Why do you assume people are guilty? | Church 11/3/24

Gossiping, vengeful men with women’s nature. Do you have full confidence? Why do you assume people are guilty, rather than presume innocence? 

Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, November 3, 2024 

  • Did men gossip or take revenge when you grew up? What was Jesus like? Men and women’s natures have become one and the same. 
  • Do you have one hundred percent confidence? 
  • Biblical Question: Why don’t you presume others innocent unless proven guilty? 
  • Assignment: For one week, shake in your boots, in fear, with nothing to rely on… 
  • ANNOUNCEMENT: Men’s Forum first Thursday, Nov 7, 2024, 7 PM at BOND, Los Angeles https://rebuildingtheman.com/events/

||  See clips, links, and notes below.


  • (0:00:00) Pre-service small talk
  • (0:02:31) Questions for my dying mother? “Hope”? 
  • (0:11:22) Elections: Don’t overreact 
  • (0:12:18) Men gossiping, taking revenge? 
  • (0:22:26) What was Jesus like? 
  • (0:27:59) Men and women’s natures the same 
  • (0:33:55) How did this happen? 
  • (0:42:52) Men, you’re the light. 
  • (0:49:02) Men, have understanding. 
  • (0:52:05) A woman over a man?! … Muslims? 
  • (0:56:28) Do you have 100-pct confidence? 
  • (1:07:35) What have you realized…? Have full confidence? … BQ 
  • (1:22:06) JLP on BQ: Guilty of assuming others guilty! 
  • (1:29:56) How do you see human nature? … Hake… 
  • (1:37:56) Feedback… Bucket list, goals? Hometown Jesus 
  • (1:47:07) Assignment: Shake in your boots, in fear, with nothing to rely on 
  • (1:51:17) Closing: Stay with it… 


See Recent and Archive clips on BOND YouTube, BitChute, Rumble, Odysee — BOND: Rebuilding the Man 


BLOG  https://rebuildingtheman.com/why-do-you-assume-people-are-guilty-church-11-3-24/ 

PODCAST / Substack  https://rebuildingtheman.substack.com/p/why-do-you-assume-people-are-guilty 

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Church fellowship at BOND Sunday 11 AM PT (1 CT / 2 ET) – rebuildingtheman.com/church  

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SILENT PRAYER:  SilentPrayer.video  |  SoundCloud  |  rebuildingtheman.com/prayer  

PAST SERVICES:  2016-present  |  2008-2014 (Archive Services)  |  1991-1998 (select recordings)  

Church Notes 

Biblical Question: Why don’t you presume others innocent unless proven guilty? 

ANNOUNCEMENT: Men’s Forum first Thursday of the month, Nov 7, 2024, 7 PM at BOND in Los Angeles https://rebuildingtheman.com/events/ 


(0:00:00) Small talk about voting, etc… (0:01:19) Intro

(0:01:46) Any questions? 

(0:02:02) Guy: Can’t remember, something about Silent Prayer 

1 Questions to ask my dying mother? 

(0:02:31) Alex: Mother says she’s going to die before age 88. What questions shall I ask my mother? 

1a Hope? … more on mother

(0:05:31) Hope keeps people alive? No! Where does hope come from? God? No, Satan! 

(0:08:33) Questions to ask the mother? Mother in nursing home is poor as heck! Questions to ask mother… 

(0:09:46) You’re money-driven… Everybody’s money-driven. Who’s not? 

(0:10:44) Question: Why the urgency for others’ feedback? Just ask! 

2s Elections: Don’t overreact to results! 

(0:11:22) JLP: Elections coming. Don’t overreact. They want you to overreact, get mad, do crazy stuff, and they can lock you up. 

3 Men gossiping, getting revenge? 

(0:12:18) JLP Question… When growing up and when you became a young woman: 3a: Did men gossip and/or try to get revenge on other people? (0:13:53) Gal: Pathetic, disappointing, weak… 

Man: A certain type of man. Lame. It’s being encouraged. Single mothers. 

3b Gal in the back

(0:15:30) 3b: Gal in the back: I feel safe back here. Comfortable? Come sit with us. … Men who gossip, get revenge are dangerous, unpredictable. 

(0:17:07) Gen-Z / Millennial: My own peers, men did. Seemed normal. It’s all I know. 

(0:18:09) Man: Not around me. I teach my daughters to stay away from them. (0:19:08) Take it the wrong way? He says B—s… “I don’t want ladies to take it the wrong way…” What’s the wrong way? 

(0:19:56) Nick, the Anchor Baby… remembers older men as quieter, reserved, pushed away… Then guys his age talk sing-songy. Seemed normal. 

(0:21:47) Omeed: Men in his family never talked. 

