Why Should We Care What People Say or Think About Us?

Do you doubt Santa? Enjoy Christmas! What are thoughts like? Thoughts are like bullies. What you think people think about you is in you!

Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Christmas Eve, Sunday, December 24, 2023 

||  See clips, links, and notes below. 

Do you believe in Christmas and Santa Claus? Is Christmas under attack? Is Christmas Pagan? Enjoy Christmas without identifying with it! 

What are thoughts like? What have you learned this year about thoughts? Husbands and wives shouldn’t correct or try to help one another too much when they’re tripping out in thoughts. Let them go through it. Only the truth can save you. You’re not God that you can save or help another person. 

Biblical Question: Why are we supposed to care what people say or think about us? 

Thoughts are like bullies. In 2024, don’t let the thoughts bully you. 

New BQ: What is wisdom? 


  • (0:00:00) Pre-service small talk: Merry Christmas! 
  • (0:01:46) Do you believe in Santa Claus? Doubters speak.
  • (0:14:21) Do you believe Christmas is under attack? Why is that? 
  • (0:16:46) (Young man believes in Santa. He just is!) 
  • (0:21:09) Is Christmas Pagan? (Mexicans and JLP recount childhood.) 
  • (0:27:05) What does Pagan mean? People researching vs enjoying moment
  • (0:32:37) JLP: Enjoy America. (January 6th, Three Wise Men)
  • (0:38:34) What are thoughts like? (Anger, Hell, Married couples…) 
  • (0:49:38) What you’ve learned about thoughts (Husbands, wives, “correcting” each other)
  • (1:09:28) More people on thoughts (You only want the truth to save you) 
  • (1:18:10) Good/bad thoughts (Young lady, Francisco, Doug, Joel Friday, Hake)
  • (1:31:28) Biblical Q: Why should we care what people say or think about us? 
  • (1:37:54) Bigg Bump on BQ, guest hosting and co-hosting with Hake
  • (1:41:42) JLP: Thoughts are like bullies. (Next year’s assignment)
  • (1:50:32) Let thoughts overwhelm you. Think you’re free? To live you must die. 
  • (2:01:18) Man concerned about his grandson. Man taught: “”Never steal.”
  • (2:06:07) New BQ: What is wisdom? (No radio shows till after New Year!)


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Church Notes

TIME STAMPS (Extensive)

