Stop reaching for poison | Church 1/19/25

What wakes you up? Cart return. Would you drink clean or poison water? You reach for thoughts, drinking poison! Do we choose hell or heaven?

Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, January 19, 2025 

||  See clips, links, and notes below. 


  • (0:00:00) Small talk 
  • (0:02:30) Does pain make you wake up? 
  • (0:05:42) Prosperity and hell 
  • (0:13:24) Become as a child 
  • (0:15:45) Putting carts back, like a slave 
  • (0:21:40) Protect daughter from myself? Nothing you can do 
  • (0:26:22) Prayer: Separation from thoughts 
  • (0:29:18) Don’t ask God for a car 
  • (0:30:33) Q: Drinking clean or poisoned water? 
  • (0:41:28) JLP: Reaching for thoughts, drinking poison 
  • (0:57:07) Feedback: In my head… clothes, cut my hair 
  • (1:03:46) JLP: Abortion example: Judgment vs Christ 
  • (1:11:25) We can’t make decisions 
  • (1:16:26) What thoughts make you do 
  • (1:21:59) Thoughts, darkness misleading 
  • (1:23:56) Let your ego go through whatever; You smell, hair’s nappy 
  • (1:27:43) Why go to hell if you’re not responsible? 
  • (1:31:39) Choosing hell? Seeing is the Light of God 
  • (1:35:42) Blame vs compassion 
  • (1:44:34) Closing: Stop reaching for poison …


You keep drinking poison, reaching for a thought (25-min)  YouTube  |  Rumble 

See Recent and Archive clips on BOND YouTube, BitChute, Rumble, Odysee — BOND: Rebuilding the Man 



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Church Notes 

NOT MENTIONED: For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. Ephesians 5:12 – Bible Gateway 

Biblical Question: Are you a problem to yourself? 

Welcome / What wakes people up? 

(0:00:00) Start (0:01:43) Intro 

1A What makes people wake up? Pain? … 

(0:02:30) Omeed asks what wakes people up, since pain doesn’t wake most people up… (0:04:17) JLP knows it was the pain for him… 

1B Prosperity? 

(0:05:42) A man Ryan: Prosperity and success: A bad thing? Neither bad nor good. 

(0:07:45) JLP: People forget about God, but they still have pain… (0:08:31) God’s ok with us being in one room with a piece of bread, but we’re on an ego trip. 

(0:09:19) JLP: Get the idea of prosperity out of your mind. Just live without wanting anything: Perfect life. All you need and then some. 

(0:11:07) I didn’t know you were supposed to ask the govt for help. (0:11:56) The govt set it up so insurance companies cancelled their policies… 

1C Hell: However you die is how you stay 

(0:12:15) Welcome to Hell! Are you scared of Hell? So is fear a good motivation to get it together? JLP: No, fear keeps you in hell. (0:13:08) Have no fear. 

1D Does Devil attack us? 

(0:13:24) Does the Devil know our capabilities, and that’s why he attacks us when we’re kids? He noticed how he thinks now is stuff he knew as a kid… (0:14:33) JLP: Our parents set us up to fail! Our own parents hate us! Randy: How do we break those chains? (0:14:57) JLP: Have a brand new heart… People think they’re the cat’s meow. 

2 Putting carts back: They’ve made SLAVES of us!  

(0:15:45) I think it’s Kathy (sp) — disagrees about putting shopping carts in the corral… JLP explains… (0:17:55) Can you imagine you didn’t have to worry about that as a customer? (0:18:31) JLP: They’ve made SLAVES out of us! … (0:19:02) You so nice! “Being part of a community.” Don’t want a fight! 

(0:20:13) Darren: Parking by the corral is safest place… 

(0:21:09) JLP: Best place to park is right next to the handicap! Have you noticed that? 

3 How to protect my daughter from myself? Nothing you can do! 

(0:21:40) She missed the meeting this past Thursday! “I was in my hell… my thoughts got to me…” (0:22:10) JLP: Satan does that to a lot of people! Oh, don’t go to the meeting. 

(0:23:01) As a mother to a daughter, working to get out of her hell… Trying not to traumatize her the way my mother did me… How can I protect her? JLP: Stay on straight and narrow …. 

(0:24:52) JLP: Don’t worry about your daughter. … Work on you…. You can’t save anyone. There’s nothing you can do! 

4 Raymond: Prayer, separation from thoughts 

(0:26:22) Raymond: When I pray, I put a space between myself and whatever thoughts I have. Nightmares… (0:27:16) JLP: Satan hates it when you pray. … A whole lotta people start out doing the Silent Prayer, they get comfortable, and stop! (0:28:16) JLP: The one thing Satan hates is for you to be still and let go… 

(0:28:45) JLP: You can ask God for a car, and Satan will give you a car, to deceive you. 

4B Want for nothing 

(0:29:18) Randy: How can you tell it’s the Devil… JLP: b/c you’re not supposed to ask God for a car. WHAT DA! … Everything else added naturally. 

