18 Jan A Wedding at BOND | Archive 12/8/13
Jesse Lee Peterson talks about BOND, anger, and marriage, and then officiates a wedding in the second half of Church! ...
Jesse Lee Peterson talks about BOND, anger, and marriage, and then officiates a wedding in the second half of Church! ...
The world brings you up and down. Emergencies are in your mind. Why are you an idol worshiper? Because of thoughts! ...
Family conflict: A lack of truth and forgiveness! Pray quietly and let God guide you. Do you have compassion? What is it? ...
The mindset that accepts insanity; Unseen power in love; Creativity without thoughts? Everything Christ went through, we must as well. ...
Have you changed? We discuss Forgiveness, Prayer, Love… 2023 theme: When you disappear, heaven will appear. The false "you" must die. ...
Which do you prefer: To have stress or to be nobody? When will the Kingdom of Heaven come? When you disappear. Keep your eyes on you. ...
Only God can wake you up. But you prevent seeing with anger, ego, and knowledge. Oprah lied to her followers! Romans 13: 11-14 — Wake up! ...
The best life is that of uncertainty. The intellect deceives with knowledge. If you believe God forgave your sins, why do you feel guilty? ...
Trust the Spirit within: No other source! Present your body a living sacrifice dedicated to God. Should boys be taken to Hooters restaurant?...
Is it okay to say, "I'm not perfect"? What should a woman want? Seek first the Kingdom, not a man. The mind is not your friend, but a setup!...