21 May Is It Wrong to Admit You’re a Phony? | Church 5/21/23
Light does not fight with darkness. Felt angry: Did I really forgive? Is it wrong to admit you're a phony? Do you have a reason to live? ...
Light does not fight with darkness. Felt angry: Did I really forgive? Is it wrong to admit you're a phony? Do you have a reason to live? ...
Do you have the Holy Spirit? Are you born with it, or do you have to ask for it? We read passages. Christians are allowing darkness to rule! ...
What is life not about? If you weren't named at birth, who'd you be? Die daily from layers of illusion, false identity. ...
Author Dave Anderson urges godly desire rather than self-satisfaction. JLP offers people questions to ponder about the Holy Spirit. ...
Biblical Question: Does your life make sense? Did Jesus rise or die first? Rise by forgiving; then God gives the power to die (from the ego)....
How do you gain wisdom? Fear the Lord by reflecting on what He's done for you. With anger, you lack the boldness of Christ. ...
JLP tells a story: Trying to fit in vs standing alone. Biblical Q: Why do you value your fear? Welcome fear. Sit in it. It's not you. ...
Have you ever asked yourself why it's so easy to fall away after keeping the commandments for a time? Keep your mind set on God. ...
Identities are demons. Don't treat titles differently. What is a friend? One with anger is your enemy. What separates you from God? Thoughts....
Many Christians lack gratitude. Some are shy about their birthday! Learning enslaves you, while discovery frees you. Rejoice in the Lord!...