A Thought Is Just a Thought! | Church 11/12/23

Are you a b****? Genuine? It’s just a thought! 1 John 2: 15, Love not the world, or love of the Father is not in you. A fornicator’s fear. 

Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, November 12, 2023 

||  See clips, links, and notes below. 


  • (0:00:00) Pre-service small talk
  • (0:01:30) Had a life: Thoughts, Emotions. Forgave “priest” mother
  • (0:16:02) Say something! My angry niece; I forgave mother
  • (0:21:02) Ask a question: What resonates? Love your hell? Kind of.
  • (0:24:30) Mother feels fake compared with sister
  • (0:32:45) I don’t care about boring people 
  • (0:35:17) “Genuine” angry, or Fake it till you make it? (Sean, Joel)
  • (0:43:08) More on “fake” mother on her angry sister 
  • (0:47:26) Are you an authentic person? 
  • (0:52:48) What does being a b**** feel like? (JLP explains the word)
  • (1:05:31) JLP: For two minutes, be quiet
  • (1:08:09) Q: What were your first three thoughts? 
  • (1:11:34) Why don’t you just dump him? (First thoughts, continued)
  • (1:17:06) Lots of B’s. Working on yourself? (First thoughts, continued)
  • (1:23:40) A thought is just a thought until you add to it… 
  • (1:30:16) 1 John 2: 15 Love not the world, or love of Father not in you
  • (1:31:30) Practice being aware of thoughts: they disappear (“Accountability”)
  • (1:35:05) “Fornicator won’t go to Heaven” (Feel like a sinner, need to be saved?)
  • (1:44:15) JLP: You identified with it. Live Heaven now. Don’t be desperate.
  • (1:52:21) Biblical Q: Your impression of mother? (To be continued, first next week)
  • (1:56:14) This help? It’s just a thought! Love the world? Return to the Father
  • (1:59:59) Assignment: For four minutes this week, do nothing in your room. 
  • (2:01:25) New BQ: Solve a non-practical problem thinking about it? 


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Church Notes

Biblical Question: Who or what gave you the impression you have of your mother and/or grandmother? 

New Biblical Question: Have you ever and can you ever solve a non-practical problem by thinking about it? 

1 John 2: 15 – Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. (1 John 2 KJV, Bible Hub) 

TIME STAMPS (Extensive)

