25 Aug What Does God Think of You? (Church, Aug 25, 2019)
At Church, we talk about the Straight Pride Rally, Biblical Questions: Difference between Christian and non-Christian? And: What does God think of you?...
At Church, we talk about the Straight Pride Rally, Biblical Questions: Difference between Christian and non-Christian? And: What does God think of you?...
The world demoralizes you to control you. Biblical Question: What's the difference between a Christian and a non-Christian? Also: How does God see you? ...
Should you study the Bible to show yourself approved? The intellect is of Satan. What does it mean to fear God? What is a white supremacist? ...
At Church we talk about the mass shootings and why evil attacks men. Jesse helps show young women how to forgive their mothers. Should you study the Bible?...
2008 church discussion on the economic crisis, bailouts, welfare, and dishonest politicians. Christians should pay attention, and not trust phony leaders. ...
Overcome words and thoughts; resist the temptation to judge. In anger, you're in darkness and cannot see what you're doing. Example: Haters attacking Trump...
BOND Sunday Service from September 28, 2008: We touch on lying government, the financial crisis, yearning for fathers, and mothers unknowingly harming kids....
You could be brainwashed to accept wrong as right, and not know it — if you're not aware. Don't get excited about other people. Fight back, but don't hate....
Relax and go through whatever you have to go through. Judgment keeps the not-you alive in you. Stay with prayer; seek God first and He will add unto you....
What does your "love" feel like? A young actor seems to give up his calling. Seek God, not your "calling." Biblical Question: What does hell look like?...