25 Jul 07/25/21 Evil Mothers, Weak Fathers, Angry Sons and Daughters
We deal with several weak fathers, evil mothers, and angry sons and daughters. Do you try to be your personal best? Have shame!...
We deal with several weak fathers, evil mothers, and angry sons and daughters. Do you try to be your personal best? Have shame!...
We follow-up on the issue of gossip, then discuss prominent black Americans' hatred for America. Face the truth with no resistance....
In Matthew 13, Jesus tells a parable of a sower, why most fall away, but the seed takes root in some. Take the pain. Are women evil?...
BOND Archive Sunday Service, July 1, 2012: Do you gossip? Do you listen to gossip? Can you be trusted? Go to the person and forgive....
Christians are pathetic, and the world is going to hell! A little girl is afraid of her father. God is not passionate. ...
BOND Sunday Service, June 24, 2012: Jesse Lee Peterson talks at-length with a married couple whose relationship has grown bitter with anger....
Happy Independence Day! Men and women are not “equal.” That’s Satan’s word! Biblical Question: Do you believe history repeats itself?...
Sunday Service from Father's Day 2012: Jesse Lee Peterson warns people to deal with issues with their fathers while they live....
What it means to confess your sin (1 John 1: 9); the difference between sin and unrighteousness; the intellect's purpose...
BOND Sunday Service, June 10, 2012: Jesse Lee Peterson talks about disunity among Christians, referencing James 4: 1-12...