25 Feb Why Pain Stays After the Body Heals (Women’s Forum Report, Feb. 2019)
Jesse Lee Peterson’s nonprofit, BOND, holds a Women’s Forum for ladies only, third Thursday of the month, 7pm at our location in Los Angeles. Listen to Jesse talk about the meeting and the message of forgiveness on his radio show in the video above.
The body heals, but the pain stays…
Long after the body heals, the pain stays in the heart because you have not forgiven.
Forgive your fathers for being weak, and your mothers for being angry and turning you away from your fathers. Fathers leave mothers, because they don’t know how to handle the mothers — the two don’t get along. The father is not leaving the child; the father still cares about the child. So forgive your father, because you cannot know God unless you forgive your father. “No man comes to the Father except through the Son.” Salvation is about a return to the Father.
Testimonies from ladies
One lady talked about being honest with her parents, and told how they reacted to her. Another woman is going to meet her father for the first time — the mother doesn’t like it! She’s married already.
Jesse received a letter from a 13-year-old girl, talking about the things she believed that were not true — even things taught in school!
Thank you to the ladies who showed up at BOND for our monthly Women’s Forum!
(Our Men’s Forums and Women’s Forums are totally private — one of the only BOND functions we don’t stream online. And no one is allowed to spread anyone’s personal business discussed there.)
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SILENT PRAYER: SilentPrayer.video (YouTube) | Audio (SoundCloud)
CHURCH Sunday 11am PT (1pm CT / 2pm ET) rebuildingtheman.com/church
BOOKS: bondinfostore.org
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