What Does It Mean, ‘Do Not Do What You Hate’? (Church 4/26/20)

Church with Jesse Lee Peterson, Sunday, April 26, 2020: We conduct the Sunday service online-only once again, taking calls, questions and comments via Super Chat, and sharing special messages. Don’t give up or believe you’re not born again, just because you give into temptation. You’re growing. People talk about their struggles with smoking pot, lust, anger, etc. One man felt alienated from his siblings. Another worried that he lost everything due to the coronavirus. Toward the end, Jesse answers his Biblical Question: What does it mean, “Do not do what you hate”? Then he asks a new Biblical Question for this week: Why is it easier for most people to believe a lie over the truth?


Don't Fall for It (Church Clip 4/26/20)

CLIP: An Encouraging Message re: Old Habits & Covid (15 min.)

In Jesse’s opening monologue, he answers a question he was asked this week. Just because you may fall into repeating your old habits, drinking, sexing, smoking pot, lying, cheating… does that mean you’re not born again? No — you are growing. Stay with prayer and forgive. Jesse also encourages people to think for themselves amid this coronavirus crisis. Pastor Bill Lockwood pointed out that many are looking for a world government to provide “universal health care”! This is not the way!


Church with Jesse Lee Peterson streams live video Sunday 11 AM PT. Join us in-person 10:30 AM (JUST NOT DURING THE LOCKDOWN TIME!) at BOND in Los Angeles https://rebuildingtheman.com/church 

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