4 What was Jesus like? 

(0:22:26) 4a: JLP Q: What was Jesus like? Peaceful man of no anger; he had secrets no one else knew. Wise man. Message: We could all be like him. (0:23:11) Are you like him? Trying, but get frustrated. … Things harder now than 2019 before Covid. 

(0:25:02) 4b: Politicians make me angry… they add to your anger. How can you feel anger… 

(0:25:57) A second man: In what sense? 

(0:27:38) 4c Raymond, what was Jesus like? If anybody know, Raymond knows. 

5 Men have become like women

(0:27:59) 5a JLP: Lots of counseling. People going to men for help… then the men go gossiping! 

(0:29:31) 5b JLP: Men and women’s natures have become one and the same! 

(0:30:29) 5c How will the women get help? Men would correct women who gossip. … 

(0:31:26) 5d Jesus knew everybody’s business. He didn’t gossip about you! He didn’t try to get revenge… How can women rely on you, to tell you anything… knowing you’ll act like the girlfriend when you get mad at them? 

(0:32:00) 5e: Men at the gym wear their hair back… 

(0:33:05) 5f: Men… It ain’t about sex with the women. You wouldn’t even have to tell the woman to obey you… 

6 Feedback 

(0:33:55) Man: U.S. specific question? No! Around the world! … It wasn’t in his nature! 

(0:35:09) 6a: It used to be the woman’s nature became the man’s nature, but it’s the other way around now! 

(0:35:30) Doug: What changed? … Guys started obeying their wives… 

(0:37:11) Another man: (Might have mentioned “Baddies”?) Roles have changed. … Armenian. 

6bc: A young lady speaks… (0:40:05) JLP: Men online gossiping worse than the women, they say! 

(0:42:19) One of the men speaks… You can overcome. 

6-cont JLP: Men are the light, but a dark light! 

(0:42:52) 6dWomen can get better without the men! 

(0:44:01) 6e: You’re not supposed to force a woman to act like she should be acting! They’re as crazy as a doorknob! (0:44:29) Put some hot grits on you! Not inciting violence: I disavow! 

(0:44:55) 6f: Men, you’re the light. Women can’t follow a dark light! Christ never tried to make anything work! 

(0:45:40) 6g: You can’t just learn these things by rote! You have to be it! You are the light of the world. Return to the light. … 

Man on roommate and his girlfriend 

(0:46:37) Man: Women don’t care about cheating and money. They just want you to be a man. (0:47:52) She can resent him but stay… Man curses: How come I can’t find one like that? 

6-cont JLP: You’re the head 

(0:49:02) 6h: JLP: Think about the order of God. Woman can go to God without the man. Can’t hate husband. (0:49:33) 6i: Men, it’s abnormal, evil: You’re not supposed to be turning on each other. Have understanding. … Crying, on Oprah. 

6-cont JLP: A woman over the man? 

(0:52:05) 6j: In the good old days. A man never thought about having a woman over him. And women wouldn’t 

(0:53:55) 6k: JLP imitates… Noone in particular! They call you first mom, or second gentleman. 

(0:54:48) 6L: Men, find your way back. Women need you solid, not ready for sex! Point the way and be done. 

Muslims… the media… 

(0:55:18) 6M: Why Muslim countries don’t want the Western influence. JLP: They overdo it. You want them able to drive. You don’t want their face locked up in hot clothes… 

7 Are you in charge of your own world? 100-percent confidence? 

(0:56:28) 6n: It’s the media though. You can’t blame the media! We are responsible for ourselves! Parents of children! They can’t make you do anything! 

(0:57:33) Are you in charge of your own world? 

(0:58:34) Muslims judge us because of… (0:59:02) Do you have 100-percent confidence? 

(0:59:36) Manuel: Judging myself as part of a group. Kids gossiping at school. Mother: Tell them off. Daughter: What do I do? … I don’t have 100-percent confidence… 

(1:01:54) Paradise…. (1:03:16) Alex: We’re human… I can’t be like Christ. Why can’t you be like him? 

(1:04:20) Lady: No, I get distracted … (1:05:23) Another guy… Why not confidence in all things? (1:06:41) Was like Christ before, but not anymore. 

(1:07:13) Joel: No, still getting to know myself. I have confidence. Believe it’s possible. 

8 What have you learned? Full confidence? 

(1:07:35) What have you realized about yourself from being in these meetings? Vanessa: 39 years of wicked wisdom. Didn’t realize how evil… 

(1:09:02) Another gal: Forgave my parents … A lot of change… About two years ago 

(1:10:10) Third gal: I realized I’m crazy. No control over a situation… Craziness in my mind… 

(1:11:22) A man… Even when one thing doesn’t go my way… Enjoying life. 

