01 Jan Silent Prayer
"Be still, and know that I am God." Christ rose early to pray alone. Jesus said: Watch and pray, so that you do not fall into temptation. ...
"Be still, and know that I am God." Christ rose early to pray alone. Jesus said: Watch and pray, so that you do not fall into temptation. ...
Do not have expectations. Best-kept secret: Mothers, not fathers, destroy children. Who’s stronger: Men or women? We discuss Jesse's Biblical Questions....
One woman who had learned to forgive her mother, and see life more clearly, has recently become withdrawn and shut-down, because of listening to Satan who does not want to let her go....
Jesse allowed people to share their opinions on the conflict in Syria. President Trump ordered an American attack on a Syrian airbase after a reported chemical attack. We cannot trust the media or politicians who lie to us. They portray suffering of children to sway...
On his radio show, Jesse interviewed NASCAR driver Robert Bakke, author of Prayer at Full Throttle: How Performance-Based Prayer Makes Miracles Happen. Robert is also an aerobatic flight instructor, private jet captain, black belt and founder of Robert Bakke Ministries. He speaks in schools, churches...
(Watch 8-minute excerpt) At church, Jesse talked about evil he saw in people, but he has compassion on those driven by it. One woman said she suffered sexual abuse as a child and does not forgive. She will not pray consistently. One young man was raped...