentality. What’s wrong? (0:46:18) Young man bit by a snake. 

JLP: The govt will take your house. Blacks. Slave to thoughts

(0:46:55) Giving illegals $150K to buy a house! What’s wrong with y’all! How come you don’t think like free people? **JLP: The govt works for us — they used to. Now you work for the govt. (0:48:01) Why y’all saying yes to this?! They’ll take your house! 

(0:48:56) **JLP: Look what happened to the blacks, they turned their lives over to the Civil Rights movement. They had no leaders before that. **JLP: They had no hatred for the white man. White and black people greeted one another! They didn’t do slavery to you! And you don’t know how bad it was — you weren’t there! If you escape their thinking, they’ll come after you to destroy you. 

(0:51:00) **JLP: Slave to thoughts: Notice you’re in prison, and the war begins. Your thoughts are not your friend, just like the govt is not your friend. 

(0:51:58) **JLP friend’s medication story. … You’re afraid not to trust the doctor. You trust the doctor, the counselor. 

(0:53:38) What’s wrong with being free? Why don’t you love freedom? The role of the govt. (0:54:52) … The father should not be charged… 

JLP: Human nature; ‘Congresswoman’ hissy fit over a title; Govt power; lock up guns?  

(0:55:12) Human nature is evil. God will change your nature from evil to good. 

(0:56:06) **JLP story: “Congresswoman’s” hissy fit. Stupid titles with no meaning! 

(0:57:14) **JLP: Jew boss — Jewish… You’re the only one who disagrees. It’s okay to be free. Not putting them on the pedestal. God’s not concerned about your title. (0:58:32) **JLP: People pay beaucoup money for a title, and then you can’t even get a job. Mama gets mad. 

(0:59:15) You don’t want to give the govt power to lock up the father, they’ll come for you next!  I wouldn’t be agreeing with the govt 

(1:00:36) **JLP: Locked away gun? Be trained how to shoot a gun. Register your gun, let us know where they are. Sell your gun, let us know. Why? Ain’t your business! You say yes to the govt. 

(1:01:59) Am I wrong? Joel interrupted — **JLP: they told you they’re gonna defund the police! And you said okay! Crime through the roof! 

Feedback: Parents’ responsibility, kids, sugar cane, government 

Joel… (1:04:18) Is raising an angry child wrong? God doesn’t charge them for that! Physical vs spiritual responsibility? 

(1:06:18) Doug: People forget they were kids too. (1:06:59) **JLP wanted watermelon — sugar cane. He and his cousin tried to steal it. Cut my head. Got a whupping! Kids are gonna do stuff! 

(1:08:24) Fathers being arrested… 

(1:09:00) **JLP: This is about you letting another person take control of your life. It’s not about spiritual responsibility. The govt was tiny. Abortion in an alley? Fine. 

(1:10:26) Young woman responds… (1:11:14) JLP: Think for yourself! This election… (1:11:31) One person was against building a wall, but built one for his private home! 

(1:12:30) **JLP story: Shirt of the person I’m voting for. At the gym. Black guy with a mask on: He don’t like you! I don’t need them to like me! I don’t need him to care about me! I just want my country to function. “It’s not your country!” It is! I’m not from Africa! 

(1:13:32) Start thinking for yourself Don’t turn your life to anyone! 

(1:13:50) Man: The dad should be a good example for his son. 

Why are you afraid not to trust your thoughts?

(1:14:41) Q: Why are you afraid not to trust your thoughts? Donyale

(1:17:14) Men’s Forum question… (1:18:38) Did you know you were afraid? 

(1:18:54) I battle against them… 

(1:19:52) 16yo girl: What’s your impression of your father? I disagree: He battles his thoughts. You shouldn’t battle what’s in your head. It’s not real. Does he get you angry at times? Mother? 

(1:22:00) Another man 

(1:22:45) Young lady. (1:24:37) House-kept person! (1:24:56) “I house her.” 

(1:27:07) Another gal: Losing part of your identity 

Young lady with boyfriend: Anger, Forgive mother 

(1:28:46) Young lady with boyfriend: Do I have bad thoughts? (1:29:26) When you’re yelling at your boyfriend… My intention is good. 

(1:34:52) She like her mother. **I don’t wanna get in too much trouble. (1:35:38) Don’t ever let her know you’re afraid of trouble! Don’t ever say: Happy wife, happy life. 

(1:38:22) How did you become an angry person? Another reality. (1:39:53) She’s not ready to see it yet. (1:40:49) Mother gonna destroy marriage … He already went with me… Too personal to clarify. 

Back to Q: Notice you’re afraid not to trust the thoughts? 

(1:42:26) Guys here Thursday: Afraid not to trust the thoughts. (1:43:35) Young man: Did you know you were afraid? (1:44:39) Nick: I think of my response. Afraid because I didn’t have words. (1:45:18) Joel: I’m not afraid now…. 

(1:46:11) Tomar: Usually better not to do something. (1:46:52) Doug … 

(1:48:04) Donyale: I’m afraid to trust my thoughts. Settle into my thoughts. 

Assignment: Distrust the thought, let it overwhelm you 

(1:48:25) Your assignment… You are afraid not to trust thoughts. Distrust the thought, for one week. Let the fear, loneliness, etc., overwhelm you. Feel it. You’ve got to not trust it. It feels like you’re losing something: You’re losing your false, insane self. You’re losing yourself — which is not you at all. They make you trust them, because if you don’t, they have to leave. 

(1:51:21) Feel the pain… holding your hand in church and make you feel better…. God wants to save you from it — but you won’t let him save you! 

(1:52:25) JLP to Donyale: Let the anger overwhelm you, feel it, relax in it 

(1:53:51) Why afraid? He’ll reveal it to you if you want to be free. Don’t trust your thoughts this week. 

BQ: Do you know the truth? What is it? Raymond Q

(1:54:31) Donyale… (1:55:24) BQ: Do you know the truth? What is it? 

(1:56:24) **Raymond: Ever done something so incredibly stupid the thought lingers in your mind? Yes. Feel it. Do nothing about it. 

JLP on BQ: None of us know the truth 

(1:56:55) We don’t know the truth

(1:58:24) Closing… 


  • 2024 theme: Want for nothing. 
  • 2024 assignment: This year, don’t let the thoughts bully you. 
  • 8/25/24 Assignment: For one week, let the only evil you think of be your own. 
  • 8/25/24 try this: Never argue — with anyone. 
  • 9/1/24 Assignment: Completely surrender to thoughts. Feel it. Take the pain. 
  • Late 2023 assignment: Notice the mind repeats itself, and that it’s all about self. 
  • Late 2023 assignment: Sit four minutes in your room in silence. 
  • March 10-17, 2024 assignment: Get rid of your heroes. Trust no one. 
  • May 19-26, 2024 assignment: If you feel anything, remember: It’s just a thought! No meaning. 
  • Jun 2-9, 2024 assignment/discussion: Watch the different demons inside you. 
  • Assignment from JLP show (Thu 6/20/24) Practice staying present. 
  • We’re not messing around this year. 

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