Are You Willing to Bear Your Own Cross? (Church, Nov 5)

(Watch 13-minute excerpt: Endure, Because You Deserve What You Get. EXAMPLE: Tyrese Gibson)

Jesse talked about his speaking engagement at The Remembrance Project in Washington, D.C., where Steve Bannon was keynote speaker. Jesse told about how the illegal aliens are hurting the black community first, but they don’t know it because they’re angry and brainwashed to believe whites are “racist” (which isn’t even a real thing) against them and against brown Hispanic people.

Then Jesse asked the questions: Are you willing to bear your own cross? What does it mean to bear your own cross? Jesse brought up the way parents mess up their children, and how we are not ourselves — we become like whomever and whatever we hate, usually our mothers who traumatize us, but sometimes also our fathers. You must forgive but also move beyond that.

Jesse brought up Tyrese Gibson who made a scene on social media crying, “Don’t take my baby!” One thing: We don’t have friends. And another: You deserve everything you get in life.

Jesse told one young man not to use “Christian” talk or Bible talk when he does not know it for himself. Satan imitates what’s right, the light, and fools you into thinking you have the truth when you don’t.

Esteban from The Hake Report with Joel and Esteban talked about how he got into New Age and “Magick.” At the time, he thought himself better than others. It’s an ego boost, but not real. Similarly, Christians repeat things they hear from people they look up to, or things in the Bible, thinking they are right, when they are not.

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  • James Magness
    Posted at 15:12h, 01 December

    Please, Jesse can you get to your point faster and stay on point. Cutsy is boring and distracting.

    • James Hake
      Posted at 15:55h, 07 December

      Patience, James!

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