  1. (0:00:00) Pre-service small talk
  2. (0:01:30) (1)  One person had a life: Persistent thoughts, emotions, difficult to just sit with … Tears kept coming. It felt like I was dying, a Dutch young lady says. 
    • (0:04:26) Last night she forgave her mother. She’s a priest, married to a new priest. Father is an atheist. 
    • (0:06:29) Did you know all that was going on inside you? Before you started paying attention to yourself? Something was trying to own me. 
    • (0:07:52) (1a)  Stay with it, it will become fun to you. JLP: It would tell me to give up. Young lady: Illusion of pain, I still have fun with it. 
    • (0:09:00) (1b)  No bf, huzzband. Had a “partner” — not a partner! — for 5 years. I’d go crazy if he tried to correct me. He was trying to control me… I thought: “I’m an independent woman…” Ex is working on self, but not praying… 
    • (0:11:36) Most won’t stay with it. Too painful. Amazing part, when you are taking responsibility: I had a few days I felt kidnapped mentally, revenge, wanting others to suffer, and to be right. Let go, how free you can become in your mind. We can enslave ourselves in our soul. 
    • (0:12:43) JLP: No one is to blame for us. You can’t blame one soul. Everything happening to you is happening to you inside, not outside. (0:13:40) Human beings are just human beings. But in the fallen state you’d be all concerned about getting something from them, what they’re thinking. …. Mother tried to defend, but she just laughed with her. It’s okay. 
  3. (0:16:02) (2-3?)  Say something! 22yo niece, abused, angry at live-in bf in Compton. Nothing you need or can do but watch. 
    • (0:18:06) Ask her a question… That’s not a question! How do you feel? Nervous… I forgave my mother. “I never put a man before you,” her mother told her. 
    • (0:20:27) JLP: Going through the valley of the shadow of death… go through hell. It will get rough only if you think it’s you. Stay with it. Any Q’s? 
  4. (0:21:02) (3?)  Say something, and this young lady has a question… Young man resonates with the two young ladies. (0:21:56) What part do you resonate with? 
    • (0:22:50) (3a)  JLP: Fellowship you learn… Silent Prayer? How do you expect to defeat the spirit of evil… I’m lazy, still enjoying a little bit of my hell. I love it a little bit. 
  5. (0:24:30) (4?)  Young mother Lorena on her younger angry sister … I told her at least she’s not pretending … 
    • (0:26:38) Ask her a question (first-timer Samantha) — I’m a fake person too… 
    • (0:27:30) (4b)  JLP: See how you’re fake nice when you’re really a bitch? Now everybody’s cursing! 
    • (0:29:25)  Y’all having fun? Joel Friday: I rather people be honest about what they’re dealing with, rather than denial. (0:30:30) Donyale (mic not be on…), respond to Joel: Better to interact with authentic people. Q to Lorena… Never was my role… (0:32:25) Do you have an outlet to let out your anger? Maybe prayer. 
    • (0:32:45) Doug: You know you’re fake? I don’t care about meeting other people with their shallow conversation. 
    • (0:34:16) JLP: I know a young man who’s over
    • (0:35:17) Sean: Repeat and respond to Joel — “Genuine”  vs “Fake” Fake it till you make it! (0:38:35) Doug… at least… At least one person’s working on herself. 
    • (0:40:05) Donyale disagrees with Sean… To be phony is repulsive to me. (0:41:12) JLP: What’s authentic about you? (0:42:03) Doug: We don’t know who we are to be authentic. 
    • (0:43:08) Nick… (4c)  Jesse tells her she looks like his aunt who threw his uncle across the coffee table…  Back to Nick and Lorena about her sister… You can’t tell her anything, because she gets upset. I don’t hang out with her. 
    • (0:45:18) Young man asks how she was before being a mother-figure to her sister. Lorena: I was young. 
  6. (0:47:26) Q: Are you an authentic person? … Do you ever catch yourself being fake? 
    • (0:52:02) Joel: I’m as authentic as I can be… 
  7. (0:52:48) (5 / 5a)  JLP explains “bitch” used to refer to a wet dog…  (0:53:50) You feel like a b—? Describe what a b— feels like. Young lady describes her mother relationship, I think. 
    • (0:56:34) Biblical Question: My mother gave me my impression of her… She texted me out of nowhere. Why don’t my kids want to be around me. (0:57:39) Forgave father? Can’t remember. (0:58:13) Doing the Silent Prayer? Emotions overtake me, I fall out of it. Think I’m “fine.” I think I can’t stick with it, like I don’t have discipline, so I give up.. 
    • (0:59:07) (5b)  Do you feel like a b— sometimes? “At times,” says the Southern b— … They poison you! (just joking!) 
    • (1:00:00) (5c) Describe the feeling of being a b—: The grinch, grumbled up, raggety, rigid, snobby anger. Men bitches too. 
    • (1:01:51) (5d)  What is an alpha male? A man or woman who has no anger, period. … In her element, of a gentle woman. 
  8. (1:02:59) (6?)  Sisters: What’s her name? Do you ever feel like a b—? Describe the feeling… Something come over me, I know it’s not me, but can’t help but react… (1:03:58) No
  9. (1:04:35) (7?)  Any men wanna confess to feeling like b-words? 
  10. (1:05:31) JLP: For two minutes, be quiet
    • (1:08:09) Q: What were your first three thoughts? Young man answers
    • (1:08:59) Another man answers. (1:10:30) The first young lady who spoke … 
    • (1:11:02) Raymond: Emergency, Evil/Fake, It’s unimportant. 
    • (1:11:34) Second young lady to speak … Why don’t you just dump him? 
    • (1:14:33) Rochelle… Alexis… Donyale: Tinnitus… (1:15:45) Lorena: Daughter, MMA… (1:15:45) Rene: Driving, Future wife, Loud music … (1:16:38) Sean: Buzzing, music… (1:17:06) Southern gal… I’ve been around a lot of bitches… 
    • (1:17:33) I remembered two things I wanted to say: Often cry… What does it mean to work on yourself? (Answer later) 
    • (1:19:43) Joel answers… (1:20:10) Doug answers… (1:21:25) Nick… (1:22:10) Tovar
  11. (1:23:40) (8)  Q: Where did your thoughts come from? Were they your own? 
    • (1:24:58) What does it mean to work on yourself… You’re neither a b— or not a b—, you’re not authentic, nor inauthentic. A thought is just a thought until you add to it… 
    • (1:30:16) 1 John 2: 15 Love not the world, or love of Father not in you
    • (1:31:30) (8a)  Feedback: I was taking accountability, so I was a b— … It was destroying me. Anger is evil, there’s no love in it. 
  12. (1:35:05) (8b)  Anybody feel like a sinner who needs to be saved? … I grew up a Bible thumper. She’s worried about being a fornicator, drunk, how get to heaven? Freaked out. Never say to yourself you’re doing good. Yin and Yang? Don’t say to yourself you’re doing good. 
    • (1:39:20) Joel, ex-Bible thumper: Put it down… (1:40:40) Feedback from another young lady. (1:41:22) Why can’t a person who fornicates go to heaven? (1:41:40) Francisco: The Devil talking to you… (1:42:42) Nick: We read the Bible without understanding… Raymond answers and Jesse follows up.. 
    • (1:44:15) JLP: You identified with it. Live Heaven now, before death. Awareness. (1:46:30) No reason to cry; it’s not you. Don’t be desperate about the Bible. (1:48:25) Salvation is a return to the Father
    • (1:49:09) Tovar: It’s not about fornication. I blank out as people are talking 
    • (1:50:14) JLP: A thought is just a thought. You make it be, because the world has taught you to be that way. 
  13. (1:52:21) Biblical Q: Who gave your impression of mother/grandmother?
  14. (1:56:14) Closing: It’s just a thought: The setup from evil, so you can identify with it. Do the Silent Prayer, so you can become aware. You’re not an achiever, number one, a loser
    • (1:59:55) Assignment: For four minutes this week, do nothing in your room. 

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