22 Dec Was Jesus Weak? (Church 12/22/19)
Should men show weakness? Was Jesus weak? An alpha male is weak to God, not the world. Do you judge? You better! Biblical Question: Are you an open person?...
Should men show weakness? Was Jesus weak? An alpha male is weak to God, not the world. Do you judge? You better! Biblical Question: Are you an open person?...
Jesse's Biblical Question: Which is the right way to deal with all people: with compassion or dispassion? Was Jesus compassionate or dispassionate? ...
People sometimes take on the identity of a preacher person they admire and don't realize they're not being themselves. At Church, some people talk about fear of facing and dealing with their mothers. ...
An African brother and sister visit from Canada! Forgive and being honest with evil mothers. Do not judge yourself when you fall into anger. ...
We had some great questions about forgiving parents, mothers letting adult children go, and young men and women becoming independent....
Great Content of Character Series in Fremont, CA! What do you believe? “If you confess with your mouth...
Congrats on weddings! What is the American Dream? Reading from 1 Corinthians 2. Should you respect your elders? Next Biblical Question: Was Christ created? ...
Atheists see evil and find God. It's wrong to accept homosexuality. Be a living example, not a wordy example. Biblical Question: What do you care about? ...
Sunday Service, January 4, 2009: Jesse Lee Peterson discusses on last year's theme: Practicing the Presence. Pray. Speak up! The new year's theme: Endurance...
Save 10%! Consider the birds. George Putnam was not afraid, but warned us. Elijah Cummings died! Be honest, not nice. Forgive mothers and return to fathers!...