04 Jun So Many People Smoking Pot! (Church, Jun 2, 2019)
At Church June 2, 2019, people talked about pot use and other drugs! We also discussed the questions: Do you fear God? Do you sin? And: What does it mean to believe in Jesus?
Jesse mentions briefly about the mass shooting by a black man, a disgruntled worker in Virginia Beach. The media would be all over the incident if it were a white man.
A man asked which commitment is broken the most. Jesse answered that loving God with all your heart, and loving your neighbor as yourself is the most broken commandment.
Grown Man Afraid of Women: Afraid of Mother!
Jesse told the story of a young man he saw at the gym, who came to BOND when he was 12 or 13, and he’s now in his 30s. An Asian man overheard and mentioned that he’s afraid of women! When Jesse told him that it’s because he’s afraid of his mother, he confirmed, yes, that’s true! He’s in his 50s, and his mother is dead!
Do You Fear God?
A young man Will asked about the verse: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. He says that he still sins. Jesse asked him and others: Do you fear God? One guy, when asked if he sins, said that he smokes weed at night to go to sleep.
Jesse explained to will that to fear God is to reflect and appreciate Him.
One man made a side note about wrongdoers becoming emboldened after they get away with wrongdoing. He works as a welder and illegal aliens in his field have become very radical. They act entitled and attack him for not speaking Spanish, even though they’re in America! When you allow evil to continue, it grows, gets worse, and doesn’t stop!
So Many People Smoking Pot!
Watch 10-minute Short Cut: Even Church Ladies Smoking Pot! Is It a Sin?
Jesse talked with several people in church who say they smoke pot! Will says that he sometimes sins. He smokes pot to get creative, making art. Another guy smokes pot and doesn’t know why. A black young woman got into it because of friends including her ex-boyfriend who’s also in church. Her mother didn’t think she still smoked! She believes that sin is judging the smoking, not the smoking itself.
Jesse asked: What does the world look like when you’re high? A man named Robert is 64, and says that he’s smoked 45 years! He has a preacher wife who doesn’t smoke, but who used to “beat him up,” in Jesse’s words (meaning she seemed to dominate the home). Jesse asks him: How can you lead your wife if you’re high? He doesn’t know if he wanted to stop, or thought it was wrong, but feels ashamed that all of his children smoke pot, blaming himself.
Two more women also smoked! One woman said she used to do pot — she used to “dab” (which is a really strong form of marijuana). She stopped the pot, but replaced it with food and some alcohol. Yet another woman said she would smoke pot “socially,” but stopped because she didn’t like overdoing it with “potheads.” She smokes cigarettes and drinks. She just turned 40 years-old, and forgave her father. But with her mother it’s more difficult. Jesse talks at length with her.
Jesse points out that these things are not the sin.
But anyone who offers you pot is not your friend. For example, Sen. Kamala Harris is for pot, saying it gives people “joy,” and she laughs about it like it’s a joke. Politicians offer you pot to keep you dull, and meanwhile they usher in all kinds of evil and madness.
Watch 9-minute Short Cut: Sex, Drinking, & Smoking Pot Are Not the Sin!
Other Vices and Drugs
A man talks with Jesse about forgiving his parents.
Going back to the drug question, a man asked about doctors and prescription drugs. These “experts” play a game with you — oftentimes, you don’t need all of these “medicines.”
One man asked about having a little bit of wine, or one toke of pot. Jesse urged him to avoid the wine while in a fallen state, because people get into it.
Food and sex are the last things to overcome — especially for men.
One woman asks about mental illness and chemical imbalances. Jesse explains that anger destroys the body and can even cause cancer. People are getting hooked on these opioids and dying!
Do You Believe in Jesus?
Jesse asked people: Do you believe in Jesus? The Bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you shall be saved. So Jesse asked his Biblical Question: What does it mean to believe in Jesus?
Everything we need is already inside of us, put there by God. You cannot make yourself keep God’s commandments; God causes you to keep His commandments.
Make sure to come to our monthly Men’s Forum, men! We meet first Thursday of the month, June 6th, 7pm at BOND, 6146 W Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90035. Then the day before Father’s Day, Saturday, June 15, 5pm-10pm, is our annual Men’s Conference, also for men only — make sure to register and pay in advance https://rebuildingtheman.com
SILENT PRAYER: http://silentprayer.video | AUDIO https://soundcloud.com/rebuildingtheman/silent-prayer
CHURCH Sunday 11am PT (1pm CT / 2pm ET) https://rebuildingtheman.com/church
COUNSELING at BOND https://rebuildingtheman.com/counseling or call 323-782-1980
BOOKS http://bondinfostore.org
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