Posted at 12:43h
Jesse allowed people to share their opinions on the conflict in Syria. President Trump ordered an American attack on a Syrian airbase after a reported chemical attack. We cannot trust the media or politicians who lie to us. They portray suffering of children to sway...
Posted at 12:20h
Men's Forum
Men's Forum: Jesse talked on his radio show Friday morning about our monthly Men’s Forum the prior evening. Men from around Southern California meet the first Thursday of the month, 7pm at BOND in Los Angeles.
We talk about things going on in our lives, how...
BOND founder and president, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, was interviewed on Sonlife Broadcasting Network on "Frances & Friends" with Frances Swaggart (wife of Jimmy Swaggart), and it was one of the most honest and straight up interviews he has ever done! There are still people...
Posted at 12:54h
Jesse talked about a new law in North Carolina allowing "transgender" people to go into the wrong restrooms and locker rooms in public schools and elsewhere. Gov. Roy Cooper acted as though this made sense, that it would protect kids from bullying....
Posted at 06:48h
Entrepreneur Academy
BOND (the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny), a Los Angeles based nonprofit founded by Jesse Lee Peterson, launched an Entrepreneurship Academy for Men & Boys (ages 15+) on March 28, 2017. Applicants for the program had to submit a one-page outline for their business...
Posted at 13:52h
A young man has lived several adult years with his mother, trying to build his career....
Posted at 07:37h
'Christians Try to Explain Salvation') We talked about what salvation is....
Posted at 07:46h
'Are People Born GAY?...
Posted at 05:16h
Men's Forum
Jesse talked on his radio show Friday about BOND monthly Men's Forum, held the night before, Thursday, March 6th. We've had new guys each month, many of whom read Jesse's articles or see him on YouTube.
We talked about Jesse's biblical question of last week, asking...
Posted at 05:14h
We had an interesting discussion about people who are late. Many people admitted to showing up late at times....