30 Mar 05/19/13 Is There a Difference Between Being Tempted and Being Tested?
When tempted by Satan, are you tested by God? Where is the Kingdom of Heaven? Creation waits for children of God to be revealed....
When tempted by Satan, are you tested by God? Where is the Kingdom of Heaven? Creation waits for children of God to be revealed....
[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text]Jesse Lee Peterson appeared as a guest on the Church Militant Channel "The Vortex" w/ host Michael Voris. The episode was streamed live on the Church Militant site. Michael Voris sits down with conservative radio host, pastor and broadcaster Jesse...
Have you ever taken on someone else's pain? What's the purpose of crying? Biblical Question: Do you have a showcase personality? ...
Believe no thought. Have you witnessed a miracle? JLP recounts one. You must be born again; you must forgive. John 3: 3-8 ...
All relationships are messed up; people have an agenda. Is there anything good in human nature? How do you overcome it?...
Do not listen to gossip; go to the person. Help free whites from fear of speaking up on race issues! The gov't divides so evil thrives. ...
Anyone with anger has fear. Are you all-in? Lose your "crappy life" to save it. What do men and women want from each other?...
What does it mean to keep your light burning? Some say Jesse bashes blacks too much. Identify with the spiritual, and not the physical. ...
We need love. Stay out of the imagination: Discernment vs. judgment. Are you a fighter? Does the Devil know he's the Devil?...
After the Boston Marathon bombing, we talk about the decline of society. 2 Cor 4: 7-18 — Do you have fear? Are you ever distressed? ...