17 Feb Angry Men & Women Are Like Their Mothers (Church, Feb 17, 2019)
At Church, we talked Jussie Smollett, Women's March, weak men, divorce, stepparents, sex, group-thinking, and how anger makes people like their mothers. ...
At Church, we talked Jussie Smollett, Women's March, weak men, divorce, stepparents, sex, group-thinking, and how anger makes people like their mothers. ...
Sunday, April 13, 2008: How Do You Recognize the Voice of God? Hating evil: Is overcoming anger a process? Pray without ceasing. How do you repent?...
Free stuff kills your nature. Mothers turn kids from fathers. Kids don't accept stepparents. Sex is not love — wait until marriage. Drop anger and forgive....
Watch your wrong motives for "seeking God." There is no such thing as purpose. A Virginia abortion bill shows when men are weak, women make bad decisions. ...
A middle-aged man going through divorce, a woman not on the same page with her fiancé, overcoming issues without suffering, anger, Slender Man, and Iyanla!...
At Church, we covered the Women's March and the lack of values of young people. Speak up, overcome anger and fear, and live right, setting a good example. ...
Are we special? What's wrong with too much knowledge? Stand up against immorality. We touched on immoral Democrat women elected by demoralized voters. We also talked about the 10 Commandments....
At Church we talked about forgiveness, dealing with mothers and relationships, taking responsibility for your life, and stopping sex before marriage and sin. ...
One woman should move out from her live-in boyfriend. A mother of two is distressed, years into her arranged marriage. A third woman is upset after judging her husband. ...
At Church, we asked why women always try to "save" somebody! In the new year, we want to get men not to be weak with people. Don't be in a comfort zone! ...