10 Nov What Is the American Dream? (Church 11/10/19)
Congrats on weddings! What is the American Dream? Reading from 1 Corinthians 2. Should you respect your elders? Next Biblical Question: Was Christ created? ...
Congrats on weddings! What is the American Dream? Reading from 1 Corinthians 2. Should you respect your elders? Next Biblical Question: Was Christ created? ...
Atheists see evil and find God. It's wrong to accept homosexuality. Be a living example, not a wordy example. Biblical Question: What do you care about? ...
Sunday Service, January 4, 2009: Jesse Lee Peterson discusses on last year's theme: Practicing the Presence. Pray. Speak up! The new year's theme: Endurance...
Save 10%! Consider the birds. George Putnam was not afraid, but warned us. Elijah Cummings died! Be honest, not nice. Forgive mothers and return to fathers!...
What is the cause of your effect? Jesse tells of an encounter with a bank security guard. "Newlyweds" come on-stage! Does a mean mother deserve forgiveness?...
A white female cop sentenced to ten years in shooting her neighbor after mistaking him for an intruder. Can you disagree without affecting your friendships? ...
Examples of being hypnotized: Believing the Bible is the Word of God; Justifying abortion as “my body, my choice.” Anyone with anger is blind....
Jordan Peterson entered rehab to quit anxiety drugs. Is it normal for human beings to take antidepressant medication? Is it mental illness or spiritual? ...
This week a Christian pastor Jarrid Wilson reportedly committed suicide. What's the purpose of being born again if you're still "depressed" with no peace?...
Millennials are talented, but selfish, on their cell phones at work, taking things personally, can't handle pressure. But some are waking up! ...