  1. (0:00:00) Pre-service small talk
  2. (0:01:07) Welcome to Church
  3. (0:01:46) Do you believe in Christmas and Santa? Doubters speak. 
    • (0:02:20) Bigg Bump
    • (0:03:30) Boy was never taught about Santa. Spoil sport! 
    • (0:05:11) I believe in Christmas, I know there was a Saint Nick. We consumerize Santa, “Happy Holidays,” … He remembers around age 12 he stopped believing. He liked getting gifts from Santa as a kid. 
    • (0:07:30) Little girl says he’s kind of like a burglar. Where you get that idea? 
    • (0:08:30) Daniel says it’s for children, not adults. 
    • (0:10:09) Rochelle saw her mother bringing a bike, trying to convince her at 5. She told her son Brandon, don’t even think about a Santa. I worked all year… Her trauma traumatized her boy
    • (0:12:12) Rachel believed until 2nd grade. She recognized her mother’s handwriting. She taught Santa to her daughter, and wrote with the opposite hand. 
  4. (0:14:21) Do you believe Christmas is under attack? Why? Rachel: Anything Christian is… 
    • (0:15:25) Rochelle doesn’t know. She has 25 Christmas trees, including for her fish. 
    • (0:16:46) Young man believes in Santa. He just is! 
    • (0:17:26) Man believes it is under attack. Anything that can’t be proven is under attack, as with the Easter Bunny… His son believes. (0:19:04) JLP: proof, she has 25 trees. 
    • (0:19:18) Joel: Yes it is. People who don’t have anger doesn’t have joy, and Christmas is about Joy. People want to tear anything that has to do with ….
    • (0:19:58) No, I don’t believe, but I celebrate it. What’s the purpose? Jesus! My mother did it. 
  5. (0:21:09) Parents are supposed to provide memories. Christmas is under attack. We don’t have to give into it. People say Christmas is a secular idea. 
    • (0:22:46) Deborah comes for first time. She’s an anchor baby. They knew there was no Santa, as she was Mexican, but the white kids in Downey believed in Santa. It was fun. (0:25:07) Did you have a chimley (chimney) in Mexico? Daniel speaks as well They would bathe in tin bins. 
    • (0:26:32) Jesse recounts his childhood bathing. 
  6. (0:27:05) (1) Deborah says yes, Christmas as part of Christianity is under attack. Pagan nonsense. What does Pagan mean? Worshiping other gods. People are researching mass information, and accusing others of bowing to the tree. 
    • (0:28:49) Joel says even to research it is an angry person. Let it be light and easy. 
    • (0:29:27) Is there anything not Pagan? Randy gives a great answer. Merry Christmas, not Happy Holidays. 
    • (0:31:59) Deborah speaks on the traditions of men and the rabbit… 
  7. (0:32:37) JLP: This is America. Enjoy our country! They’ll have every holiday except Christmas! You don’t have to identify with something to enjoy it. 
    • (0:33:59) January 6th is for the three wise men, end of Christmas for Mexicans, Catholics, Orthodox, Armenians… 
  8. (0:38:34) What are thoughts like? Frederick talks about anger… Is there justification for anger? 
    • 0:43:00 Young wife and mother… holds onto the bad thoughts longer than the good ones. She heard Sean talk about breathing. She loves the hell she’s in, but she hates it. 
  9. (0:49:38) (2a) Husbands and wives try to help each other, correcting you. Let you go through it. (0:50:30) She’s happy Randy no longer tries to help her. You are not God. You cannot help me. 
    • (0:54:00) (2b) JLP says another statement
    • (0:55:16) Young black man: Bad thoughts are physically painful. The good ones feel good! I try to hold onto the good thoughts. 
    • (0:57:23) Another young husband: What have you learned about thoughts concerning you? He talks about he and his wife telling each other, “Bye demon.” 
    • (0:59:19) What have you realized about thoughts? … Rachel
    • (1:03:01) Rochelle: What have they been like, and what have you realized about thoughts? From Satan, to deceive me… Randy’s wife talks again… 
    • (1:09:28) Another young wife and mother struggled with “all thoughts are all lies.” … (1:11:48) When you see your husband in thoughts, do you correct him or leave him alone? (1:13:30) (2c) You want only the truth to save you. 
    • (1:14:35) Her husband Anthony says it clutters his mind like a dirty room. Good ones? I try to be even-keel. I correct her, because it’s necessary. When she’s in her own funk, but not going to hurt someone
  10. (1:18:10) Young lady’s been here almost 2 years. … Good thoughts? I try not to get a thrill. Bad thought? Random, evil. She’s 21 now. 
    • (1:20:16) Francisco… (1:22:30) Doug… Joel… 
    • (1:26:33) JLP: Be aware of yourself… How long did that last for you? 
    • (1:27:54) Hake: Sucked into good and bad thoughts. 
    • (1:30:49) Anthony: I no longer see myself as my thoughts
  11. (1:31:28) Biblical Question: Why are we supposed to care what people say or think about us? Young man answers… He realized people will think what they do. 
    • (1:35:00) Deborah, used to be a miniskirt hoochie mama. Her grandmother from Mexicali, and her grandparents from Alabama, told her about modesty. Her parents were from the 60s, so they didn’t care. (1:37:10) She cares now, wanting to represent her Jesus, abstain from the appearance of all evil. 
    • (1:37:54) Bigg Bump says we shouldn’t. He doesn’t, but did. He does pay attention to their critique, as they tell you the truth about yourself. (1:39:19) JLP recalls Bigg Bump talking like Ben Carson. What’d he think? Before that, he was fine, but it threw him off. He brings good info. (1:40:22) There were 29 black slaveowners in a specific county, 50 or more in Kentucky… 
  12. (1:41:42) (3) JLP: Got a sales call. She was like a bully. Sales people impose on you. They have to seal the date, because they don’t want you to change your mind. Thoughts are like bullies. They always impose on you. Another story of making a deal with a person. … Stop letting thoughts bully you. It’s just a thought — they have no power. … Even with the truth. Thoughts will bully you with the truth. It’s intellectual. It reminds you of the Bible. … Like husbands and wives. Thoughts will remind you of the person. This year coming up: Stop letting the bully bully you. 
    • (1:46:20) JLP on BQ: It’s the thought has us thinking we know what others are thinking of us! Stop believing thoughts, stop thinking, and you won’t think about what other people are thinking. It’s happening to you, inside of you. You’re thinking about what other people are thinking. 
    • (1:46:20) Randy… Jesse continues… People pretend to love you when they hate you, just to get what they want. 
    • (1:48:49) Deborah: When you start focusing on the Lord, and dress modestly, you don’t think about it, because you’re doing right … Her parents were hippies, but her grandparents’ fits stuck with her. 
  13. (1:50:32) (4) Randy’s wife goes into the closet when her thoughts overtake her and she’s angry. She thinks about her thoughts. Next time. Being aware within yourself what’s going on. Let it happen and overwhelm you. Don’t run from it at all. 
    • (1:55:36) JLP counseled with a man who stayed away from women, and thought he was free. He listened to a thought that lied to him. … Randy’s wife speaks again… (1:58:57) She knows the thoughts in her head are not her thoughts. She always said her body’s her temple, so the things in her are not supposed to be there. JLP: The Devil comes as a nice spirit, but he knows how to get you. He doesn’t play games. They’re happening in your world. You must die. 
  14. (2:01:18) Frederick’s son died at 21. His grandson got stuff from his mother. JLP: When he acts not manly, don’t make it a big deal. God’s working through you. Don’t worry about what she’ll do to him. That’s thoughts from Satan. Overcome the imagination. 
  15. (2:03:31) Daniel also touches on the BQ: His grandparents said: Never steal. You don’t want to be known as a thief…  Why you stole… Jesse (2:05:50) JLP: When you get told not to do 
  16. (2:06:07) New BQ: What is wisdom? 
    • (2:09:15) (7a) All you’ve thought has been a lie. 

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