5A Drinking water: Clean or poison? 

(0:30:33) JLP q: If you had a glass of water, and it had poison in it… and another glass with no poison: Which would you take? 

(0:31:20) BTW: That milk was so good! She gave me a jar of milk. Thank you! 

(0:32:40) Back to the question: The man asks a bunch of follow-up questions… “Don’t overthink it… Satan!” 

(0:34:11) Randy’s wife: The one with no poison! Raymond, Alex… (0:35:19) Lady wouldn’t wanna die. Why not? Derrick, (0:35:58) Lily (sp) Why take something knowingly that would hurt me? Alexis, Kathy (sp), (0:37:27) Gal doesn’t wanna know when she’s gonna die… Young man in the back… 

(0:38:10) Lily: Trust in God? JLP: Religious group let snakes bite them? I wouldn’t take that risk! Ryan: Don’t put God to the test. (0:39:11) Doug hoping the pure water… Anchor Baby… Joel: Just seems obvious? What’s wrong with my friend? 

(0:40:46) Vanessa: Clear water. Man too: I like life. 

5B JLP: Reaching for thoughts, drinking poison 

(0:41:28) Woman: Every day I drink the poison. JLP: I’m about to boohoo… Another gal… (0:42:02) I know what’s good for me, but I don’t do it. JLP: Everyone just lied. You reach for thoughts, drinking poison. You’re dying even more so — every time you reach for a thought. … All thoughts, all the time, are poison. You think you’re living but you’re really dying. Even in business. 

(0:44:05) … JLP: You’ve got to stop reaching for the poison. If you want to live, you must die. … Boss on you… Compare yourself… Think you can’t live without someone… drinking poison. 

Blind people 

(0:46:21) JLP: People who started out working on themselves, but then believed thoughts and stopped, thinking it’s not necessary. Every thought you have is darkness, poison, you’re dying. 

(0:47:14) JLP: How many glasses of poison just in the morning?! You’ve got to die from thoughts. Don’t know what you want or need. You WILL be taken care of! Your life will be fine! 

(0:48:11) JLP: When you stop looking for love. Don’t nobody love you! … Just got coffee from the Devil: Thought tells you, that’s a nice person! 

… Judging your kids … looking for love 

(0:50:06) JLP: God is not in your past or future. He’s not concerned about that…. As long as you’re unwilling to forgive, you drink poison water. 70×7 Forgive forever — No reason to be angry or judge. They’re drinking out of the same poison you’re drinking! 

(0:51:17) JLP: Even your kids… don’t judge them! Why’d you do that? “Idk.” Show them love! Everyone in this room been sluts / slutmakers! … 

(0:52:50) Stop drinking the poison water! Story: Someone told me: I just figured I’d stay home. (0:53:40) Drink the water of life, not death! They’ll tell you crazy things. You’ve got to live a no-thinking life. (0:54:01) When Adam was with the Father… didn’t think about anything! 

(0:54:23) JLP: Anything that happen to you, it’s your fault! If you didn’t think about what people think about you, you wouldn’t think about what they’re gonna think! Who cares what somebody else thinks?! That’s inside of you. 

(0:55:20) JLP: No such thing as problems: just thoughts! God said, your thoughts are not my thoughts. Your ways not mine. No such thing as being lonely, afraid, looking for love. Return to the Father, only love you need. WOn’t need it. 

5C Feedback: In my head … clothes, cutting hair 

(0:57:07) Going from thought to thought: Every day, man says. Before appointments. (0:57:42) JLP: People who make clothes played a trick on us! Clothes for every occasion… 

(0:58:28) I had really long hair; I had a great thought to cut my own hair… Ugh, now I look like a lesbian… 

(0:59:15) JLP: Our only problem Is thoughts… Devil… You can walk this earth in 100% control of your own life. If someone wants to walk out on you: Bye! Why do I care… Oh, I love my kids! … You’re lying, and not trusting God, whatever will be for you. The kids hate you anyway! Spend all that money! 

(1:00:52) Do you reach for thoughts? Man: Yes. Morning ritual… JLP: Stay with it. This year is about staying present. Practice staying present! (1:01:44) You have what you need! 

(1:02:04) Another gal: Reaching for the wrong water: Taking up a project, constantly reorganizing stuff. Not normal, just makes me feel good a moment. (1:03:07) JLP: Your thoughts are poisoning you! People killing one another! It’s the gov’t’s fault the fire is like this! And people voting for this! 

5D Abortion example: Judgment vs Christ 

(1:03:46) JLP: When you take sides, say … you’re against abortion, and another side is for it. (1:05:17) Overcome the world! Don’t hate the person who wants to kill the baby or doesn’t! Do you see God stopping it? 

(1:06:50) JLP: Christ doesn’t judge the people who kill the babies in the womb! It wasn’t you! You believed thoughts! Drop your moral standards: They don’t work! All our life we’ve been living up to a standard. 