(1:12:31) Omeed: Think my way through problems, but you don’t have to. (1:13:34) Do you have no fear? 

(1:13:56) Francisco … (1:14:55) Do you have total confidence? Franky sort of curses, no!… Believe you can have it? I don’t know. Christ was tempted. 

(1:17:01) How are things for you, now that you’re working on you? I’ve become real patient — with everybody. Not in control: Do you still want to be in control? Yes, while my kids are growing up. 

(1:18:08) Man: I learned I could overcome my mistakes. But I haven’t yet. I changed my perspective. I’m not a victim anymore. (1:18:59) Do you have full confidence? I think Jesus did have fear, he says. Are you going through your fears? How? 

Biblical Q: Innocent 

(1:20:07) Biblical Q: Why don’t you presume others innocent unless proven guilty? 

(1:21:20) Another man: I don’t even think OJ did it! 

9 JLP: All human beings are guilty of assuming 

(1:22:06) JLP story: Real life documentary… Man had friends and family turn on him. Everybody assumed he was guilty! They later found out he had nothing to do with it! He lost everything. 

(1:24:52) Daniel: Why do you assume they’re guilty? … If I know them, I know they’re guilty. (1:26:29) Joel: That’s not right. You’re judging. …. Young lady comments: People sometimes do change. (1:28:54) Franky… 

How do you see human nature? 

(1:29:56) How do you see human nature? … Why do you do the same thing? (1:30:54) Because I’m an idiot. 

(1:32:00) Daniel: Forget the 99 offenses… Judges and juries… Human nature is so wicked… like with your wife… (1:33:02) You beat your mama? 

(1:33:30) Franky, NOW thinking about confidence… Devil put the word in my head to give me courage… 

Hake assumes… All should be based on right now 

(1:34:01) Go to Hake… Hake assumes! Devil feeds you assumptions based on other stuff! 

(1:36:54) African gal has been assumed guilty … It should all be based on right now! 

Feedback, Questions 

(1:37:56) Quick Q&A: It’s possible to resist it period…. 

(1:38:27) Man on BQ… Also: Woke up at 5… listened to a guy on YouTube: “Sh— Life Syndrome” (he says “Crap Life Syndrome”) a new phenomenon… Bucket lists… You don’t want to be ambitious at all: (1:40:29) You’re crazy thinking about the thoughts and future. No sense of identity from it. Man: I feel like life is boring. Maybe I should make a practical bucket list. One goal at a time. You don’t want to become ambitious. 

(1:43:03) Daniel back to BQ: Jesus said no one is a prophet in his own land. Judgment! 

(1:45:15) Man in the spirit of weaving… Grandpa: Did you do it or not? Also: What have you learned? … Present moment… 

10 Assignment

(1:47:07) Assignment… Who still has fear? — 10a: If you want total confidence, and you’re supposed to have it… For one week: Shake in your boots, with nothing to rely on… Examples… Shake in fear, with nothing to rely on… Fear, worry, doubt, insecurity, loneliness, [uncertainty] … 

(1:49:35) Interesting week: The day before the election… 

(1:50:08) Gal… (1:50:56) Another gal: “To shake in my boots?” 

Stay with it… 

(1:51:17) 10b: JLP: Stay with it… You’ll be surprised — no, amazed. Everything you’ve been taught has been wrong. 

(1:52:49) 10cd: Point the way to overcome without judging… 

(1:55:27) 10e: Christ came that You might have perfect peace… 


  • 2024 theme: Want for nothing. 
  • 2024 assignment: This year, don’t let the thoughts bully you. 
  • 10/13/24 Daily Assignment: 24hrs: Don’t judge with words, looks, emotions, or thoughts. 
  • 8/25/24 Assignment: For one week, let the only evil you think of be your own. 
  • 8/25/24 try this: Never argue — with anyone. 
  • 9/1/24 Assignment: Completely surrender to thoughts. Feel it. Take the pain. 
  • 9/1/24 Assignment for Southern gal: For one week, don’t argue with anyone. 
  • 9-8-24 and 9-15-24 assignment: Don’t trust the thought. Let it overwhelm you. 
  • Late 2023 assignment: Notice the mind repeats itself, and that it’s all about self. 
  • Late 2023 assignment: Sit four minutes in your room in silence. 
  • March 10-17, 2024 assignment: Get rid of your heroes. Trust no one. 
  • May 19-26, 2024 assignment: If you feel anything, remember: It’s just a thought! No meaning. 
  • Jun 2-9, 2024 assignment/discussion: Watch the different demons inside you. 
  • Assignment from JLP show (Thu 6/20/24) Practice staying present. 
  • We’re not messing around this year. 

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