03 Aug Forgiveness: How Do You Go from Agreeing to Believing?
How do you go from agreeing with "forgiveness" to believing and actually doing it? Jesus said: because you claim to see, your sin remains. ...
How do you go from agreeing with "forgiveness" to believing and actually doing it? Jesus said: because you claim to see, your sin remains. ...
Are you afraid of dying? "Dying" is just a word. Did you forgive your mother? What demons look like: Thoughts, emotions, gossip, judgment. ...
What do you want to be? Through God, "we are more than conquerors," but Christians today are losing! Intellectual knowledge is not enough. ...
Christianity's hated because darkness hates light. Biblical Question: Are you a slave to your thoughts? Stop trying to control things. ...
How do you know homosexuality is wrong? Do you know when you're judging yourself and others? Do you ever fall into guilt? Does it help? ...
We discuss "Revolver" again, which reflects the world living in their imagination! Biblical Question: From where do you get your security?...
With fear, you cannot please God, who gave us a Spirit of power. Men are even afraid of women today! Fearful people don't love their fathers....
Do you ever feel shy, or afraid of anyone? All with anger have fear. You and your insanity are one. You cannot know God in your identities....
Do not always "help" nor ever feel sorry for others! How do you enter the narrow gate? Take the ego pain without reaching for anything. ...
The movie Revolver shows how Satan works the mind, pretending to be you. Are you an individual? Do you keep God's greatest commandment? ...