(1:08:45) JLP: This year, stop it. Don’t judge with thoughts, eyes, words, gestures… Someone walks in who’s not that clean… In your mind, you’re judging! 

(1:10:38) What a mess! But we’re free. But you believe thoughts … Why y’all looking at me like that? 

6A We can’t make decisions 

(1:11:25) Woman had all these thoughts not to come to BOND today, even though she was intent on it… 

(1:13:27) JLP… Human beings incapable of making decisions. None of the thoughts are us…. (1:15:42) JLP: Demons trembling in fear. They hate the light. It’s not you. 

6B What thoughts make you do 

(1:16:26) Hitler in a minute…. Lily (sp) Seeing my mistakes… painful … (1:18:12) Seeing where YOU were wrong… that’s painful? … JLP: What thoughts make you do… 

(1:19:00) Lily: I feel like good and evil work together… (1:19:41) JLP: Thoughts are poison! They’re not from God! We can’t come up with a thought… We don’t even create thoughts! … judging… stop having false gods. You shall have no god but God. What a mess! 

7A Thoughts, darkness trying to mislead

(1:21:59) Doug… driving, get a call (or text perhaps) from a boss… mind going crazy: Do this, do that, tell him this… Stuff that doesn’t make sense. Put your phone down. When you get to where you’re going, you can respond. (1:23:44) JLP: All thoughts are poison. 

7B … Let your ego go through whatever 

(1:23:56) JLP: Nasty worker woman at the store. “Go off on her.” Showed her love, by not judging her. She needed that. 

(1:25:02) JLP: The world needs the light. Let the light shine in those situations. People are looking for help. Let your light shine this year: Stop judging. Have no opinion about anyone. Let your ego go through whatever it’s got to go through! 

7C You smell, your hair’s nappy 

(1:25:58) What does that mean? Woman: Don’t defend it! … Say you smell… That’s one of my worst fears! (1:27:02) JLP: Your hair’s nappy… wanna run home and comb your hair… 

8 Why go to hell if you’re not responsible? 

(1:27:43) Darren… Why go to hell in the first place? Because you’re paying God. 

(1:29:04) Hake answers: No love… (1:29:51) Man says: You’re already in hellJLP: Absolutely. … 

8B Choosing hell? Seeing is not you: Light of God 

(1:31:39) Woman asks another Q… Choosing to be in hell… (1:32:32) JLP: Once you wake up, you’re not going to do those things…. 

(1:34:01) Choosing to go still, rather than go with the thought? JLP: You went against the thoughts. Seeing causes you to go against the thoughts. (1:35:16) JLP: Seeing is the light of God… causing you to see and change… 

9A Blame vs compassion 

(1:35:42) Lily (sp) … Doing what you know you’re not supposed to do…? (1:37:10) JLP… the light of God… (1:38:06) Blame… compassion, understanding what’s driving them. It wasn’t you. … she talks about thinking someone’s right… 

(1:39:11) JLP: Need the light. … there is no you. Blind people think they exist. … (1:40:49) JLP: Hell blames someone else for hell… God is not blaming you. 

(1:41:15) Lily: Sins done knowingly: Are those sins forgiven? … Yes: You’ve agreed with the Devil. You don’t know what you’re doing. It’s a setup. (1:42:53) The Devil tells you you know you’re wrong for blaming… 

(1:43:06) It’s wrong to rob a bank. Why? … Don’t call it right or wrong. Be aware. And you won’t do it. 


(1:44:34) JLP: Stop reaching for the poison glass of thoughts. … more great points in review… 

(1:47:24) God is not judging you about anything you have done… 


  • 2025 theme/assignment: Practice being present. 
  • 2024 theme: Want for nothing. 
  • 2024 assignment: Don’t let the thoughts bully you. 
  • 10/13/24 Daily Assignment: 24hrs: Don’t judge with words, looks, emotions, or thoughts. 
  • 8/25/24 Assignment: For one week, let the only evil you think of be your own. 
  • 8/25/24 try this: Never argue — with anyone. 
  • 9/1/24 Assignment: Completely surrender to thoughts. Feel it. Take the pain. 
  • 9/1/24 Assignment for Southern gal: For one week, don’t argue with anyone. 
  • 9-8-24 and 9-15-24 assignment: Don’t trust the thought. Let it overwhelm you. 
  • March 10-17, 2024 assignment: Get rid of your heroes. Trust no one. 
  • May 19-26, 2024 assignment: If you feel anything, remember: It’s just a thought! No meaning. 
  • Jun 2-9, 2024 assignment/discussion: Watch the different demons inside you. 
  • Assignment from JLP show (Thu 6/20/24) Practice staying present. 
  • Late 2023 assignment: Notice the mind repeats itself, and that it’s all about self. 
  • Late 2023 assignment: Sit four minutes in your room in silence. 

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