02 Feb Are you a memory worshiper? | Church 2/2/25
Practice being present. Nothing good about you. Are you a memory worshiper? You are not a sinner. Playing God...
Practice being present. Nothing good about you. Are you a memory worshiper? You are not a sinner. Playing God...
Fathers and children. It's happening in you, not to you! Fear is not from God. Live a life of no thinking. ...
What wakes you up? Cart return. Would you drink clean or poison water? You reach for thoughts, drinking poison! Do we choose hell or heaven? ...
CA fires: Govt wants this. Are you living from your mind or from your spirit? Trying to avoid hell, but it's the only way to heaven! ...
Lady went to a psychic! The world says… but God says… Feel the hell inside. Stop taking on identities. Skip the party! Do you have character? ...
How do you know you're submitting? Dealing with a tormenting mother. Working on the body, neglecting the spirit: A couple loves their misery!...
Santa Claus! Theme: Want for nothing. Who are you? Don't judge. Stay present. "I and my Father are one." But you're one with the Devil. ...
Doug opening: Fear and preference; JLP: Post Office anger; Duke lacrosse case; Did you find God, or He you? Don't condemn the world. ...
Leave your family. Are you a spirit? What is a spirit? Biblical Question: Have you discovered the traitor in you? Judas inside: Thought....
Let go of your ideas about morals. Couples: Evil women, weak men. Forgive. Standing up for yourself? Christians are atheists. ...