08 Jul Are You Convinced That Every Thought Is a Lie? (Church, Jul 7, 2019)
Happy White History Month! Are you convinced that every thought is a lie? Do habits go away right after you're born again? We don't know right from wrong! ...
Happy White History Month! Are you convinced that every thought is a lie? Do habits go away right after you're born again? We don't know right from wrong! ...
BOND Sunday Service, originally aired August 17, 2008: Jesse Lee Peterson discusses the question at Church: Who is Jesus, and what does He mean to you? ...
Do not have expectations. Best-kept secret: Mothers, not fathers, destroy children. Who’s stronger: Men or women? We discuss Jesse's Biblical Questions....
BOND Sunday Service, originally aired August 10, 2008: How do you put God first? There’s no such thing as problems. You must truly admit that you are wrong....
Jesse talked with mothers about anger and their children. Be right by having God’s nature, perfect love. Love people by letting them suffer, for their sake....
BOND Sunday Service, from July 27, 2008: Jesse asks if people remember the prior Sunday's assignment. Watch yourself to see if you are affected by words. ...
Happy Father’s Day! Live from within; life is simple and amazing. You are tempted by what you hate. People wanting to fit in are yearning for the Father. ...
July 2008 Church: Are you affected by words? Jesse Jackson on a hot mic accused Obama of "talking down to black people...
[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text]We offer Church via live video stream Sunday 11am Pacific Time (from Los Angeles) on YouTube, Facebook, Periscope, DLive, and now Twitch! You can also join us in-person at our current BOND location at 6146 W Pico Blvd,...
At Church, people talked about pot use and other drugs! We also discussed the questions: Do you fear God? Do you sin? What does it mean to believe in Jesus? ...