22 Apr Were We Created to Die? (Church, Apr 22)
At Church, we talked about whether human beings were created to die, whether we have to die. We also talked with several people living with boyfriend or girlfriend before marriage....
At Church, we talked about whether human beings were created to die, whether we have to die. We also talked with several people living with boyfriend or girlfriend before marriage....
In John 8:34, Jesus said that "everyone who sins is a slave to sin." Jesse's Biblical Question of the Week: Are you a slave to sin?...
We dealt with a suicidal young man, fear of God, reaction to President Trump's bombing of Syria, the concepts of trust and freedom lacking today....
Jesse asks if you have anger, why do you give "spiritual advice"? Should men be "best friends" with women? Don't gossip at or about Church! Know yourself. ...
Are you doing greater works than Jesus? At Church on Easter, a number of new people joined us. One man forgave his parents and thanked Jesse....
Jesse talked about questioning anti-gun protestors at March for Our Lives in L.A., then talked alpha/beta, forgiving mothers, overcoming emotions, and prayer....
Can you serve two masters? One man said he loved his daughters more than God and held anger toward his wife. The only way to please God is to have no doubt....
At church, Jesse talked with newcomers about anger, forgiveness of parents and of self, alpha males versus beta males, and dealing with unreasonable people. One man in his mid-fifties said his father told him he'd never amount to anything. He didn't talk with him for years,...
Jesse shared his Biblical Question of the Week: Were you born a sinner? We discussed this at Church as well as on Jesse's daily show. You were not born a sinner. Christians say that human beings are born in sin, but what does that mean? It...
Listen to this excellent testimonial in the video. Jesse Lee Peterson's producer James takes a call from Ignacio, a 27-year-old man from Mexico...